Just packed up
a real money load,
and it's coming your way.
Look for "Rodgers" on
the side of the truck.
Don't forget my
share of the deal.
Tuna on white,
no crust, right?
I don't know.
How is it?
Every day for
the last three weeks
you've been coming in here
and you've been
asking me how the tuna is.
Now, it was crappy yesterday,
it was crappy the day before.
And guess what?
It hasn't changed.
I'll have the tuna.
No crust?
No crust.
Thank you.
Talk to me, Jesse.
This ain't working, brother.
It's your fuel map.
It's got a nasty hole.
That's why you're
unloading in third.
I told you it was third.
Shut up.
I'd lengthen
the injector pulse
another millisec,
and just tune
the NOS timer,
you'll run nines.
What's up with this fool?
What is he, sandwich crazy?
No, V. He ain't
here for the food, dog.
Chill out, bro.
He's just slinging
parts for Harry, man.
I know what he's slinging.
He's trying to get
in Mia's pants, dog.
What's up, guys?
How you doing, Mia?
How you living, girl?
Hey, Dom.
You want something
to drink?
He's beautiful.
I like his haircut.
Can I get you anything?
You look good.
Well, thanks a lot, Mia.
See you tomorrow.
I love this part.
Try Fatburger
from now on.
You can get
yourself a Double Cheese
with fries for $2.95, faggot.
I like the tuna here.
Bullshit, asshole.
No one likes
the tuna here.
Yeah, well, I do.
Jesus Christ, Dom!
Would you get
out there, please?
I'm sick of this shit!
I'm not kidding, Dom!
Get out there!
What'd you put
in that sandwich?
That's really funny.
All right.
Hey, man,
he was in my face.
I'm in your face.
Relax! Don't push it!
You embarrass me!
Get over there!
What are you doing?
Jesse, give me the wallet.
"Brian Earl Spilner."
Sounds like
a serial killer name.
Is that what you are?
No, man.
Don't come
around here again.
Hey, man, you know
this is bullshit.
You work for Harry, right?
Yeah, I just started.
You were just fired.
Hey, Dominic,
I appreciate what
you did in a big way.
Dominic, I owe you.
Brian, you're messing
with my business.
When Dominic drives,
he's golden.
Kids pour in here,
they want everything he has,
every performance part,
and they pay cash!
What did Dominic say?
You don't wanna know.
What did Dominic say?
He wants you
out of here.
He wants me out of here?
And what did you
say to Dom?
What do you think
I said?
I told him good help
is hard to find.
I need NOS.
I need NOS.
My car topped out
at a 140 miles
per hour this morning.
Amateurs don't
use nitrous oxide.
I've seen the way
you drive.
You got a heavy foot.
You'll blow
yourself to pieces.
I need one of these.
One of the big ones.
Actually, no,
let's make it two.
And, Harry, I need it
by tonight.
Player, hold up,
hold up.
Look at this snowman
right here, man.
Sweet ride.
What you running
under there, man?
You gonna make me
find out the hard way?
Hell, yeah.
You brave. You brave.
They call me Hector.
I got a last name, too,
but I can't
pronounce it, so...
Brian Spilner.
Yeah, typical
white boy name.
You know
what I'm saying?
See that over there?
That's mine.
It's my baby.
But I ain't cutting
her loose tonight.
Why not?
It's 'cause
I'm going legit, homie.
Trying to get
on the NIRA circuit.
You heard about that?
Hell, yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
So, what's up
with you, man?
I'm just waiting
for Toretto.
Shit. Better get
in line. This yours?
Yeah, I'm standing
next to it.
That's funny.
You know, Edwin happens
to know a few things.
And one of the things
Edwin knows is
it's not how you
stand by your car,
it's how you race
your car.
You better learn that.
Shit. Here they come.
It's on.
Hey, Dom,
how you doing?
Hey, Gimel.
What've you been
doing? Yoga?
Oh, you did?
Of course, you did.
Hey, I'm Monica.
Nice to meet you.
I smell skanks.
Why don't you girls
just pack it up
before I leave
tread marks on your face?
Letty, I was just talking.
Yeah, whatever.
Okay. Hector.
Yeah. What's up, man?
Yo, what's up? Edwin.
How we doing
this tonight?
One race, $2,000 buy in.
Winner takes all.
Hector, you're gonna
hold the cash.
Why Hector?
'Cause he's too slow
to make away
with the money, man.
Okay, good luck, guys.
Hey, wait, hold up.
I don't have any cash,
but I do have
the pink slip to my car.
Hey, you just can't
climb in the ring with Ali,
'cause you think you box.
He knows I can box.
So check it out,
it's like this.
I lose,
the winner takes my car,
clean and clear.
But if I win,
I take the cash,
and I take the respect.
To some people,
that's more important.
That your car?
I see
a cool air intake.
It's got a NOS fogger system
and a T4 Turbo, Dominic.
I see an AIC
control there.
It has direct port
nitrous injection.
Yeah, and a stand-alone
fuel management system.
Not a bad way
to spend $10,000.
You see that shit?
He's got enough NOS in there
to blow himself up, period.
So, what do you say?
Am I worthy?
We don't know yet.
But you're in.
Let's go.
What the hell's
going on around here?
Street's closed, pizza boy.
Find another way home.
Goddamn street racers.
Code 3. Tension is high.
They've blocked the street.
this is yours,
whether you win or lose.
But if you win,
you get her, too.
You're gonna win.
I'm gonna win.
We got a reported homicide
187 at Barabian Liquors.
I got a 187 in Glendale.
Cops are all over it, man.
We're good to roll.
I repeat, good to roll.
All right.
Let's race!
Hell, yeah!
Damn, that guy's fast.
Let's go! Ménage à!
Shut up!
Let's go now, baby!
Here's what you want,
right here.
There you go.
My sister holds
the money. Count it.
Me and my trophy.
Hey, hey, Monica.
What's up, baby?
What's your problem, nigger?
You didn't win.
Fuck you, then!
Was that fun?
Got a problem there,
huh, buddy?
What are you
smiling about?
Dude, I almost had you.
You almost had me?
You never had me.
You never had your car.
Granny shifting,
not double clutching
like you should.
You're lucky
that 100 shot of NOS
didn't blow the welds
on the intake.
Nice job!
Almost had me?
I don't know, man.
Get out of here.
Now me and the mad scientist
gotta rip apart the block
and replace
the piston rings you fried.
Ask any racer,
any real racer.
It don't matter if you win
by an inch or a mile.
Winning's winning.
Any available
units, we have reported
street racing
along Hawthorne...
Oh, shit! We got cops,
cops, cops! Go!
Dom, get in the car! Go!
stop right there!
Get in!
You're the last person
in the world I expected
to show up.
Yeah, well, I thought
if I got in your good graces
you might let me
keep my car.
You are in my good graces,
but you ain't
keeping your car.
You drive like
you've done this before.
What are you,
a wheelman?
You boost cars?
No, never.
Ever done time?
A couple of overnighters.
No big deal.
What about the two years
in juvie for boosting cars?
Tucson, right?
Yeah, I had Jesse
run a profile on you,
Brian Earl Spilner.
He'll find anything
on the Web,
anything about anybody.
So why bullshit?
So what about you?
Two years in Lompoc.
I'll die before I go back.
Oh, great.
It's gonna be
a long-ass night,
that's what.
Follow us.
I thought
we had an agreement.
You stay away,
I stay away.
Everybody stays happy.
We got lost, Johnny.
What do you want me
to tell you?
Who's "we"?
My new mechanic.
Brian, meet Johnny Tran.
The guy in
the snakeskin pants,
that's his cousin, Lance.
So when are you
gonna give me a shot
at that Honda 2000 of yours?
This your ride?
It was. It's his now.
No, it's not.
I haven't taken delivery.
Then it's nobody's car.
Somebody put in
the wrench time.
What do you think, Lance?
It's an amazing machine.
Yes, indeed.
Let's go.
I'll see you in
the desert next month.
Be ready to have
your ass handed to you.
Yeah, you're gonna need more
than that crotch rocket.
I got something for you.
What the hell
was that all about?
Long story.
I'll tell you later.
Let's get out of here.
So, what the hell
was that all about?
It's a long story.
Well, we got
a 20-mile hike.
Humor me.
A business deal
that went sour.
Plus, I made the mistake
of sleeping with his sister.
Take care.
Yo, Spilner.
You want a beer?
Yeah, sure.
Oh, shit.
You're all in, right?
Wow, man,
she's hot.
Which one of
you uses nitrous?
Yo, Dom. Hey, man.
We were just about
to go looking
for you, brother.
Where were you?
There were
mass cops there.
They came in
from every direction.
That shit was orchestrated.
This your beer?
Yeah, that's my beer.
Yo, Einstein.
Take it upstairs.
You can't detail a car
with the cover on.
Can't even get that right.
You all right?
Am I all right?
It was just
a question.
Yo, Dom! Why'd you
bring the buster here?
'Cause the buster
kept me out of handcuffs!
He didn't just run
back to the fort!
The buster brought me back.
You can have any brew you want
as long as it's a Corona.
Thanks, man.
That's Vince's,
so enjoy it.
Hey, bro,
you got a bathroom?
Yeah, upstairs.
First door on the right.
He's got no call
being up in here.
You don't know
that fool for shit!
Yeah, he's right, Dom.
Vince, there was a time
when I didn't know you.
That was
in the third grade!
Yeah, so,
what girls are here?
You just name it.
You want mine?
You need to shut the F...
You want two?
You don't have anything?
You look a bit tired.
I think you should go upstairs
and give me a massage.
Look at all our guests.
How about we go upstairs
and you give me a massage?
Crazy bitch.
You know you owe me
a 10-second car, right?
Oh, shit.
Did you wipe the seat?
Jesus Christ! Would you
cut this shit already?
Come on!
Come on, let's go
get me a drink.
Come on, man.
We were just
about to get along.
So, what do you want?
long as it's cold.
You know,
my brother likes you.
He usually
doesn't like anybody.
Yeah, he's
a complicated guy.
Yeah? What about you?
I'm simpler.
You're a shitty liar.
Well, I'll take
that as a compliment.
There's a problem.
What's that?
You need
to get some sleep.
And you definitely,
definitely need a shower.
Come on,
I'll take you home.
Show me your hands.
Very good.
Now open the door.
Put your hands on your head.
Behind your head.
Face the front
of the vehicle,
walk backwards
towards the rear.
Take two steps to your right.
Stop right there.
What'd I do?
Shut up.
He's clean, Sarge.
Damn! Muse, will you
take these things off?
I mean, shit,
you put them on so tight.
I like realism.
You never know
who's watching, Brian.
Wow. Nice crib, Sergeant.
It's a lot nicer
than that last place
you confiscated.
Ain't it? You know,
Eddie Fisher built this house
for Elizabeth Taylor
in the '50s.
You see, even the cops
are Hollywood in Hollywood.
Okay, here he is.
Fresh from Toretto's
hot rod heaven.
That was an $80,000
vehicle, officer.
Wait a minute.
You tell him what happened?
He knows what happened.
Hey, you know what?
Why don't you send
the bill to Johnny Tran.
The kid's giving me attitude?
That doesn't speak
very well for
police-FBI relations, Tanner.
I mean, come on,
what is this?
I walk in the door
and the guy's giving me...
All right, all right,
all right. We'll talk, okay?
Let's talk about it.
Muse, why don't you
make us four iced
cappuccinos, please.
Come on.
Regular or decaf, Sarge?
Decaf, I think.
Four hijackings
in two months and we don't
have anything.
DVD players and
digital cameras alone
are worth $1 .2 million,
which brings the grand total
to $6 million plus.
We're in
the political crosshairs
now, Brian.
That's why
you're undercover.
You want that
detective badge fast, kid.
And you wanna
know something?
The FBI can help,
if you come through for us.
What does
the truck driver say?
He gave us the same MO.
Three Honda Civics,
precision driving,
the same green neon glow
from under the chassis.
Lab says the skid marks
came back the same.
Mashimoto ZX tires.
So we know that it's somebody
in the street racing world.
We don't make
this case soon
the truckers
will take matters
into their own hands.
I told them we're close.
You gonna make me a liar?
Look, what do we know?
We all know
this world revolves
around Toretto, right?
Now, I'm not saying
that he's necessarily
the one that's
popping these trucks,
but I can guarantee
the both of you
that he knows who is.
It's just a matter
of time until I win...
You want time,
buy the magazine.
We don't have time.
Just get me
something I can use.
Is Harry cooperating?
Yeah, like a guy
that's gonna do
three to five
for receiving stolen
property if he doesn't.
What kind of vibe
is he getting from Toretto?
He's scared
to death of him,
but he doesn't think
he's jacking trucks
in his spare time, either.
He's too controlled for that.
Not that I want
to contradict Harry's
fine judge of character,
but Toretto did
hard time for nearly
beating a guy to death.
He's got nitrous oxide
in his blood and
a gas tank for a brain.
Do not turn
your back on him.
Hey, Tanner,
I'm gonna need another car.
What about parts
and service?
Hold off on that.
Dom, I don't know
what to do with this.
All right,
what the hell is this?
What do you got there?
This is your car.
My car?
I said, a 10-second car,
not a 10-minute car.
You could push this
across the finish line,
or tow it.
Couldn't even tow that
across the finish line.
No faith.
I have faith in you,
but this isn't a junkyard,
this is a garage.
Hey, pop the hood.
Pop the hood?
Pop the hood.
- 2JZ engine.
- No shit.
Man, what did
I tell you?
I retract my
previous statement.
You know what?
This will decimate
all after you put
about $15,000 in it
or more if we have to
overnight parts from Japan.
We'll put it on
my tab at Harry's.
I gotta get you racing again
so I can make some
money off your ass.
There's this showdown
in the desert
called Race Wars
and that's
where you'll do it.
I'll tell you what.
When you're not working
at Harry's,
you're working here.
If you can't
find the right tool
in this garage, Mr. Arizona,
you don't belong
near a car.
He owns you now.
Tell me what
you think about this.
Koni adjustables.
They'll save us
about two pounds.
And they're gonna
give us better traction
for the hole shot. All right?
Okay, so this is
your basic layout
of the car,
and that's pretty much
what it could look
like when it's finished.
Red, green.
Man, you should be going
to MIT or something.
Yeah, right.
No, I got that...
What's it called?
That attention disorder...
Yes, that shit. Yeah.
You know,
I was good in algebra,
and like, math and shit.
Everything else I failed.
Dropped out of school.
I don't know. There's just
something about engines
that calms me down,
you know.
I'm out of here.
Come on, dog.
Yo, Dom.
Vince, get over here,
give us a hand.
Looks like
you got all the help
you need, brother.
Mia! The chicken's
dry already.
All right already.
I'm coming out already.
- How are you guys doing?
- Good.
Come here.
Wait, hold up.
Because you were the first
out of everybody here
to reach in
to get the chicken,
you say grace.
Come on.
Dear heavenly...
Spirit. Thank you.
Thank you
for providing us
with a direct port
nitrous injection,
four core intercoolers
and ball-bearing turbos,
and titanium valve springs.
Thank you.
- Amen.
- Amen, all right.
Not bad.
He was praying
to the car gods, man.
If he's
not the best...
What do you want?
Thank you, girl.
Look who it is.
Old Coyotes 'R' Us.
I thought you weren't
hungry, pumpkin.
You know, I gotta eat.
He's always hungry.
All right, sit down.
How you doing, Mia?
Here you go, dog.
Hey, Jesse,
hand me that chicken, bro.
Let's eat some grub, man.
Want some
of that chicken?
Where'd you go?
Rent a movie or something?
Need a hand
with anything else?
No, I'm good.
You can go join the boys
watching the movie.
Well, you see,
the cook doesn't clean
where I come from.
Yeah? I'd like
to go there.
You know, I think
we should go out sometime.
No, I don't date
my brother's friends.
Wow, that sucks.
I guess I'll have
to kick his ass then.
I'd love to see
that one.
No, I would.
I would pay to see
that one, actually.
Wash my car
when you get done.
What was that?
No, Mia. I'm talking
to the punk.
And wear your favorite dress,
'cause when you're done
I'm putting you on the street
where you belong, cutie.
Is this thing broken?
What's wrong
with this thing?
V, what was that
Cuban restaurant
you wanted to take me to?
The one with
the picadillo and the...
Little red candles,
wooden table?
Yeah, the plantain, too.
Food all over the place.
What was it called?
Cha Cha Cha.
Yeah, that's it.
Well, you can
take me there.
Friday night at 10:00.
ls that good for you?
Yeah, it's perfect.
There's no popcorn?
Make your own
goddamn popcorn!
All right.
Now, that's valet parking.
Harry. What's up, dog?
Excellent, brother.
Come on in, man.
Check it, it's yours.
Damn. What do we got here?
Hired some new help, huh?
Don't even think about it.
All right, like that?
What's up, Hector?
What's up, Brian?
How you feeling, man?
Pretty good.
So, what's up?
What do you need?
What's up, man?
I need you to hook me up.
Three of everything.
I made a list.
Why don't you look
that over.
When do you need
this stuff by?
Tomorrow, today, now.
Come on, man,
white boys work fast,
don't they?
That's right.
Hey, you said you need
three of all this stuff?
three of everything.
What do you think
about that?
Check this out.
He moans like a cop.
Brian, this is one
of those times
when you need
to be very clear
about what you say.
Nod if you understand me.
Sit up.
Tell me what the hell
you're doing down here.
Oh, shit. What I'm doing?
I don't...
I owe you a 10-second car.
And what this is about,
this is about Race Wars.
I just went in there,
and Hector is
gonna be running
three Honda Civics
with Spoon engines.
And on top of that,
he just came into Harry's
and he ordered three
T66 turbos, with NOS,
and a MoTeC system exhaust.
So, what are you saying?
You're gonna go
around and check
everybody's shit out,
one garage after another?
Because, Dom, you know,
I can't lose again.
He's a cop.
He's a cop!
You a cop?
Let's go
for a little ride.
All right, kid,
you stand watch.
Yo, Dominic.
There's no engines.
What are they planning
on racing with?
Hopes and dreams?
I don't know,
but I know
they're sneaky as shit
and they got enough money
to buy anything.
What, Jess?
Dom, we got a wolf pack.
It's Johnny Tran,
and he's coming
your way really fast!
All right, we got
company. Spilner!
Come on.
Let me ask you
a question, Ted.
Do you see
anything wrong here?
We got no engines,
do we?
Do we?
A couple
of Nissan SR20 motors
will pull a premium
one week before
Race Wars, huh?
Yeah, probably.
You're a smart fence, Ted.
Maybe too smart.
What are you
feeling, Lance?
40 weight?
50 weight?
40 weight sounds nice.
Where are they, Ted?
Where are they?
Where are they?
They're in a warehouse.
They're in
a warehouse, man!
Ted, kiss my shoes?
Let's go get
our engines.
My superiors are
flying in from D.C.
day after tomorrow.
I want something to show.
Now, we have
a top echelon fence
with a lube hose
in his mouth,
automatic weapons,
a jacket full of priors
on every one
of these Asian punks,
a garage full of DVD players
and generally
psychotic behavior.
Now, tell me why
we shouldn't move
on Johnny Tran right now
and see where we are
when the dust settles.
Because all
we have is behavior.
Just let me get
some hard evidence,
because what we have now
is just circumstantial...
What we have is
probable cause.
And truckers
arming themselves
for some good old-fashioned
vigilante mayhem.
Tell us about Hector, Brian.
Oh, Latinos
with spear guns.
Give me a break.
No, Hector's still
working on the engines
for the cars,
but the tires don't match.
Will someone just
give me a cigarette?
Get him a cigarette.
Don't get him
a cigarette.
I thought you quit.
Yeah, I did quit.
Just give me a cigarette.
Get him a cigarette.
Tell me about Toretto.
Well, I told you,
I think he's too
controlled for this.
I mean, what?
Going suicidal
on semi-trucks?
No way.
I mean, maybe
his buddy, Vince,
but he's too stupid
to pull it off.
I think the kid
sister's blurring
your vision.
What did you say?
I don't blame you.
I'd get off on her
surveillance photos,
too, buddy.
Knock it off!
What, are you going
native on me, Brian?
Have you read
Toretto's file lately?
Yeah, I memorized
that file.
Yeah, well read it again.
No, better still,
take a look at these.
Remember I told
you about the guy
he nearly beat to death?
Toretto did
this with a three-quarter
inch torque wrench.
He's a model
of self-control.
I need a few more days.
Got a TR7 here
with a ball-bearing upgrade.
What it's gonna do is,
it's gonna...
It's gonna spool
up really quick.
I got this set up
for 24...
So, you got
big plans tonight?
Yeah, we're going
out to dinner.
You break her heart,
I'll break your neck.
That's not gonna happen.
I wanna show
you something.
Me and my dad built her.
Nine hundred horses
of Detroit muscle.
It's a beast.
Know what
she ran in Palmdale?
No. What did she run?
Nine seconds flat.
My dad was driving.
So much torque,
the chassis twisted
coming off the line.
Barely kept her
on the track.
So, what's
your best time?
I've never driven her.
Why not?
It scares
the shit out of me.
That's my dad.
He was coming up
in the pro stock car circuit.
Last race of the season.
A guy named Kenny Linder
came up from inside
on the final turn.
He clipped his bumper
and put him into
the wall at 120.
I watched
my dad burn to death.
I remembered
hearing him scream.
But the people
that were there said
that he had died
before the tanks blew.
They said it was me
who was screaming.
I saw Linder
about a week later.
I had a wrench.
And I hit him,
and I didn't intend
to keep hitting him,
but by the time I was done,
I couldn't lift my arm.
He's a janitor
at a high school.
Has to take the bus
to work every day.
And they banned me
from the tracks for life.
I live my life
a quarter mile at a time.
Nothing else matters,
not the mortgage,
not the store,
not my team
and all their bullshit.
For those 10 seconds
or less
I'm free.
So, how is it, anyways,
that the gang came to be?
- The what?
- The gang.
The gang?
No, they don't call
themselves a gang.
Well, what do they
call themselves then?
They're a team.
They call themselves
a team.
All right, so how is it
that the team came to be?
Well, that's
a whole lot of history.
Well, I've got time.
Vince grew up
with my brother.
Actually, he didn't
ever actually grow up,
as you can tell,
but they were
friends as kids.
And Letty, she just...
She lived down the street.
Always into cars, though.
Ever since she was
like 10 years old.
So, naturally, you know,
my brother always
had her attention.
And then she turned 16...
And then she had
Dom's attention.
Yeah. Yeah, it's funny
how that works, isn't it?
How is it that Jesse fits
into the whole thing?
Well, Jesse and Leon
just sort of
showed up one night
and never ever left.
Well, it's just the way
my brother is, though,
you know?
Dom's like...
He's like gravity.
You know,
everything just
gets pulled to him.
Even you.
The only thing that
pulled me in was you.
Being friends
with your brother
is just a bonus.
That's good. That's...
It's good.
It's nice to come first
every once in a while.
Want to go for a drive?
The hijackers
have hit again.
Bilkins has made
his decision.
We're gonna
move on Johnny Tran
and his guys at 1700 hours.
Unless you say otherwise.
If you agree,
just say yes.
Who is that?
It's just a wrong number.
- Yes, sir.
- Yeah. I know, but...
Yeah. Yeah.
Yes. Yes, sir.
Yeah, I got it.
The DVD players were
purchased legally.
All we've got on
Tran and company
are a couple of
low-rent weapons charges
and some outstanding
speeding tickets.
So, they're out.
Yeah. Father bailed
them out.
Is this the kind
of intelligence
I can expect from you,
You're gonna put
this on me?
I can put it on
whoever I want to, kid.
Perks of the job.
No, there's no way
you're gonna
put this on me...
No, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Let me tell you.
I don't care if
you have to put a gun
to someone's head
and blow your cover
to smithereens.
You've got 36 hours
to crack this bastard
or you might
want to be thinking
about another career.
It's Toretto, Brian.
It always has been Toretto.
Tran and Hector are...
They're just fumes.
Well, I know
you've been lying to me.
My question is this,
have you been
lying to yourself
because you can't
see past Mia?
He won't go back
to prison.
Well, that's a choice
he's going to have to make.
There's all kinds
of family, Brian.
And that's a choice
you're gonna have to make.
You ready
for this, Jumpy?
Nice car.
What's the retail
on one of those?
More than you can
afford, pal. Ferrari.
Smoke him.
So, what's wrong, Brian?
Nothing, man, I'm fine.
Come on. Obviously,
something's off.
Look, I have my good days
and I have my bad days,
just like anybody else.
Brian, don't lose
that cool of yours.
That's your meal ticket.
My meal ticket?
What, I can't pay
for my own shrimp?
I got the shrimp.
No, see, that's one
thing about me, Dom,
you don't understand.
I don't need handouts.
I don't take handouts.
I earn my way,
every step.
Just gotta make
a little something extra
on the side, like you.
What do you mean,
like me?
What's that supposed
to mean?
That's what I mean.
What does that
mean "like me"?
Don't try...
I'm not stupid, all right?
I know that there's
no way in hell
you paid for all that shit
you got under the hood...
I know there's no way in hell
you paid for all that shit
that's under the hood
of those cars,
by doing tune-ups
and selling groceries.
Now, whatever it is
you're in on,
I want in on it, too.
Well, what is this?
Read it.
What is this for?
It's directions
to Race Wars.
We'll see how you do,
then we'll talk.
How's it going, bro?
What's up, man?
Welcome to Race Wars.
Great. Thanks a lot.
Baby. Hey, baby.
You should be
watching from the side.
I wouldn't want
to get any exhaust
on that pretty face.
How about you put your money
where your mouth is?
Well, how about I race you
for that sweet little ass?
You want ass,
why don't you hit
Hollywood Boulevard?
You want an adrenaline rush,
it'll be two large.
Right here. Right now.
What's it gonna be?
You got it.
Another one bites the dust
Come on. What do you got?
What you got?
See ya.
Hey, Bri, what's up?
Hey, what's up, Jesse?
What do you have
in your hand?
Throwing down
the pink slip,
just like you.
The pink slip to what?
The Jetta?
You can't bet
your dad's car.
It's all right.
I ain't losing.
This fool is running
a Honda 2000. I'll win.
That way me
and my dad can
roll together
when he gets out
of prison. It's all good.
Well, they're gonna throw him
right back in prison
after he kills you.
Oh, shit. I'm up.
You visualize the win.
Hey, visualize
the win, Jesse.
I'm serious.
You gotta listen
to me, man.
Who are you racing?
Jesse, don't do it.
I bet you he's got
more than a $100,000
under the hood of that car.
Too soon, Junior.
Oh, God!
Yo! Heads up, bro.
We got problems.
Where's Jesse going?
He just raced Tran
for slips.
Oh, shit.
Where's he going?
He went to the car wash.
Whatever. Go fetch my car.
Go fetch your car?
We're not on
your block any more.
You better watch who
you talk to like that.
Okay, watch it.
SWAT came into my house,
disrespected my whole family
because somebody
narked me out.
And you know what?
It was you!
Come on!
Go! Get him!
Let him go!
Get off of him!
Get off of him!
You're gonna go!
- Dom, chill out, man!
- Come on! Let's go!
I never narked
on nobody!
I never narked
on nobody!
Let's go!
I have respected you
and I haven't said shit.
And now I'm asking you
not to go.
Mia, I'm doing this
for both of us.
No, don't give me
that crap.
You're doing this
for you.
Why are you insisting
on doing this?
Dom, please, just don't.
what's going on?
You know what
I'm talking about.
No, I don't, Brian.
Oh, so what?
You always have tears
in your eyes when
Dom drives away?
What is the matter
with you?
Come on. What's
your brother racing off
in the middle
of the night for?
I'm talking
about the trucks.
You know
about the trucks?
No, Brian!
What trucks?
Jesus Christ.
Listen to me.
Mia, I'm a cop.
What are you
talking about, Brian?
What is this?
Ever since
the first time I met you,
I've been undercover.
I'm a cop.
Oh, you bastard.
You bastard.
Get off of me, Brian!
Mia! Listen to me!
Everything I ever said
I felt about you was real.
I swear to God.
You have
to believe me, Mia.
But right now
this isn't about
you and me.
Your brother's out there,
he's about to pull
a job and we're
running out of time.
Those truckers,
they're not laying down
any more, you know.
Maybe they'll make
it through tonight,
but every single
law enforcement agency
in California's
coming down on them.
If you don't want
anything to happen
to your brother,
to Letty, to Leon,
to Vince,
you have to just get
in that car with me
right now.
You have to help me.
Mia, you are the only person
that can help me right now.
Please, Mia.
Please help me.
Civics are stashed
somewhere outside
of Thermal.
And they wouldn't
double back.
And Highway 10
is just way too
well patrolled.
So, what does that
leave us with then?
That leaves us
with all this.
Yeah, this is
Officer Brian O'Conner.
Serial number 34762.
I need a cell phone trace.
Okay. What's the cell number?
Mia, what's
his cell phone number?
Come on, Mia.
She needs Dom's
cell phone number now.
Thank you.
Yeah, you get that?
All right,
we're one man short.
Letty, I need you
on the left side.
Your sister's
right about this one.
This don't feel good.
Don't do that.
Something's wrong.
We shouldn't be
doing this without Jesse.
Look, this is
the mother lode.
We've been on this
for three months.
After this, it's a long
vacation for everyone.
Let's go.
I hope so.
Listen, the other night
I had a dream
that you and I were
on a beach in Mexico.
Oh, really?
Come on.
Let's make this happen.
Leon, keep on
those scanners.
Copy that.
All right, let's go.
we traced the number
to the northbound 86.
Mile 114 outside Coachella.
We'll keep
the trace open, officer.
Let me see this.
All right, I think
we're about 40 miles away.
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
Okay! Go time!
We're all good, man.
I got nothing
on the scanners.
Keep going.
Vince, don't!
Get back in!
He's got
a damn shotgun! Leon!
Back off! Back off!
Get him off of there!
Get me off this thing!
Pull up.
Unhook! Unhook yourself!
Do it!
Do it!
I can't get...
You can do it!
Come on, Vince!
Dom! I'm pulling up
to distract him!
Come on, boy!
Shot doesn't get
better than this.
You son of a bitch!
Take me off here!
I'm gonna unhook the wire!
Try it again!
One, two, three!
Vince, unhook yourself!
I can't get my arm free!
My arm!
Vince, grab my hand.
My arm!
Listen, give me
your hand!
I'm gonna pull you
off the rig!
Hang on!
Dom, move out of the way!
I'm coming to get him!
Go back for Letty!
Get her out of there!
I'm on it! Go!
I've got her!
You get Vince
off that truck!
Letty! Come on, baby.
Letty. You okay?
Oh, shit.
Come on, girl,
you all right?
Come on, let me
look at you.
Come on.
We got to go.
Let's go.
Come on, Vince!
Here, take the wheel.
What do you mean,
take the wheel?
Take the wheel!
Put your foot on the gas!
I'm gonna get him.
Put your foot on the gas!
Okay! Okay!
Come on,
keep it steady!
I got it!
All right, hold on, Vince!
Hey, he's having
a hard time holding on!
Get me a little closer!
All right!
I'm moving in!
Hold it right there!
Vince! You got to hang
in here with me right now!
We're gonna get you
off this thing!
Give me your arm!
Vince, look at me!
Don't let go!
Come on, Vince!
Throw this arm around me!
Vince, don't let go!
Come on, Mia, get closer!
Mia, get closer! Come on!
Come on, Vince.
Here we go!
Oh, shit.
It's gonna be okay, Letty.
I love you.
Watch her.
Yeah, I got her.
Come on, Vince!
Hang in there! Come on!
If we don't get
him to an ambulance
in 10 minutes, he's dead.
Hold this.
Hold the pressure.
Just like that.
I got it.
Don't let go.
Hold his arm up.
Yeah. Yeah, this is
Officer Brian O'Conner.
I'm off-duty LAPD.
I need a Life Flight
roll out right away.
My 20 is a Highway 86,
mile marker 147.
I got one trauma victim,
about 24 years of age.
Six foot, maybe 200 pounds.
He's got a real
deep laceration
to his right arm,
with arterial bleeding.
And he's got
a shotgun wound,
close range
to his left flank.
Yeah. Yeah,
and he's going into shock!
Dom, put the gun
down now!
Move your car.
No. Bullshit!
Put it down now!
No more running!
I'm not running!
Where's Leon and Letty?
They're long gone!
Then it's over.
I didn't call the police
but don't push me!
Put the gun down!
I swear to God...
You are the cop!
You're a cop!
Brian, I gotta find
Jesse before they do!
I'm all the kid's got.
I'll call in the plates.
PD will pick him up
way before Johnny
even gets near him.
Move your car.
Dom, stop it!
It's over! Please!
Mia, stay out of it!
Move the...
Dominic, I am so sorry!
I don't know
what I'm doing, Dom!
I'm so scared right now!
I don't know
what's going on!
Jess! What were
you thinking, man?
I don't know!
I panicked! I'm sorry!
I'm scared!
I don't know
what I'm doing!
Will you please help me?
Jesse! No, Jesse!
No. Dom, no!
Call 911 . You, call 911!
I used to drag here
back in high school.
That rail road
crossing up there
is exactly a quarter
mile away from here.
On green,
I'm going for it.
That's not what
I had in mind.
You know what you're doing?
I owe you a 10-second car.
I live my life
a quarter mile at a time.
Nothing else matters.
For those 10 seconds
or less
I'm free.
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