GUARD: One con under escort.
Open gate one.
Man walking.
Open gate two.
Let's go. Face the wall.
Got one under escort.
- WOMAN: Good morning.
- DANNY: Morning.
Please state your
name for the Record.
Daniel Ocean.
Thank you.
Mr. Ocean, The purpose of this
hearing is to determine...
...whether, if released, you are
likely to break the law again.
While this was your first conviction,
you have been implicated,
...though never charged, over a dozen other
confidence schemes and frauds.
What can you tell us about this?
As you say, ma'am,
I was never charged.
MAN: Mr. Ocean, what we're
trying to find out is...
...was there a reason you
chose to commit this crime...
...or was there a reason why you
simply got caught this time?
My wife left me. I was upset.
I got into a self-destructive pattern.
WOMAN 2: If released,
is it likely you..
Would fall back into
a similar pattern?
She already left me once.
I don't think she'll do
it again just for kicks.
WOMAN 1: Mr. Ocean,
what do you think you
would do if released?
- DANNY: Chips, please.
- WOMAN: Sure.
Change 150. Would you like
Quarters or nickels?
Quarters are fine.
- Good luck.
- Thank you.
20. Dealer has 19.
Good start.
All right, I'm going
on break now.
Here. Thank you very much.
Thank You.
- Good luck.
- You have a good one.
- How are you, sir?
- Hello, Frank.
I beg your pardon, sir.
You must have me confused
with someone else.
My name is Ramón.
As you can see right here.
- It's my mistake.
- No problem, sir.
The table's cold anyway.
You might want to try
the lounge at Caesars.
Gets busy after 1:00.
- 1:00?
- Yes, sir.
Thanks, Ramón.
Thank you.
FRANK: Checking up
on current events?
Glad to meet you.
Frank Catton can't get
past the gaming board.
- You just got out?
- This afternoon.
You seen him?
Last I heard he was teaching
movie stars how to play cards.
You have a plan already?
Are you kidding?
I just became a citizen again.
Officer Brooks, this
is Danny Ocean.
I was told to contact
you within 24 hours.
No, sir, I haven't been
getting in trouble.
No, sir, I haven't been drinking.
No, sir, I wouldn't even think
about leaving the state.
TOPHER: Hey, Russ! Rusty.
What's up, man?
TOPHER: Let me ask you a question.
Are you incorporated?
Bro, OK. If you're not, you
should really think about it.
'Cause I was talking to
my manager last night,
RUSTY: Bernie?
No. Not Bernie.
My business manager.
Actually, you know what
they're both named Bernie.
Anyway he was telling
me that because what
we do could be considered
like a research...
...for like a future gig or whatever, I
could totally make it a tax write-off.
The one thing is, and this is like..
This his thing and it's stupid...
...but I'd have to pay you by cheque.
Lets.. or we could
just stick to cash.
Yeah, let's.. Yeah, let's
just stick to cash.
♪ Cha cha cha ♪
♪ Don't y'know that I love ya? ♪
♪ Cha cha cha cha cha ♪
♪ Always thinking of ya ♪
RUSTY: We'll begin
with five-card draw.
Everyone remember
five-card draw?
- Oh Yeah! Oh Yeah! Yeah!
- Who wants to start us out?
- Josh?
- Yeah!
RUSTY: Josh. To the left.
Deal to your left.
- Shane?
- Hit me.
- It's not blackjack.
- Dude!
Looking at them doesn't change them.
You know what you have.
- Josh. Left. Left.
- Left, Left...
I'll get that. I'll get that.
RUSTY: Lady bets.
Let's keep it moving.
- Blue, that's a 50.
- I'll call?
RUSTY: Okay. All right.
RUSTY: Shane's calling.
50. Here it is.
What the hell, it's only
pocket change. Right.
How you bet is your business.
You want to make them
think you're betting for a reason.
- Yeah, thanks, man.
- Okay.
- Right. Right
- All right, How many?
You don't want four.
You wanna fold.
- I wanna fold?
- Fold.
Is that good?
OK. You're done.
Let's take that.
- What do you doing.
- You're done.
...and dealer will take 3.
You're done. Shane,
you got three pairs.
Yeah! You can't
have three pairs.
You can't have six cards
in a five-card game.
- Maybe one was mine.
- Wasn't me.
Fellas! Fellas!
All reds.
What up, dog?
All right man.
TOPHER: I'm gonna love
spending your money.
I'm gonna get my car washed.
♪ Come to our projects ♪
♪ bout fo' in the morning ♪
♪ So I can tell you what ♪
♪ be going on there ♪
♪ One block gunshots ♪
♪ some hot stuff ♪
♪ Sell it to you for a buck, ♪
♪ boy that ain't enough ♪
♪ Handcuffs on your brother man... ♪
How's the game going?
Longest hour of my life.
I'm running away with your wife.
♪ Hookers for hire, ♪
♪ look at the plywood ♪
♪ On the building where ♪
♪ termites is living ♪
♪ My wife sleeps peacefully, ♪
♪ it ain't easy to me ♪
♪ Cause I'm... ♪
DANNY: It's hard
to do, isn't it?
Crossing over, from
television to film?
TOPHER: Not for me, dude.
Oh, Hey, Russ.
We got another player...
...if that's cool with you.
TOPHER: Mr. Ocean, What
do you do for a living?
If you don't mind me asking.
Why would I mind you asking?
Two cards.
I just got out of prison.
Really? Why were you in prison?
I stole things.
JOSH: You stole things?
Like, uh, jewels?
Incan matrimonial head masks.
Any money in those
Incan matrimonial...?
Head masks. Some.
Don't let him fool you.
There's boatloads,
if you can move them.
I'll take one.
But you can't.
My fence seemed
confident enough.
RUSTY: If you're dealing with
cash, you don't need a fence.
Some people just lack vision.
Probably everybody
in cell block E.
That's $500.
Guys, what's the first
lesson in poker?
Um, never bet on the, uh...
No. Leave emotion at the door.
That's right., Topher.
Today's lesson, How to
draw out the bluff.
That much money,
this early in the game...
I'm saying, he's holding nothing
better than a pair of face cards.
All right.
I fold.
- Josh?
- Don't worry, I'm game.
I will see your $500 and I
will raise you another...
...$500 of my own.
RUSTY: That's a
handsome bet Josh.
But be careful we don't wanna
push him too high too fast.
Want to keep him on the leash.
- Holly?
- Call.
- Call.
- Call.
And I'll call.
DANNY: I'll see your $500
and raise you $2000.
Guys, you're free to do what you like.
It's a lot of money.
But I'm staying in.
He's trying to buy his
way out of his bluff.
- Josh?
- Two.
Thattagirl. Call.
- Call.
- Call.
RUSTY: Let's see them.
DANNY: I'm not sure
what four nines does,
but the ace, I think,
is pretty high.
JOSH: Thanks for the tip
on calling off a bluff.
FAN: Hey, Topher! How about an
autograph? Come on, real quick.
- God, I'm bored.
- You look bored.
I am bored.
So, how was the clink?
You get the cookies I sent?
Why do you think I
came to see you first?
- So tell me.
- It's tricky.
It's never been done before.
It'll need planning and a large crew.
- Guns?
- Not exactly.
Lot of security.
But the take...
- What's the target?
- Eight figures each.
What's the target?
When was the last time
you were in Vegas?
What? You want to
knock over a casino?
The vault at the Bellagio.
RUSTY: Well, If I'm reading this
right, and I like to think I am...
...this is probably the least
accessible vault ever designed.
You said three casinos?
These feed into the cages at the Mirage and
MGM Grand, but every dime ends up there.
The Bellagio and the Mirage.
These are Terry
Benedict's places.
Yes, they are.
- You think he'll mind?
- More than somewhat.
You'd need at least a dozen guys
doing a combination of cons.
Like what, you think?
Well, off the top of my head,
I'd say you're looking at..
...a Boesky, a Jim Brown...
...a Miss Daisy, Two
Jethros, and a Leon Spinks.
Not to mention the biggest
Ella Fitzgerald ever.
Where do you think you're gonna
get the money to back this?
We're hitting these three casinos,
we'll get our bankroll.
Benedict's got a long
list of enemies.
Yeah, but enemies with loose
cash and nothing to lose?
- Reuben.
- Reuben.
DANNY: Oscar, lower it a bit,
would you?
Sorry. You guys done up here?
Find what you want?
We'll take these home for the night
to make some copies, if it's all right?
- Whatever you need.
- Appreciate it.
I need a reason.
And don't say money.
Why do this?
Why not do it?
Because yesterday I walked
out of the joint after...
...losing four years of my life,
and you're cold-decking
'Teen Beat' cover boys.
Because the house always wins.
You play long enough, never changing
stakes, the house takes you.
Unless, when that perfect hand
comes around, you bet big.
And then you take the house.
You're been practicing
that speech,
- haven't you?
- A little bit. Did I rush it?
- It felt like I rushed it.
- No, it was good. I like it.
The 'Teen Beat' thing was harsh.
I wonder what Reuben will say.
REUBEN: You're out
of your goddamn minds!
Are you listening to me?
You're both of you nuts!
I know more about casino security
than any man alive. I invented it.
And it cannot be beaten.
They got cameras, they got
watchers, they got locks...
...they got timers,
they got vaults.
They got enough armed
personnel to occupy Paris!
Okay, bad example.
It's never been tried.
Oh, "it's never been tried"!
It's been tried.
A few guys even came close.
You know the three most successful
robberies in the history of Vegas?
REUBEN: Number three,
the bronze medal.
Pencilneck grabs a
lockbox at the Horseshoe.
MAN: Hey, Hey. Grab that guy.
Grab the the suit!
He got two steps closer to the door
than any living soul before him.
MAN: Hey, leave the money!
Second most successful robbery,
The Flamingo in '71 . This guy
actually tasted fresh oxygen...
...before they grabbed him.
Of course, he was breathing out
of a hose for the next three weeks.
Goddamn hippie.
And the closest any
man has ever come... robbing a Las Vegas casino,
was outside of Caesars in '87.
He came...
...he grabbed...
...they conquered.
But what am I saying?
You guys are pros. The best.
I'm sure you can make
it out of the casino.
Of course, lest we forget...
...once you're out
the front door,
you're still in the middle
of the fucking desert!
You're right. He's right.
Reuben, you're right.
Our eyes were bigger
than our stomachs.
That's exactly what it is.
Pure ego.
REUBEN: Yeah, Yeah,
Yeah, blah, blah. Blah.
- Thank you for lunch.
- The nicoise was delicious.
Sorry we bother you.
Look, we all go way back and...
...I owe you from the thing
with the guy in the place.
...and I'll never forget it.
- It was our pleasure.
- I'd never been to Belize.
Give Dominic your addresses,
I got some remaindered
furniture I wanna send you.
Look just out of curiosity,
which casinos did you
geniuses pick to rob?
DANNY: The Bellagio, the
Mirage and the MGM Grand.
Those are Terry
Benedict's casinos.
- Is that right?
- That's right.
You guys,
What do you got against
Terry Benedict?
What do you have against
him, that's the question.
He torpedoed my casino.
Muscled me out.
Now he's gonna blow
it up next month to...
...make way for
some gaudy monstrosity.
Don't think I don't see
what you're doing.
What are we doing, Reuben?
If you're gonna steal from Terry
Benedict, you better goddamn know.
This sorta thing used
to be civilized.
You'd hit a guy,
he'd whack you. Done.
But with Benedict...
At the end of this, he'd better
not know you're involved.
Not know your names,
or think you're dead.
Because he'll kill you, and then
he'll go to work on you.
That's why we need to be
very careful, very precise.
Hmm. Well-funded.
Yeah, you gotta be nuts, too.
And you're gonna need a
crew as nuts as you are.
Who do you got in mind?
- RUSTY: Alright. Who's in?
- DANNY: Frank C is in.
Frank C. has developed a bad
case of bronchitis and... putting in for a transfer
to warmer climates.
DANNY: What about drivers?
RUSTY: I talked to the
Malloys yesterday.
- Mormon twins?
- Hmm.
They're both in Salt Lake
City, six months off the job.
I got the sense they're having
trouble filling the hours.
- Waiting, sweetheart. Just waiting.
- Good. Go.
- Waiting for you.
- What do you want?
Ow little girl.
You're like a little girl!
I'm going to get out the car and drop
you like third-period French. Okay.
- Stop talking.
- Relax.
- DANNY: Electronics?
- RUSTY: Livingston Dell.
Livingston's been doing
freelance surveillance work...
...of late for the F.B.I.
Mob Squad.
- How are his nerves?
- Okay. Not so bad you'd notice.
FBI MAN #1: Let see we can move
in a little bit on this one.
D-don't, don't-don't...
touch... that.
FBI MAN #2: Why not?
Um, do you see me grabbing your
gun out of your holster...
...and just waving it around?
Hey, RadioShack. Relax.
RUSTY: Munitions.
- Phil Turentine.
- Dead.
- No shit? On the job?
- Skin cancer.
- You send flowers?
- Dated his wife for a while.
Basher's in town.
There may be an issue
with availability.
BASHER: All right, chaps...
hang on to your knickers.
Oh, leave it out!
You tossers!
You had one job to do!
COP: That's all you used in the
event, right? Nothing else?
BASHER: Hang on, are you
accusing me of booby-trapping?
Well, how about it?
RUSTY: Booby traps aren't
Mr. Tarr's style. Isn't that right?
Peck, A.T.F.
Let me venture a guess.
Simple G-4 mainliner, back wound,
quick fuse with a drag under 20 feet.
Yeah. Let me ask you
something else.
You search this scumbag, for
booby traps on his person?
I mean really checked,
not just for weapons...
- Stand back.
- Oi.
Here we go.
Go find Griggs and tell
him I need to see him?
COP: Who?
Just find him, will you?
- Hey Bash!
- Hey Russ!
How fast can you put something
together with what I slip you?
It's done.
Hey, is Danny about?
Yeah. He's waiting
around the corner.
Ahh, terrific. It'll be nice working
with proper villains again.
RUSTY: Everybody down!
Get down!
BASHER: They weren't
expecting that shit!
- RUSTY: Nice work.
- BASHER: Thanks.
♪ "Caravan" by Arthur Lyman ♪
Which one's 'The Amazing Yen'?
The little Chinese guy.
- Who else is on the list?
- He is the list.
I don't know, It doesn't
seem all that diff...
- We got a grease man.
- We got a grease man.
We need Saul.
He won't do it. He got out
of the game a year ago.
He get religion?
- You could ask him.
- Hey, I could ask him.
♪ "Blues in the Night" ♪
♪ by Quincy Jones ♪
SAUL: I saw you...
at the paddock.
Before the second race,
outside the men's room
when I placed my bet.
I saw you before you even
got up this morning.
- How you been, Saul?
- Never better.
What's with the orange?
- My doctor says I need vitamins.
- So, why don't you take vitamins?
You come here to
give me a physical?
Box seats. Come on.
So, you gonna tell me?
Or should I just say no
and get it over with?
Saul, you're the best there is.
You're in Cooperstown.
- What do you want?
- Nothing.
I got a duplex now.
I got wall-to-wall
and a goldfish.
I'm seeing a nice lady who works the
unmentionables counter at Macy's..
I've changed.
Guys like us don't change, Saul.
We stay sharp or get sloppy.
We don't change.
Quit conning me.
Is that your hound
way in the rear there?
He breaks late.
Everyone knows this.
So, you going to treat me
like a grownup at least?
Tell me what the scam is?
ANNOUNCER: Exhibit C. The belt. He
was king of the heavyweight crown.
Lennox Lewis has proven
he's the champion....
Saul makes ten. Ten ought
to do it, don't you think?
You think we need one more?
You think we need one more.
All right, we'll get one more.
Hello, Linus. Whose is this?
- Who are you?
- A friend of Bobby Caldwell's.
You're either in or you're out.
Right now.
- What is it?
- It's a plane ticket.
A job offer.
- You're pretty trusting pretty fast.
- Bobby has a lot faith in you.
Fathers are like that.
Oh, he didn't tell you? He doesn't
want me trading on his name.
Do this job, he'll
be trading on yours.
If you don't, We'll find someone
else who won't be quite as good.
And you can go back to
feeling up stockbrokers.
Can you get the check, please?
That's the best lift
I've seen you make yet.
Las Vegas, huh?
America's playground.
♪ "A Little Less Conversation" ♪
♪ by Elvis Presley ♪
♪ A little less conversation, ♪
♪ a little more action please. ♪
♪ All this aggravation ain't ♪
♪ satisfactioning me. ♪
♪ A little more bite and ♪
♪ a little less bark. ♪
♪ A little less fight and ♪
♪ a little more spark. ♪
♪ Close your mouth and open up ♪
♪ your heart and baby satisfy me. ♪
♪ Satisfy me baby. ♪
♪ Baby close your eyes and ♪
♪ listen to the music ♪
♪ Drifting through a summer breeze ♪
♪ Come along with me and ♪
♪ put your mind at ease. ♪
♪ A little less conversation, ♪
♪ a little more action please. ♪
What, did you guys get a
group rate, or something?
Saul, do you make it
out to Utah much?
Not as often as I'd like.
I think you should check it out.
I think you'd dig Provo.
I think you could
do very well there.
I'll look into it.
Gentlemen, welcome to Las Vegas.
Has everybody eaten? Good.
Everybody sober?
Close enough.
All right. Before we get started,
nobody's on the line here yet.
What I'm about to
propose to you is...
...both highly lucrative
and highly dangerous.
If that doesn't seem like your
particular brand of vodka,
help yourself to as much
food as you like...
...and have a safe journey.
No hard feelings.
Otherwise, come with me.
You're Bobby
Caldwell's kid, huh?
- From Chicago?
- Yeah.
- It's nice there. You like it?
- Yeah.
That's wonderful.
Get in the goddamn house.
Gentlemen, the 3000 block
of Las Vegas Boulevard.
Otherwise known as the Bellagio,
the Mirage and the MGM Grand.
Together, they're three of the most
profitable casinos in Las Vegas.
Let me see.
This is the vault of the Bellagio.
It's located below the Strip...
...beneath 200 feet
of solid earth.
It safeguards every dime
that passes through...
...each of the three
casinos above it.
- We're gonna rob it.
- Smash-and-grab job, huh?
Slightly more
complicated than that.
Well, yeah.
This is courtesy of Frank Catton, a
new blackjack dealer at the Bellagio.
Okay. Bad news first.
This place houses a security system
that rivals most nuclear missile silos.
First, we have to get
within the casino cages,
which anybody tell you
takes more than a smile.
Next, through these doors.
Each of which requires a different
six-digit code changed every 12 hours.
Past those, lies the elevator.
And this is where it gets tricky.
The elevator won't move without
authorized fingerprint identifications.
Which we can't fake.
And vocal confirmations from...
both the security system within
the Bellagio and the vault below.
- Which we won't get.
- Furthermore...
The elevator shaft is rigged
with motion detectors.
Meaning if we manually
override the lift,
the shaft's exit will lock down
automatically and we'll be trapped.
Now, once we get down the shaft,
though, then it's a piece of cake.
Just, two more guards
with Uzis and...
...the most elaborate vault
door ever conceived by man.
Any questions?
RUSTY: No, tunneling's out.
There are sensors monitor the ground for
one hundred yards in every direction..
If a groundhog were to nest
there, they'd know about it.
Anyone else?
VIRGIL: You said something
about good news.
DANNY: Yeah. The Nevada Gaming
Commission stipulates that...
...a casino must hold
in reserve enough cash,
to cover every chip
at play on its floor.
That means on a weekday, by law,
it has to carry anywhere...
...between $60 and $70
million in cash and coin.
On the weekend, between $80 and
$90 million. On a fight night... the one two weeks from tonight,
the night we're gonna rob it?
$150 million, without
breaking a sweat.
Now there are 11 of us,
each with an equal share.
You do the math.
SAUL: I have a question.
Say we get into the cage,
...and through the
security doors there,
...and down the
elevator we can't move,
...and past the
guards with guns,
...and into the vault
we can't open...
Without being seen by the cameras.
Oh, Yeah. Sorry,
I forgot to mention that.
Yeah, well, say we do all that.
We're just supposed to walk outta there
with a $150 million in cash on us...
...without getting stopped?
Oh. Okay.
DANNY: All right.
Here's how we'll begin.
First task,
I want to know everything that's
going on in all three casinos.
From the rotation of the dealers... the path of every cash cart.
I wanna know everything about...
...every guard, every watcher,
anyone with a security pass.
SECURITY 1: So, I'm seeing
this girl Charmaine,
I wanna know where they're from,
what their nicknames are,
how they take their coffee...
SECURITY 1: She dances at Crazy Horse
Too, she's putting away for medical school.
- I think she really likes me.
- Cool.
DANNY: Most of all...
I want you guys to
know these casinos.
They're built as labyrinths,
to keep people in.
I want you guys to know
the quick routes out.
- VIRGIL: He went through at 10:44.
- TURK: 10:46. Get a watch that works.
You make me sick, dude.
- It's 10:44.
- No. It's 10:46.
DANNY: Second task, Power.
On the night of the fight, we're
gonna throw the switch on sin city.
Basher, it's your show.
BASHER: You want broke,
blind or bedlam?
- DANNY: How about all three?
- BASHER: Right. It's done.
DANNY: Third task, Surveillance.
Casino security has an eye
and an ear on everything,
So we'll want an eye and
an ear on them. Livingston?
Well, it's not the least accessible
system I've seen, but it's close.
I don't suppose they have a
closed-circuit feed I could tap into?
Then it's definitely a black bag job.
They employ an in-house technician?
Two. And one of them's lonely.
Thanks, Charmaine.
I'll have this back in an hour.
Say hi to your mom for me.
Say it yourself. She's
on-stage in five minutes.
TURK: Watch it, bud!
- VIRGIL: Who you calling 'bud', pal?
- TURK: Who you calling 'pal', friend?
VIRGIL: Who you calling
'friend', jackass?
TURK: Don't call me jackass.
VIRGIL: I just did
call you jackass.
GUARD: 433, we have
visual impairment...
...on the north west
052 exit-door camera.
Copy that. I see them.
- Is that a word? You made that up?
- "Obsequious" is a word.
GUARD: Sir, please
move your balloons.
I was trying to
deliver my balloons!
- GUARD: Gentlemen!
TURK: He's a balloon boy!
Balloon boy! Balloon boy!
VIRGIL: You're
spitting in my face.
RUSTY: And we're up
and running.
Why do they always paint
hallways that color?
They say taupe
is very soothing.
- Hi.
- Fine, thanks.
GUARD: I'm gonna need you
to move these balloons now.
You want to moves those? You
know what, I'm gonna move those, sir.
'Cause I have very important client waiting
for these. I don't have time to...
...fool around with
you two circus animals.
DANNY: Uh-oh.
Hey! Hold up a minute!
Excuse me!
Hey! Excuse me!
- Hey, you dropped this.
- Oh, thank you.
How's the reception
on those things?
- Take care.
- Thanks.
- Well...
- Yeah.
DANNY: Fourth task,
We need to build an exact, working
replica of the Bellagio vault.
- RUSTY: To practice?
- DANNY: Something like that.
DANNY: Fifth task, Intelligence.
We need those codes, Linus. From
the only guy who has all three.
- Who, Benedict?
- Learn to love his shadow.
Wait, wait, wait. All I get
to do is watch the guy?
Gotta walk before you crawl.
RUSTY: Reverse that.
DANNY: Sixth task, Transport.
BILLY: Well, I am sorry, but
$18,500 a piece is...
...the best offer
that I can make.
FRANK: Well, I understand.
They are some great-looking
vans, you got out there.
- Yes, sir, top of the line.
- Yeah.
- Thank you for your time, Mr...?
- Denham. Billy Tim Denham.
- Yes. Denham like a jean.
- Yes. That's it.
Just like the jean.
Man, you got some
lovely hands here.
- Do you moisturize?
- I'm sorry?
I try all sorts
of branded lotions.
I even went fragrance-free
for a over year. Now my sister,
she uses... aloe vera with
a little sunscreen in it. Yeah.
Ideally speaking, we all should
wear gloves to go to the bed...
...but I found out
that will be little...
...interference with my social
agenda, you know what I mean.
Plus, I get reaction
from the camphor.
So I really don't into the
traditional remedies. You know.
I see. Let me tell
you something.
- If you are willing pay cash,
- Yeah?
I might be able to drop that
down to, say... Seven...
Sixteen each.
- No?
- Yes, sir.
- You'd do that?
- Well, Yes, sir.
Man, That'd be lovely.
They told me to come see you.
Oh! Did they? Well, I'm
sure glad they did.
- They did. They told me.
- Okay. Well, um...
let me go get the paperwork.
And... and... and..
I'll be right back. You just
wait here at the table. Okay.
- You do that.
- Thank you sir.
- SAUL: This is very nice material.
- DANNY: It's imported silk, Saul.
It's very nice.
DANNY: Gentlemen, would you
excuse us just for a second?
Saul, you sure you're
ready to do this?
If you ever ask me that
question again, Daniel... will not wake up
the following morning.
He's ready.
My name is Lyman. Zerga.
My name is Lyman Zerga.
My name is Lyman Zerga.
Okay, tell me about Benedict.
That guy's a machine.
VALET: Good afternoon
Mr. Benedict.
LINUS: He arrives at the
Bellagio every day at 2 p.m.
Same Car, Same Driver.
TERRY: How are you, Tommy?
How's the baby?
LINUS: Remembers every valet's
name on the way in.
Not bad for a guy worth
three-quarters of a billion.
Offices are upstairs. He works hard,
hits the lobby floor at 7 on the nose.
- Good evening, sir.
- How are you, Frank? How's the family?
LINUS: Spends 3 minutes on the
floor with his casino manager.
- RUSTY: What do they talk about?
- LINUS: All business.
Benedict likes to know what's
going on in his casinos.
Likes to be in control.
There's rarely an incident he doesn't
know about or handle personally.
Spends a few minutes
glad-handing the high rollers.
He's fluent in Spanish,
German and Italian and...
...he's taking Japanese lessons.
He's getting pretty good at it.
He's out by 7:30. when an assistant
hands him a black portfolio.
Contents, the day's take
and new security codes.
Then he heads to the restaurant.
Like I said, a machine.
And that portfolio contains the
codes to all the cage doors?
Uh-huh. And two minutes after they've
been changed, he's got 'em in hand.
I'll tell you, you guys
really can pick them.
This guy's as smart
as he is ruthless.
Last guy they caught
cheating in here,
he not only sent
up for 10 years...
but he had the bank
seize his house,
and then he bankrupted
his brother...
- His brother-in-law's tractor
dealership, I heard.
He doesn't takes out your knees.
The guy goes after your livelihood.
And livelihood anybody you ever met.
You scared?
You suicidal?
Only in the morning.
- Now what?
- Now comes the girl.
She comes down after him
if they're in a snit.
Where does she come from?
The museum up there.
She's the curator.
Here she is.
This is the best part of my day.
Still don't know if
we can use her yet.
Actually I haven't
even caught her name.
Her name is Tess.
- We have to talk. - Okay.
- Now.
RUSTY: Tell me this is not
about her or I'm walking.
I'm walking off
this job right now.
RUSTY: Tess.
Terry Benedict.
Tell me this is not
about screwing the guy,
- who's screwing your wife.
- Ex-wife.
- Tell me.
- It's not about that.
DANNY: It's not
entirely about that.
Russ, you remember when we
first got into this business?
We said we're gonna play the game
like we had nothing to lose.
- Nothing to lose.
Well, I lost something.
I lost someone.
That's why I'm here.
Okay, Here's the problem. Now
we're stealing two things.
And when push comes to shove,
if you can't have both,
which are you gonna choose?
And remember,
Tess does not split 11 ways.
If everything goes to plan, then I won't be
the one that has to make that choice.
- How'd she look?
- She looked good.
TESS: You like it?
TERRY: I like that you like it.
- I'll see you tonight?
- Okay.
In my hotel, there's
always somebody watching.
I'll see you tonight.
Weak stomach, Mr. Zerga?
SAUL: I don't believe in weakness.
It costs too much.
I don't believe in
questions either.
Oh, really? Well then,
let me give you a tip.
I wouldn't get into Terry
Benedict for too much money.
He doesn't fool around.
- TERRY: How are you, Eddie?
- EDDIE: Fine, sir.
Anything for me?
Mr. Zerga. Lyman Zerga.
In the third position.
Wishes to speak to you privately.
Who is he?
Businessman of some kind.
Working mostly in Europe.
Very vague. But I asked around. Word
is, he deals primarily in arms.
- One of the biggest.
- Zerga.
Yes, sir.
- Never heard of him.
- That's why I don't doubt it.
- He's staying here?
- Checked in two nights ago.
He's in the Mirador suite.
- How's he doing?
- Up, almost 200.
Good for him.
TESS: You're 30 seconds late.
I was about to send out a search...
DANNY: Hello, Tess.
What are you doing here?
I'm out.
- You're out?
- Of prison.
You remember? The day
I went for cigarettes...
...and never came back.
You must've noticed.
I don't smoke. Don't sit.
Now they tell me that I
paid my debt to society.
Funny, I never got a cheque.
You're not wearing your ring.
I sold it. I don't have a husband,
or didn't you get the papers?
- My last day inside.
- I told you I'd write.
- Danny, go now before...
- What? Benedict?
How you doing?
Whiskey and a whiskey.
- Danny..?
- Tess, you're doing a...
...great job curating the museum.
The Vermeer is quite good. Simple.
Vibrant. Although his work
definitely fell off as he got older.
Remind you of anyone?
And I always confuse Monet and Manet.
Which one married his mistress?
- Monet.
- Right, and then Manet had syphilis.
They also painted occasionally.
All right, I'll make this quick.
I came here for you.
I want to get on with my life.
I want you with me.
You're a thief and a liar.
I only lied about being a thief.
I don't do that anymore.
- Steal?
- Lie.
I'm with someone now who doesn't have
to make that kind of distinction.
No, he's very clear on both.
- You know what your problem is?
- I only have one?
You've met too many people like you.
I'm with Terry now.
Does he make you laugh?
He doesn't make me cry.
SAUL: Mr. Benedict, the fight
is Saturday night, is it not?
TERRY: Yes, would
you like some tickets?
No. No. Hand-to-hand combat
does not interest me.
I have a package arriving
here that evening.
A black briefcase,
standard size...
...the contents of which
is very valuable to me.
I'll put it in the
house safe for you.
The house safe is for brandy
and grandmother's pearls.
- I need something more secure.
- Mr. Zerga, I can assure you,
that our house safe is...
I can assure you, Mr. Benedict, that
your generosity in this matter...
...will not go overlooked.
Now, what can you offer
me besides the safe?
See, the people you
steal things from.
They have insurance to compensate
them. They get made whole again.
I had to leave New York to
get away from what happened.
How I'm gonna get my
five years back, Danny?
You can't. But what you can do is
not throw away another five...
- You don't know anything.
- Tess, All right.
You don't love me anymore, you wanna
make a life with someone else. Fine.
I'm gonna have to live with that.
But not him.
Spoken like a true ex-husband.
- I'm not joking, Tess.
- I'm not laughing, Danny.
You have to admit there is a
bit of a conflict of interest,
when you give me advice
about my love life.
Yes, but that doesn't
mean I'm wrong.
Do you remember what I said
to you when we first met?
You said that I better
know what I'm doing.
Do you? Now?
Because truly, you should walk
out the door if you don't.
- DANNY: I know what I'm doing.
- TERRY: What are you doing?
Just catching up.
- Terry, meet my ex-husband.
- Danny Ocean.
- Mr. Ocean.
- I'm in your seat.
Forgive me for being late.
A guest required my attention.
That's fine.
Danny was walking through the
restaurant and spotted me.
- Is that right?
- Yeah. Imagine the odds.
"Of all the gin joints
in all the world..."
You recently were released
from prison? Is that correct?
That's right.
- How does it feel to be out?
- About the same.
Danny was just about to...
I just stopped by to say hi
to Tess for old times sake.
Stay, and have a drink.
- He can't.
- I can't.
TERRY: Well, then...
I don't imagine we'll be seeing
Mr. Ocean anytime soon, right?
DANNY: You never know.
Aa.. I know everything
happening in my hotels.
DANNY: So I should put
those towels back.
No, the towels you can keep.
- Good to see you, Tess.
- Take care, Danny.
- Terry.
- Danny.
(Reuben's bankrupted Hotel-Casino.)
What the...?
RUSTY: Tomorrow day is yours.
Do whatever you like.
Call is at 5:30,
makeup and costume.
Saul's package arrives at 7:05.
Linus grabs our codes.
All goes well, we're a go.
At 7:30, Yen gets locked
in and we're committed.
From this point, we have 30 minutes
to blow the power or he suffocates.
RUSTY: Once the electricity goes,
all access points to the vault...
...and its elevator, will automatically
shut down for two minutes.
That's when we make our move.
They've put you in the middle of the
room. 10 feet from everything.
You have to get from there to the
door, without touching the floor.
What do you do?
- TURK: Ten says he shorts it.
- GROUP: Twenty.
BASHER: Window or aisle, boys?
Yeah, we're in deep shit.
That poxy demo crew haven't use a coaxial
lynch to back the main line. Have they?
They only naused up the mainframe
couplet! Naused it right up!
- You understand any of this?
- I'll explain later.
Listen. They're so pony that
they gone and blown...
the backup grids one by one.
Like dominoes!
DANNY: Basher. What happened?
BASHER: They did the same what I would
have done. Only they did it by accident.
Problem is now they know their
weakness, and they're sorting it out.
They're fixing it.
- So...
- So unless,
we intend to do this job
in Reno, we're in Barney.
Barney Rubble. Trouble!
- We could always...
- By tomorrow?
Hang on a minute, hang on.
We could use a pinch.
What's a pinch?
A pinch is a device
which creates like a
cardiac arrest for any
broadband electrical circuitry.
Better yet, a pinch is a bomb.
Now but without the bomb.
See, when a nuclear weapon detonates,
it unleashes an electromagnetic pulse...
...which shuts down any power
source within its blast radius.
Now, that tends not to matter in most
cases because the nuclear weapon
use to destroys everything you
might need power for anyway.
But, see. A pinch creates a
similar electromagnetic pulse,
but without the fuss of
mass destruction and death.
So instead of
Hiroshima, you'll be getting
- ...the 17th century.
- How long?
About 30 seconds.
Could a pinch knock out the
power of an entire city?
- Like, for instance...
- Las Vegas?
Yeah, I think it might.
Now, but there's only one pinch in
the world big enough to manage it.
DANNY: Where?
DANNY: Let's go. Yen,
Basher, come on.
DANNY: Where you going?
- I'm coming with you.
- No.
LINUS: Oh, no, no, no! Don't
leave me with these guys!
VIRGIL: All right. Start.
- TURK: Okay, go head. I got one.
- VIRGIL: Oh, you gonna think of one?
- No, I've already thought of one.
- You're thinking of one, right now.
No, I'm done thinking about it.
I have it in my head.
- Are you a man?
- Yes. 19.
- Are you alive?
- Yes. 18.
- Evel Knievel.
- Shit!
- Don't touch me.
- I'm not touching you.
- Take your hand off my face.
- I'm... My hand not in your face.
- Am I touching you? Am I touching you?
- Your hand's in front of my face.
- Get your hands in front of my face.
- I didn't touch you.
- You just touched me.
- No I didn't.
- You just touched me.
- You made me touch you.
TURK: This is your side.
This is your side.
VIRGIL: Get off. Get off.
BASHER: All right. I'm
gonna need a score of
car batteries along with
a couple of wires...
- DANNY: Where's Linus?
- BASHER: What?
DANNY: Where's Linus?
There he is.
Oh, would you look
at this doughnut?
Shouldn't somebody help him?
Oh, that's a great idea, Albert. Let's go
back the van and we can all get nicked.
Back it up.
Let him in.
BASHER: You stupid bastard!
I say stay in the van,
you stay in the van,
- You got it?
- I got it.
DANNY: Lose focus in this game for
one second, somebody gets hurt!
LINUS: I got it.
REUBEN: Where are they?
That's what I want to know.
Where the hell are they?
- SAUL: They will be here.
- REUBEN: "They will be here." Schmuck!
RUSTY: You boys
have a nice trip?
LIVINGSTON: We have a problem.
You've been red-flagged.
It means the moment you set foot in that
casino floor, they'll be watching you.
Like hawks. Hawks
with video cameras.
That's a problem.
- Saul, turn that off. Will you?
- I'll turn it off, when I'm ready to...
- Saul!
- It's off! It's off!
Any idea how this happened?
- DANNY: No.
- LINUS: Oh, come on.
He's been chasing Benedict's girl.
The two of them got in an
argument two nights ago.
- I was tailing you.
- And who told you to do that?
I did. I was concerned you
couldn't leave Tess alone.
- Who's Tess?
- My wife.
- RUSTY: Ex-wife.
- SAUL: Tess is here?
RUSTY: I'm sorry. I didn't know if
it would sting you, but it did.
- You're out, Danny.
- He's out?
It's either that or we
call the whole thing off.
His involvement puts
us all at risk.
- This is not your call.
- Oh, you made it my call.
When you put her before
us you made it mine.
This is my job.
Not anymore.
Wait, wait. He can't just be out.
Who's gonna trigger the vault?
Kid, you up for it?
I can do it.
RUSTY: Done. Locate the others.
Let them know the change in plan.
Curtain goes up at 7.
SAUL: Tess is with Benedict now?
She's too tall for him.
TERRY: Yes. No.
Very much no.
Well, then inform Mr. Levin
that he'll be better
off watching the fight
in front of his TV at home.
Surely, he must have HBO.
That's it.
What were you thinking about?
RUSTY: Where you gonna
put your hands?
No good.
RUSTY: Don't touch your tie.
Look at me.
Okay, I asked you a question. You
have to think of the anwser.
Where do you look?
No good. You look down,
they know you're lying.
And up, they know you
don't know the truth.
Don't use seven words
when four will do.
Don't shift your weight. Look always
at your mark but don't stare,
Be specific, but not memorable.
Be funny, but don't make him laugh.
He's got to like you, and then forget
you the moment you've left the site.
And, for God's sake, whatever you do,
don't under any circumstances...
- RUSTY: Yeah.
- Can you take a look at this?
- Sure.
It's time.
Let's do it.
ANNOUNCER: On a perfectly
clear night in Las Vegas...
and with the expected crowd of
celebrities and eager sports fans...
piling into the MGM
Grand golden arena,
the two best heavyweights
in the world...
prepare to meet after an eight-month
dance around and toward each other.
Mr. Zerga?
Mr. Benedict.
It's a very busy night for me.
Are we on schedule?
I have no reason to
suspect otherwise.
SAUL: My courier should
be here momentarily.
FRANK: Eighteen. Blackjack!
Find Mr. Walsh. Tell him
Mr. Ocean is in the west slots.
I'm afraid, I can't have any private
security personnel in the casino cages.
I hope you don't mind.
Of course not.
GAMBLER: Saul! Saul
Bloom, is that you?
GAMBLER: Saul! Saul, it's me!
Bucky Buchanan!
Remember? From Saratoga!
Mikael. Vladimir.
Hey! Hey, Saul! Saul!
Mr. Benedict, please.
I have never enjoyed the
touch of steel to my skin.
Lift them up, please.
TERRY: Alright Mr. Zerga, I acknowledge
that your briefcase does not
contain any dangerous
or illicit material.
I further agree to take custody
of the said briefcase and
store it in my security vault
for a period of 24 hours.
Now, I cannot actually allow you
to accompany the briefcase...
- into the vault.
- Why not?
Insurance, for one. Security another.
But most of all, I just don't trust you.
Excuse me.
I put two plainclothes on Ocean.
He's in the keno bar now.
Mr. Zerga, this is my
casino manager, Mr. Walsh.
Now if you will allow him, he will
arrange for your briefcase to be
stored inside our vault while you
watch on our security monitors.
Those are my terms. Yes or no?
- You leave me no choice.
- Good.
VIRGIL: Dude, don't do that
in front of the pinch.
LIVINGSTON: Deep breaths.
You'll do fine.
- Thank you.
- No sweat. You're a natural.
But don't screw up.
- VIRGIL: Who gets the penne?
- LIVINGSTON: Right here.
You ready?
This is our security
center, where we oversee
all gaming the casino
as well as our vault.
You'll be able to monitor your
briefcase right from here.
Don't let me keep you.
- Mr. Zerga.
- Mr. Benedict.
RUSTY: Linus, you're up.
LINUS: Got him.
Mr. Benedict.
Hi. Sheldon Willis,
Nevada Gaming Commission.
I'm afraid I need two
minutes of your time.
- Anything for the NGC.
- Thank you.
Will you accompany me to
the pit five, please?
- Okay, when do you make the deposit?
- When we get your signal.
Dude, what do we look like. A couple
of peckerwood jackasses or something?
Amazing, how does that feel?
You all right?
You want something to read?
A magazine?
All right. Counting down.
Thirty minutes of breathing
time starts... NOW.
LINUS: This just came to our attention
this morning, Mr. Benedict.
Apparently, he's got a
record longer than my...
It's long.
If he is who you say he is.
You been at the commission long?
About 18 months.
You know Hal Lindley over there?
Worked with him at all?
Not since he died last year.
- Ramón Escalante?
- Yes.
Sheldon Willis,
Nevada Gaming Commission.
What's going on here?
It's come to our
attention that you...
I think it's better if
we speak off the floor.
TESS: Thank you.
- No. Danny?
- Tess!
- I want you out of here.
- Give me one moment.
- I've had it with this.
- Come here.
- I want you gone.
- Tess, come here. Hey!
You are up to something, Danny.
And don't say you came here for me.
You're pulling a job, aren't you?
Well, know this.
No matter what it is,
you won't win me back.
Tess, I just came
to say goodbye.
You be good.
GOON #1: Mr. Ocean.
GOON #2: Mr. Benedict
would like to see you.
I thought he might.
LINUS: Good afternoon, Mr.
Or should I call you Mr. Catton?
You're Frank Catton, formerly of
the Tropicana, the Desert Inn...
...and the New York state
penitentiary system. Are you not?
I take it from your silence that
you're not gonna refute that.
Mr. Benedict, I'm afraid you have
been employing an ex-convict.
- As you know the NGC...
- Goddamn cracker.
- Excuse me?
- You heard what I said.
Black man can't earn a
decent wage in this state...
- That is absolutely...
- Some cracker cowboy like you...
trying to throw me
out on the street.
You know I'm not throwing...
I'm trying to do my job, sir.
What you want from me, man?
Want me to get on the table and dance?
Like me to shine your shoes?
Or maybe smile at you?
'cause you definitely won't
let me deal the cards.
You might as well
call it "Whitejack"!
LINUS: Look, I don't know what to say
to that. That's... sorry Mr. Benedict.
I just resent the implication that
race has anything to do with this.
- Yeah, right.
- What a horrible thing to say!
I mean you sir, of all
people know that,
we at the NGC have always
supported the hiring of colored...
- No! No! I didn't mean it!
- Okay. Come on, sit down.
- Sit down.
- You better talk to him.
- RUSTY: He's got it.
- TERRY: Sit down.
Virgil. Turk.
Deliver the package.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Where's your card?
- Oh God. I think I lost my card.
- Are you serious?
- Oh Jesus! I'm so stupid.
- You are so stupid! You know that? You're a nincompoop!
- Hey, Guys!
You think it helps to call someone
names who's already upset?
- GUARD: Hey! Keep it down.
- TURK: Sorry. Sorry.
GUARD: Where... this coming?
Where did this come from?
TURK: High roller's room. It's
Mr. Benedict's stuff in here. It's his stuff.
GUARD: All right Joe,
take this inside.
- JOE: Count room?
- GUARD: No, to the, uh, vault.
GUARD: Benedict's money
goes in to the vault. You know that.
GUARD: Hey, next time, just remember the
card, and we won't run into this again.
- TURK: Stupid.
- VIRGIL: Jeez!
SENTRY: Yo! Hold that, please.
MR. WALSH: There. There's
your briefcase now, Mr. Zerga.
SAUL: Wonderful. Wonderful.
That's my cue.
Give Basher the go.
Bash, what's your status?
Easy. Easy. No need
to shout, guv'nor.
- What's your status?
- Yeah, I'm nearly there.
TERRY: Come on, come on.
Mr. Walsh, show this man
off the premises.
Don't ever set foot
in my casino again.
- Cracker!
- Oh, dear God!
Oh! I forgot my pager.
I left it. Sorry.
- You know your way back?
- I do.
Okay. Enjoy the fight.
DANNY: How much longer you
figure Mr. Benedict's gonna be?
No cameras in this room, huh?
Don't want anybody seeing
what goes on in here.
He's not coming, is he?
GOON: We're gonna
step outside now.
Leave you two alone
to talk things over.
SENTRY 2: I hadn't seen my wife in
three weeks, so I decided to call her.
Told, "I love you, you love me."
"I miss you, you miss me."
And that went well. Yeah, without a
problem. But then I went to this party...
SENTRY 2: I show up at 1 p.m.
She expected me at 11 a.m. she was going crazy.
I said, "What do you expect?"
"What do you think goes on?"
"It's not choir practice."
Oh, shit.
WALSH: There. Does that
satisfy you, Mr. Zerga?
SAUL: I am very satisfied.
- Are you all right, sir?
- I'm fine. I'm fine.
All right.
- Not until later!
- Sorry, Danny. I forgot.
It's all right.
- How's your wife?
- Pregnant again.
Well, it happens. Let's get started.
Come here.
- You're almost there, Linus.
- Who's that guy?
Hey, I got a bogey
in west corridor.
- Mr. Zerga!
- Call a doctor! Mr. Zerga!
- Put this underneath his head.
Going to video... NOW.
To the Eye in the Sky ASAP.
We have a man down and he
appears to be unconscious.
Oh, Jesus!
Now, you really didn't think
I'd sit this one out? Did you?
What? You didn't trust me?
I do now.
Come on.
RUSTY: Someone
call for a doctor?
LINUS: How'd you get here?
DANNY: Had to give a friend
a couple of million.
But what about Rusty?
The whole argument?
I mean, what was that about?
Oh, Come on. You know,
why not just tell me?
Why put me through all this?
Where's the fun in that?
All right. Let's get going.
RUSTY: Come on, man!
Breathe, damn it! Breathe!
I'm sorry. We've lost him.
told you to hurry.
TURK: Don't do that.
Just don't do that.
VIRGIL: I didn't
tell you to hurry?
BRUISER: Come on, get up!
Get up!
BRUISER: Had enough yet?
LINUS: These things
gonna hold us, right?
DANNY: They should.
Livingston, we're set.
- Livingston, we're set.
- Basher, we're set.
Hang on a minute, chief.
LIVINGSTON: We don't have a minute.
Yen's gonna suffocate.
Well, then you better leave off
bothering me, don't you think?
DANNY: All right, crack them.
- Ow!
- Ahh!
LINUS: Shit!
DANNY: Cut it.
Pit six, table five.
Dealers compromised.
Trade's breached at tables three,
five, six and ten.
Get your coat.
Get your coat.
This is crazy! What...?
Not yet. Not yet.
DANNY: Go ahead.
- You think Yen made it out okay?
- I'm sure he'll be fine.
FRANK: How we doing?
Okay, I guess.
- Jesus.
95-pound Chinese man with $160
million behind this door.
- Let's get him out.
- Yeah.
- Ten says he shorts it.
- No bet.
Try him again.
Hey. Where we at, boys?
- Pins and floor sensors, now.
- Blinding.
Here we go.
Counting down from 20... NOW.
Do not blow the door.
Linus, can you read me?
DANNY: Ten...
...nine, eight...
Maybe the pinch
blew out his earwigs.
Linus, Can you read me?
Do not blow the door!
DANNY: ...two, one.
What's wrong?
Well, did you check
the batteries?
You know, you lose focus in
this game for one second...
I know, somebody gets hurt.
You don't hear Yen complaining.
Where the fuck you been?
- Sorry.
- Sorry.
SAUL: That is the sexiest
thing I have ever seen.
Rusty, you're up.
- You gonna answer that?
- I don't have a cell phone.
This isn't mine.
See who it is.
TESS: Hello?
RUSTY: May I have a word
with Mr. Benedict?
It's for you.
- Who the hell is this?
- The man who's robbing you.
- What the hell's going on in the vault?
- Um, Nothing, sir. It's all normal.
Show me.
- I'm afraid you're mistaken.
- You watching your monitors?
Okay, keep watching.
In this town, your luck can
change just that quickly.
Find out how much money
we've down there.
Yes, sir.
Perhaps you should...
Perhaps I should what?
It would be better if you
weren't around here for this.
All right, you
proved your point.
You broke into my vault.
Congratulations. You're a dead man.
- Maybe.
- Maybe?
May I ask how you
expect to leave?
You believe I'm gonna allow you to parade
bags full of my money out my casino doors?
- No. You're gonna carry it out for us.
- And why would I do that?
Take a closer look
at your monitor.
As your manager's probably reporting to you
now, you have a little over $160 million... your vault tonight. You may notice,
we're only packing up about half that.
The other half we're leaving in your
vault, booby-trapped, as a hostage.
You let our $80 million go,
and you get to keep yours.
That's the deal.
You try and stop us,
we'll blow both cashloads.
Mr. Benedict,
you can lose $80 million tonight secretly
or you can lose $160 million publicly.
It's your decision.
Make the call.
911 emergency response.
- Where's Danny?
- Danny's fine. He's in good form.
He requests that you go
upstairs and watch TV.
He does?
We have three men with explosives
who have taken control of our vault.
- Okay.
- It's alright, Tess.
- You have a deal.
- I promise.
Fantastic. Here's what you do.
RUSTY: The guys in the vault will deposite
six bags in to the vault elevator.
The elevator will
rise to your cages.
Three of your guards will pickup the
bags and carry them out into the casino.
Now if they take more than 20
seconds to reach the casino floor
or there is any indication
a switch has been made...
...we'll blow the money in the
bags and the money in the vault.
- He's in the casino by the slots.
- Of course I'm in the casino.
In fact, I'm staying in your hotel.
I have two words for you. "Mini bar."
As soon as your guards
hit the casino floor...
...a white unmarked van is going
to pull up in your valet's ditch.
Your guards will load the
bags into the van's rear.
If anyone so much as approaches the
driver's door, we'll blow everything.
When I get word the van is
away and the money is secure,
my men will exit the building.
And once their safety is confirmed,
you'll get your vault back.
The S.W.A.T. team is here.
All right.
Now, I have complied with your
every request. Would you agree?
I would.
Good. Because now
I have one of my own.
Run and hide, asshole.
Run and hide.
If you should be picked
up next week buying
a $100,000 sports car
in Newport Beach...
I'm gonna be supremely
Because I want my people to
find you, and when they do... assured, we're not gonna
hand you over to the police.
So, my advice to you again
is this. "Run and hide."
That is all that I ask.
Mr. Benedict, our guys say that van
is headed toward McCarran Airport.
Get everybody in position. I want my vault
back before that van hits the tarmac.
Night goggles on. Prepare to cut power.
Cutting power now.
TERRY: Do it.
SWAT LEADER: Breaching
elevator doors now.
We have two guards,
bound, unconscious.
Wait a minute.
LINUS: Guys! Guys!
Someone's here!
- Take him down, now!
- I got him!
- Lights! We need power now!
- Give it to him.
TERRY: What's going on?
Talk to me.
SWAT LEADER: It appears a high explosive
incendiary device has been detonated.
I repeat, has been detonated.
Continuing search for survivors.
Tell them to take the van.
I'm going down there.
TERRY: And find out how
they hacked into my system!
Yes, sir.
Get out of the van, now. Now!
Tires. Tires.
search yielded no suspects.
Nor we able to determine
at this time,
how they entered or
exited the premises.
Take your men out.
Sir, May I suggest you stand
outside until bomb squad...?
It's your vault.
Blue team, move it out!
Walsh, where are
we with the van?
VIRGIL: Okay, I just want to try
something here for a second.
There's nobody inside.
Oops! Aw, I'm sorry. Oop.
- Oh no, did you want to get in?
- Enough monkey business.
Do it already.
WALSH: Mr. Benedict.
We took the van, sir.
And they say that there was
no money in the bags, sir.
TERRY: What do you mean there
is no money in the bags?
They say the bags were filled
with fliers, sir. For hookers.
Cue up the tape to the robbery.
Yes, sir. I'm looking
at the tape now.
TERRY: Does it say "Bellagio"
on the vault floor?
No, it doesn't.
I don't understand.
We had it installed on Tuesday.
The images we saw of those
men robbing us was a tape.
WALSH: What?
It was staged. Somebody made a
duplicate of my vault.
And what we saw on the monitor
wasn't actually happening.
I don't understand. What
happened to all that money?
Make the call.
911 emergency response.
- Night goggles on.
- Clear.
Prepare to cut power.
RUSTY: Breaching
elevator doors now.
We have two guards,
bound, unconscious.
Wait a minute.
LINUS: Guys! Guys!
Someone's here!
- Take him down, now!
- I got him!
Open the door.
DANNY: Heya, Benedict.
How's the other fight going?
Pick him up.
Did you have a hand in this?
Did I have my hand in what?
I'm gonna ask you one more time.
Did you have a hand in this?
Benedict, I have no idea
what you're talking about.
You're free to go.
Show him out.
- TESS: Hello.
- LIVINGSTON: Turn to channel 88.
Who is this?
DANNY: What happened, Benedict?
You get robbed or something?
TERRY: Stop.
I'm gonna give you
one last chance.
Where's my money?
DANNY: What if I told you I
could get your money back...
...if you give up Tess?
What would you say?
TERRY: I would say yes.
DANNY: All right.
I know a guy. We were
in the joint together.
Anybody pulls any job in the
Western U.S., he knows about it.
DANNY: If you give me 72 hours,
I'll find out who took your money.
You know a guy.
Show Mr. Ocean the exit
and contact the police.
I'm sure he's in
violation of his parole.
GOON: Yes, sir.
You of all people
should know, Terry.
In your hotel, there's
always someone watching.
♪ "Clair De Lune" ♪
TESS: Wait!
Wait. Wait, that's my husband!
That's my husband!
- Danny.
- Tess, I told you...
...I knew what I was doing.
I didn't.
COP: All right, let's go.
How long will you be?
About three to six
months, I guess.
♪ "Clair De Lune" ♪
I hope you were the groom.
Ted Nugent called, he
wants his shirt back.
DANNY: Thirteen million
and you drive this
piece of shit cross
country to pick me up?
RUSTY: I blew it
all on the suit.
DANNY: Where are they?
RUSTY: Back row, silver sedan.
Ten o'clock.
RUSTY: I stopped and picked up your
personal effects. Hope you don't mind.
I'm not sure these belong to me.
- DANNY: Hi.
- TESS: Hi.
We need to get Rusty a girl.
There's a women's
prison down the road.
Hey, you said that
you sold this.
I said that.
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