The Pianist (2002) movie

- Mr. Szpilman?
- Hello.

I came specially to meet you.
I love your playing.

- Who are you?
- My name's Dorota, Jurek's sister.

- You're bleeding!
- It's nothing.

You can write him a fan letter later.
This isn't the best time. Come on.

Jurek, where have you been
hiding her?

- I don't know what to take.
- You always take too much.

How many suitcases are you taking?

What do you think, should I take
uncle Szymon's portrait?

Take it, don't take it,
take what you like.

Can't you see I'm worried sick?

He'll come home, he'll be alright.

- I should have another case.
- Mama, Wladek is home!

Thank God.
Wladek! You're wounded?

- No, it was nothing.
- I've been worried sick.

I told her not to worry.
You had your papers on you.

If you'd been hit by a bomb,
they'd know where to take you.

Henryk, don't say things like that.
God forbid. God forbid.

- Papa, Wladek is home.
- What did I tell you?

- What are you doing?
- Where's my hat with the wide brim?

- They've bombed us. We're off the air.
- Warsaw is not the only radio station.

Pack, darling.
Get your things packed.

- Where are we going?
- Out of Warsaw.

- Out of Warsaw where?
- You haven't heard?

- Heard what?
- Haven't you seen the paper?
- No.

- Where's the paper?
- I used it for packing.

- She used it for packing.
- The government has moved to Lublin.

All able-bodied men must leave the city, go
across the river, set up a new line of defense.

There isn't anybody left here, only
the women. The men are all gone.

What do you think you'll do while
they set up a new line of defense?

- Wonder around with your suitcases?
- Pack, Wladek. There's no time.

- I'm not going anywhere.
- Good. I'm not going anywhere either.

Don't be ridiculous,
we've got to keep together.

Look, look. If I'm going to die, I prefer
to die in my own home, staying put.

- God forbid.
- Shut up, I've got something. Listen.

From the BBC in London.
The British government...

having received no reply
to the ultimatum presented...

to the German government...

has declared war on Nazi Germany.

- That's wonderful! Wonderful!
- It is expected that...

within the next few hours, France
will make a similar declaration.

Poland is no longer alone.

Wonderful, wonderful!

- Mama, that was a great dinner.
- It certainly was.

When there's something to celebrate,
you've got to make an effort.

Well, here's to Great Britain and France!

I told you, didn't I tell you?
All will be well!

Five thousand and three.

- Is that all?
- Yes. It's all we've got left.

- It's 3,003 too much.
- Look.

Re: "Further restrictions
regarding liquid assets".

Jews will be allowed to keep a
maximum of 2,000 zlotys in their homes."

- What do we do with the rest?
- Deposit it in a bank. Blocked account.

Banks! Who'd be stupid enough
to deposit money in a German bank?

We could hide the money. Look here.
We can hide it under the flowerpots.

No, no... I'll tell you what we'll do.
We'll use tried and tested methods.

You know what we did
in the last war?

We made a hole in the table leg,
and hid the money in there.

And suppose they take the table away?
- What do you mean take the table away?

The Germans go into Jewish homes and they just take
what they want... furniture, valuables, anything.

- Do they?
- Why'd they want a table like this?

- What on earth are you doing?
- Listen. Look.

This is the best place. No-one would
think of looking under the flowerpot.

- No, listen. I've been thinking...
- Really? That's a change.

You know what we do? We use psychology.
- We use what?

We leave the money and the watch
on the table, covered. In full view.

- Are you stupid?
- The Germans will search high and low... they'll never notice it.

That's the stupidest thing I've ever
seen. Of course they'll notice. Look.

Look here.


- And you call me stupid.
- Very good. That's the last place...

- This would take hours.
- We're not in a hurry.

- It won't take hours.
- How will you get them out? Tell me.

- How will you get them out?
- Quiet! Order, please!

- You reach them out individually.
- No-one listens to me!

Quiet, please, quiet.
Order, order, please.

- The lawyer, she likes order.
- Listen, just listen. Look.

The watch we put under the flowerpot
and the money we stuff in the violin.

- But I'll still be able to play?
- You'll find out.

- Jurek? It's Wladek Szpilman.
- Wladek, how are you?

We're fine, thank you.
And you?

Fine, under the circumstances.
I guess I know why you're calling.

There's nothing we can do.
They won't reopen the station.

- Yes, I know, but I...
- No music, no radio for the Polish.

But sure you'll find work.
A pianist like you.

Well, maybe, maybe not, but...

don't be offended, but I didn't call
to discuss my future career.

I nagged Jurek for weeks and weeks,
and at last he gave in and said...

"All right, come with me tomorrow",
so I came and...

they bombed the station.

- Meeting you like that was wonderful.
- Really?

Yes, it was unforgettable.

- I love your playing, Mr. Szpilman.
- Call me Wladek, please.

- No-one plays Chopin like you.
- I hope it's a compliment.

- Of course, I mean it.
- I was... trying to be funny.

- Should we go and have a coffee?
- I'd like that.

- And you, what do you do?
- I finished with the conservatoire.

- You're a musician?
- Yes. But only just.

- What instrument?
- The cello.

I love to see women
playing the cello.


This is disgraceful.
How dare they?

You know what people are like, they
want to be better Nazis than Hitler.

- I'm going in there to complain.
- It's better not, believe me.

- It's so humiliating. Someone like you!
- Good-bye.

We'll find somewhere else.

- We can walk in the park.
- No, we can't.

Official decree.
No Jews allowed in the park.

- My God. Are you joking?
- I'm not joking, it's true.

We could sit in a bench, but
"no Jews allowed on public benches".

This is absurd.

We can just stand here and talk.
I think we're allowed to do that
don't you?

So, you play the cello. That's nice.
And who's your favorite composer?

Chopin? Really? Well...

you'll have to learn to play
his cello sonata, won't you?

What about you, Wladek?

Perhaps I could accompany.
Me on the piano, you on the cello.

Mr. Szpilman, you're quite,
quite wonderful.

Call me Wladek, please.

"Free emblems for Jews
in the Warsaw district.

I hereby order that all Jews
in the Warsaw district...

will wear visible emblems
when out of doors.

This decree will come into force
on the first of December, 1939...

and applies to all Jews
over 12 years of age.

The emblem will be worn
on the right sleeve...

and will represent the blue star
of David on a white background.

The background must be
sufficiently large...

for the star to measure eight
centimeters from point to point.

The width of the arms of the star
must be one centimeter.

The Jews that do not respect this
decree will be severely punished.

Governor of the Warsaw district,
Dr. Fischer."

- I won't wear it.
- I'm not going to be branded.

Let me see this.

Does it say that we have to provide
these armbands ourselves?

- Where will we get them?
- We're not going to wear them.


Come here.

Why haven't you greeted us?

I'm sorry.

The sidewalk is forbidden for you.

Go into the gulley.

- Have you seen this?
- What? What? I'm working. What?

What is this?

- It's where they're going to put us.
- What do you mean "put us"?

"By order of the governor of the
Warsaw district, Dr. Fischer...

concerning the establishment of
the Jewish district in Warsaw.

There'll be created a Jewish district
in which Jews will have to reside."

Look here. "Jews living outside
of the prescribed area...

will have to move to the Jewish
district by 31 of October, 1940."

They won't get all of us.
It's too small.

There's 400 thousand of us
in Warsaw.

No, 360 thousand.
So it will be easy.

What am I supposed to do?
You tell me.


Mama, what is it?

20 zlotys!

That's all we have left, 20 zlotys.

What can I buy with 20 zlotys?

I'm sick of cooking potatoes,
potatoes, potatoes.

That's the price.
That's what I'm offering.

My advice is to accept.
You won't get more from anyone else.

- But it's a Bechstein!
- 2 thousand. My advice is to take it.

What are you going to do when
you're hungry? Eat the piano?

- Get out!
- What's the matter with you?

- Stop it!
- We'd rather give it away. Get out!

Haven't you eaten today?
What are you suffering from?

You people are crazy.

I'm doing you a favor. Two thousand
and I'm paying for the removal.

I'm not even charging
for the removal!

You haven't eaten today.
You're crazy.

Take it.


Hello. Hi.

I didn't want to come.

I didn't want to see all this, but...
I couldn't stop myself.

- How are you doing?
- Fine.


No, not really.
They arrested my cousin.

Jurek says they'll let him out.

- This is disgraceful.
- It won't last long. Don't worry.

That's what I said myself.

It's too absurd.

I... I should go.

Well, I'll see you...




to tell you the truth,
I thought it would be worse.

- Where will we sleep?
- I sleep in the kitchen with the girls.

You, Henryk and Papa, in here.


Come and look.

Go away.

Go away! Go away!

Papa! Papa!

- Sell anything?
- Just one. Dostoievski, "The Idiot".

- 3 zlotys.
- It's better than yesterday.

Three lousy zlotys. And there are
people there making millions.

- I know.
- You don't know, believe me.

They bribe the guards,
the guards turn a blind eye.

They bring cartloads of food,
tobacco, liquor, French cosmetics.

And the poor are dying all around
and they don't give a damn.

Excuse me, have you seen
my husband, Izaak Szerman?

A tall handsome man,
with a little gray beard.

- I'm afraid not.
- Excuse me. Good-bye.

Sleep well. But if you see him,
write to me, yes?

Izaak Szerman.

Why do we have to have a gentile
street running through our area?

Why can't they go around?

Don't worry. They're about to build
a bridge. Haven't you heard?

A bridge! Those idiots.

The Germans claim to be intelligent.

But do you know what I think?
I think they're totally stupid.

I have a family to feed.
I spend half of my time here...

waiting for them to let us through.

Maybe they think I come here
to listen to the music?

- What is it? Are you in a hurry?
- What's wrong with you?

- Come on, do something.
- Right. Dance!

- Dance!
- Dance!

Come on, come on! Dance!

Yes, very nice... lol

What about you?
Dance with him.

Let's clear the street,
so the Jews can dance.

Come on. And you.

Go on.


Come on!


Come on!


Come on, move! I said faster!
Come on, Jews!

- Keep dancing.
- Dance.

Good, they're here.

Itzak Heller has been
waiting for you.

- What's this about?
- Sit down, have tea.

I'll start lunch
when the girls get here.

- So, what are you doing here?
- He brought cakes.

His father is back in the jewellery
business. He's doing well.

Amazing, jewellery.

- We're recruiting.
- Who is recruiting?

Don't be clever with me.
I'm coming as a friend.

They're bringing Jews in
from all over the country.

Soon there will be half
million people in the ghetto.

- We need more Jewish police.
- More Jewish police!

You want me to beat up Jews
and catch the Gestapo spirit. I see.

- Someone has got to do it.
- But why me?

I thought you only recruited boys
with rich fathers.

Look at my father, look at us...

I'm looking at you, that's why I'm
here. You can have a better life.

- You want to survive selling books?
- Yes, please.

I'm doing you people a favor.

What about you?
You're a great pianist.

We've got a police jazz band.
They'd welcome you with open arms.

- Join us. You've got no work.
- Thank you, I've got work.

I'm sorry, he wants you to stop.

Who wants me to stop?
(for just a minute)

I always say,
look on the bright side.

You're in a small ghetto with
intellectuals, professional people.

You're better off than us. Here in
the large ghetto it's a cesspool.

- You have to give me something.
- You're an artist...

you keep peoples' spirits up.
You do enough.

- I want to help, do something.
- You're too well known.

And you know what? You musicians
don't make good conspirators.

You're too... too musical.

- Who is that?
- Symche.


There are notices going up. City is
to be cleansed of the undesirables.

- There's always notices going up.
- Hello, Symche.

Dyrek. Mrs. Ysken.

Jehuda, working hard?

This is the greatest pianist in
Poland. Maybe the whole world.

Wladyslaw Szpilman,
meet Majorek.

- How do you do?
- I know your name.

- I've never heard you play.
- Majorek used to be in the Army.

Brilliant man. The only thing I've got
against him is he's not a socialist.

You better go now, Wladek.
It's nearly curfew.

You know how many copies
we print of our newspaper?

Five hundred.

You know how many people on
average read one copy? Twenty.

That makes 10 thousand readers.
This will start the uprising.

Majorek hides them in his underpants
and leaves them in toilets.

- Toilets?
- As many toilets as I can find.

Germans never use Jewish toilets.

They're too clean for them.

Please, mister, please.

Hold it!
You little bastard!

Take this!

Stop it! Stop it!

Stop it!

Come on, come on.
Come on, boy.

Stand up! Stand up.

Please, tonight for once, I don't
want anything bad talked about.

- Enjoy your meal.
- Then I'll tell you something funny.

- You know who I mean by Dr. Raszeja?
- The surgeon.

The Germans allowed him into
the ghetto to perform an operation.

On a Jew? They let a Pole
to come in to operate on a Jew?

He got a pass, that's all I know.
Anyway, so...

he puts the patient to sleep
and starts the operation.

He'd just made the first incision
when the SS burst in...

shoot the patient, then Dr. Raszeja
and everybody else who was there.

Isn't that a laugh?

The patient didn't feel a thing,
he was anesthetized.

I said nothing bad.

What's the matter with you all?
You lost your sense of humor?

It's not funny.

You know what's funny? You're
funny, with that ridiculous tie.

What are you talking about? What's
my tie have to do with anything?

- I need this tie for my work.
- Your work?

- That's right, I work.
- Playing the piano for the parasites.

- Parasites...
- Boys. Boys!

- They don't give a damn.
- And you blame me for their apathy?

I see it everyday. They don't even
notice what's going around them.

- I blame the Americans.
- For what? For my tie?

The American Jews,
and there are lots of them.

What do they think they're doing?
People here are dying.

Haven't got a bite to eat.

The Jewish bankers should persuade
America to declare war on Germany.

The lights! The lights!

Turn on the lights.

Come on!

Open the door!
We want to go in!

Open the door!

Stand up!

You, stand up! Come on!

Throw him out!


Come on, run!

- I'm Mr. Szpilman's sister.
- Go in. Not you.

- What?
- Come. It's terrible.

- What?
- They're hunting people in the streets.

They've taken Henryk.

Go home, alright? Go home,
I'll take care of it.

Excuse me. Have you seen
my husband? Izaak Szerman?

- I'm afraid not.
- Tall, handsome, little gray beard.

If you see him, write to me.
Don't forget. Izaak Szerman.

What happened here?

They've got my grandson. They
pick them up and take them away.

What they do to them,
I've stopped believing in God.

Excuse me. Excuse me.



Itzak, it's Wladek Szpilman.

- Henryk is in there.
- I haven't seen him.

Believe me.
They picked him up.

- Can you help?
- Now you need me. Now you need me!

Can you help us?

- It costs.
- I have no money.

Then there's nothing I can do.
You should have joined us.

- They told me you had influence.
- Who told you?

People I know. They said
you're an important man.


- Hands up.
- How are you?

- How are you?
- You, bandit.

Dead! Dead!

- He's crazy.
- Hands up.

- Want a cigarette?
- Cigarette?

Thank you.

Everything is alright!

He looks very happy.

Everything is alright.

Everything is alright.

Hands up! Hands up!

It's alright.

Help! Help!

Let go! Help!

- Why did they pick you up?
- So you go to Itzak Heller?

- Did I ask you to talk to him?
- You're out, aren't you?

- Did you beg to that piece of shit?
- I asked him to help you.

What did you pay him?

With what could I pay him? Every
zloty I earn we spend on food.

- I can look after myself.
- They were taking you away.

It's got nothing to do with you.
It's me they wanted, not you.

Why do you have to interfere
with other people's business?

- You're mad. That's your trouble.
- That's also my business.

What's the matter?
Are you sick?


Employment certificate. What's that
mean, no employment certificate?

You have to have an
employment certificate...

to work for the Germans
in the ghetto, otherwise...

- Otherwise what?
- You'll be deported.

- So the rumors were true.
- They're going to resettle us...

and send us to labor camps,
in the East.

- They're closing the small ghetto.
- Oh, God!

Wladek? Wladek?

I thought you were on tour playing
in London, Paris, New York, Chicago.

- Not this week.
- You look terrible.

Have you heard the rumors? They're
going to resettle us in the East.

Rumors! You take it all too much
to heart. What's the trouble?

I've been trying to get the certificate
of employment for my father.

I managed to get one for me and my
family, but I need one for my father.

- I've been to all the firms and shops...
- Why didn't you come to me?

I didn't know you were
in the certificate business.

I'm not, but Majorek is.

Can you help?
I have no money.

Please, don't insult us.
Can you do something for him?

Be at the Schultz workshop
tomorrow, four o'clock.

See what a wonderful piece
of luck you've had today?

That's the historical imperative in
action! That's why I always say:

- "Look on the bright side!"
- Yes, I know.

- How's your back?
- Better.


Better not ask.

- Thank you.
- My pleasure. Won't help you anyway.

Thank you, Mr. Schultz.

At least we got work
in the ghetto.

At least we are still together.

Everybody out!
To the courtyard!

Move, move!

We are workers. We have
employment certification.



Go over there. Hurry.


You. You.




The others, put your clothes on
and come back here.

Bring your things with you.
15 kilos only.

Where are you taking us?

I'm sorry, I did my best.

- I thought the certificates'd save us.
- Stop it, Wladek.

Let's just hope that Henryk
and Halina will be better off.

- Where will we be going?
- You're going to work.

You'll be much better off than
in the stinking ghetto. Move.

Why did I do it? Why did I do it?

Why did I do it?
Why did I do it?

Why did I do it?

Don't you have a bottle of water?
He's dying.

My child is dying of thirst.

- I beg you.
- I'm sorry.

- Don't you have water? I beg you.
- Can you hear what I'm saying?

- I'm telling you, it's a disgrace.
- I can hear you.

Letting them take us to our death
like sheep to the slaughter.

- Not so loud.
- Why don't we attack them?

There's half a million of us here.
We can break out of the ghetto.

At least we can die honorably, not
as a stain on the face of History.

Why are you so sure they're
sending us to our death?

You know why I'm not sure?
Because they didn't tell me.

- They're going to wipe us all out.
- What do you want me to do? Fight?

To fight, we need organization,
plans, guns.

He's right. Do you think I'm going
to fight with my violin bowl?

The Germans would never squander
a huge labor force like this.

They're sending us to a labor camp,
it's obvious.


Look at that cripple, the old people,
the children. They're going to work?

Look at you. You're going to carry
logs on your back?

Henryk! Halina, Henryk!

I missed you.
I wanted to be with you!

I wanted to be with you!

Stupid. Stupid.

Why did I do it? Why did I do it?

She's getting on my nerves.

- What did she do, for God's sake?
- She smothered her baby.

They prepared a hiding place
and of course they went there.

The baby cried
just as the police came.

She smothered the cries with
her hands, the baby died.

A policeman heard the death rattle
and found where they were hiding.

What are you reading?

"If you prick us, do we not bleed?
If you tickle us, do we not laugh?

If you poison us, do we not die?

And, if you wrong us,
shall we not revenge?"

- Very appropriate.
- Yes. That's why I brought it.

Idiot. What does he think
he's gonna do with the money?

Boy, come here.

Come here.

- How much for a caramel?
- 20 zlotys.

For one caramel? What do you think
you're gonna do with the money?

20 zlotys.

We've got 20 between us.

I've got 10, I think.

5, 10, 20.

- Halina?
- What?

- It's a funny time to say this, but...
- What?

I wish I knew you better.

Thank you.


Papa? Papa?

Mama? Halina?

Halina? Mama?

What do you think you're doing?
I've saved your life. Just go! Go!

Don't run!



Off they go to the melting pot.

- This stays.
- Give it to me!

What are you doing?
She's pregnant.


Why are you here, Wladek?

It's like this, I...


All of them, all of them.

All of them.

Perhaps they're lucky.
The quicker, the better.

It's not finished yet. We'll stay
here for a couple of days...

until things die down.

I've bribed the policeman,
he'll come when it's over.

On the march!


My God, I haven't been outside in,
it must be two years.

Don't get overexcited.

It's gold.
Very good price.

Someone you know?

A beauty.
Who is she?

She's a singer. I knew her well.
Her husband is an actor.

They're good people.
I'd like to talk to her.

Don't forget, Wladek.
They hang them for helping Jews.

Turn left!

On the march!

Stop! Halt!

At ease.

Turn right!

Step forward.


You. You.


Down on the ground!

Down on the ground!

Turn left!

On the march.

How long have you been here?

Since last night.

I was pleased to see you.

They're going to start
the final resettlement now.

We know what it means.

We sent someone out.
Zygmund, a good man.

His orders were to follow
the trains out of Warsaw.

He got to Sokolow.

A man told him the tracks divided,
one branch's leading to Treblinka.

He said everyday freight trains
carrying people from Warsaw...

branch off to Treblinka
and return empty.

No transports of food
are ever seen on that line.

The civilians are forbidden
to approach the Treblinka station.

They're exterminating us.

It won't take them long.

We are 60 thousand left,
out of half a million.

Mostly young people.

And this time we're gonna fight.

We're in good shape.

We're prepared.

If you need help, I...

You! Come here!


I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Take this! Take this!

Take him away.

I hope you play the piano better
than you carry bricks.

He won't last long
if he goes on like this.

I'll see if I can get him
something better.


Round up only the Jews!

Round up!
Only the Jews.

The Polish keep working.
Only the Jews.

I have good news for you.

There are rumors going around
that we like to...

to resettle you.

I promise you that now
and in the future...

nothing else is planned.

For this reason, we put
information posters on the wall.

To show you our goodwill...

you should vote one of you
to be allowed...

to go in town daily...

and bring 3 kilos of potatoes...

and one loaf of bread
for each of your workers.

So, why should we do something
like this if we'd resettle you?

You can make good business
out of the things you don't eat.

Isn't that something that you Jews
are good in? Making money?

Dismiss them.

That one, with the string.
The others, tied by wire.



I have a favor to ask.

I want to get out of here.

It's easy to get out. It's how you'll
survive on the other side that's hard.

I know.

Last summer, I worked for a day
in the Zelazna Brama Square.

I saw someone I knew,
she's an old friend.

A singer, her husband
is an actor.

I've filled their names down and
their address, if they're still there.

Janina Godlewska and Andrzej
Bogucki. They're good people.

Would you try to make contact?

You go to town everyday. Ask them
if they'd help me get out of here.

Have you got any plaster?

What are you up to?

What have you got there?

We are allowed to take
food to the ghetto.

Three kilos of potato and bread.

Open it.

- It's only potatoes and bread.
- You're lying. That's not true.

Open it.


You Jews are all alike.

We reach you with a finger...

and you take the whole hand.

If you lie to me again,
I'll kill you. Personally.

I've tried your friends.

- They don't live there anymore.
- Did you make contact?

- Be ready to leave.
- When?

- Soon.
- Halt!

Shit! Shit!

Wait. What's going on here?

Take this! Take this!

I'll teach you some discipline,
you dirty Jews.

Do you know why
you're being hit?

- No.
- Do you know why you're being hit?

- Why?
- To celebrate New Year.

On the march!

March and sing!

Sing something nice!

Loud and clear!

Reunite tonight
And follow the white eagle

Stand up and fight
Our mortal enemies

Rise on the day
Let's give them fire and brimstone

We'll do away
The Yoke of slavery

Punish and rout
The rapists of our nation

We'll slash them out
To save our dignity


I'm sorry.

I'm dirty. I'm so filthy.

We haven't much time.
Come on.

We must hurry.

Here. See if these fit.

We have to keep moving you. Germans
are hunting down indiscriminately.

Jews, non-Jews, anybody, everybody.

You better shave.
Use my razor on the shelf.

You'll be looked after
by Gebczynski.

He's on the other side of town.

You stay there tonight,
then we'll find you somewhere else.

- I'll bring you food.
- Alright, let's go.

I'll show you where
you're going to sleep.

You have to stay here
until tomorrow afternoon.

We have a flat for you near
the ghetto wall. But it's safe.

It's not going to be very comfortable.

I'll be fine.

Thank you.

Here. Here. Give it to me.

Go as near to the front as possible,
to the German section.


I'm going to draw the curtains now.

But you leave them open
during the day. Don't forget.

Must feel better on
this side of the wall, eh?


But sometimes I'm still not sure
which side of the wall I'm on.

Some bread, potatoes, onions.

I'll come again.
Janina will visit you twice a week.

To bring more food,
see how you are.

Thank you.

This is very important.
In case of emergency...

I mean emergency,
go to this address.

What do you mean you forgot?

What do you think I mean?
I forgot, that's what I mean.

- You know, you treat me like dirt.
- Because you are a dirt.

- Pig! Pig!
- Bitch!

- Dirty pig!
- You are a dirty pig!

Takes one to know one. Pig.

- You play like an angel.
- Then why don't you listen?

- I'm listening.
- Liar.

You fell asleep. Pig.

Spread out!
We're being attacked!

Take cover!


Take cover! Fire!

Come on, get out!

The attack was successful.

That building...

Turn that way!


Thank you.

- I wanted to come earlier, but...
- No, thank you.

No-one thought
they'd hold out so long.

I never should've come out. I should
have stayed and fought with them.

Wladek, stop that. It's over now.

Just be proud of them.

- My God, did they put up a fight!
- Yes.

- So did the Germans.
- They are in shock!

They didn't expect it. Nobody
expected it. Jews fighting back.

- Who would have thought?
- What good did it do?

What good?

Wladek, I'm surprised with you.

They died with dignity.
And you know something else?

Now the Poles will rise.
We are ready.

We'll fight too.
You'll see.

Get your things together.
You have to leave.

What? What's happened?

- I'm on the run.
- What's happened?

The Gestapo found our weapons.
They've arrested Janina and Andrzej.

They're bound to find out about this
place too. You must get away at once.

Where do you want me to go?

Look at me, I'm not leaving.

- Can I take my chances here?
- That's your decision.

But when they storm the flat,
throw yourself out the window...

don't let them get you alive.

I have poison on me.
They won't get me alive either.

Open up!

Open the door
or we'll call the police!

Are you from this flat?
You're not registered.

It belongs to a friend of mine. I just
came to visit, but I missed him.

Have you got your identity card?

- Let me see your identity card.
- Yes, of course.

- I want to see your identity card!
- What's happening?

He's a Jew! A Jew!

Stop the Jew!

Don't let him out!
Stop him!

- Yes?
- Mr. Gebczynski sent me.

- Wladyslaw Szpilman.
- Dorota.

Come in.

I'm sorry.

I was given this address and
I'm looking for a Mr. Dzikiewicz.

Michal Dzikiewicz, he's my husband.

Come in.


I need help.

He'll be back before curfew.

I've been in hiding.

- I need somewhere to stay.
- He'll be here soon.

- How long have you been married?
- Just over a year.

And how is Jurek?


- When is your baby due?
- Christmas.

This is not a good time to
have children, but then...

This is my husband.
Wladyslaw Szpilman.

- Marek Gebczynski sent him.
- Yes, I remember.

He said to contact you
only in case of emergency.

Don't worry now.

We can't move you tonight.
You'll sleep on the sofa.

Excuse me.

I'm sorry,
could I have a piece of bread?

Yes, of course.
We will eat.

Sit. Please, sit.

Thank you.

You're on a very German area.

On the opposite is a hospital taking
wounded from the Russian front.

And next door is the

Safest place to be.

Right at the heart
of the lion's den.

I'll be locking you in.

No-one knows you're here,
so keep as quiet as possible.

All well?

Thank you.

This is Antek Szalas.
He'll be looking after you.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Thank you.

I've given him a second key. He'll
bring food, see that you're alright.

He's with the underground,
he's a good man.

- You don't remember me?
- I don't think so.

Warsaw Radio.
I was a technician.

I saw you almost everyday.

- I'm sorry, I don't remember.
- It doesn't matter.

You've nothing to worry about.
I'll visit often.

You'll be pleased to hear that
the Allies are bombing Germany...

night after night, after night.

Cologne, Hamburg, Berlin.

And the Russians are giving them
hell. It's the beginning of the end.

Let's hope so.

Come here.

Be careful with it.

That's it. Be careful.

Still alive then?

Here. Sausage, bread.

You still got that vodka?

- How long is this meant to last?
- Not long now.

I think I've got jaundice.

Don't worry about that.
It just makes you look funny.

My grandfather was jilted by
his girlfriend when he got jaundice.

Drink up.

Why didn't you come sooner?
It's been over two weeks...



I've got to raise money
to buy the food.

I need things to sell,
it's not easy.

Here. Sell this.

Food is more important than time.

Oh, yes. I meant to tell you!
The Allies have landed in France.

Russians will be here soon.

They'll beat the shit
out of the Germans...

any day now.


I knew it.
I knew this would happen.

- I'll get a doctor.
- You can't. It's too dangerous.

- Dr. Luczak. We can trust him.
- Ridiculous. He's a pediatrician.

- He's still a doctor.
- No.

You stay. I'll go.

We came to say goodbye.

We're going to stay
with my mother in Otwocks.

The baby is already there.
It's safer.

There's talk that the uprising
will begin any day now.

That man Szalas should be shot.

He's been collecting money
on your behalf all over Warsaw.

Apparently people gave generously,
so he collected a tidy sum.

My God.

The liver the size of a football.
Inflammation of the gall bladder...

but he'll live.

I'll try to get him some laevulose,
but it's not easy.

- Can you visit him again?
- Who knows.

- Doctor, thank you.
- Don't speak, rest.

Thank you so much for coming.

We've brought you some food.

I'll prepare something now
for you, then we must go.

I'll throw a grenade!

There's a wounded man over there!


Watch out! Watch out!

- I'll go get help!
- Hurry!

Come on! Bring the litter!

Go back inside!

Get out, get out in the streets!

Get out now! The Germans
have surrounded the building!

Somebody help me!

Are you alright?
There's too much dust.

I'll check this side.
Don't worry.

Be careful! In the attic.

- Heinrich?
- I'm checking!

Is there anybody here?

- Come on down!
- Alright, I'm coming.

Come on, pile them up.

Throw it.

We have to mark everything.

Come on.

What are you doing here?

Who are you?

- Do you understand?
- Yes.

What are you doing?

I was...

trying to open this can.

Do you live here?

Do you work here?


What do you do for a living?

I am...

I was a pianist.



Play something.

Are you hiding here?


Where are you hiding yourself?

In the attic.

Show it to me.

Have you got anything to eat?

According to them,
it's very important that...


- Good Morning Gentlemen.
- At ease.



What does it mean,
all that shooting?

The Russians,
on the other side of the river.

You just have to hold on
a couple of weeks, not more.

- What's going on?
- We're leaving.

- Are the Russians here?
- Not yet.

I don't know how to thank you.

Thank God, not me.

He wants us to survive. At least,
we have to believe in that.

Here. Take it.

- And you?
- I have another one. A warmer one.

What are you going to do
when this is over?

I'll play piano again at
the Polish radio station.

Tell me your name.

I'll keep my ears open.

- Szpilman, hm...

A Good name for a pianist.

German! German!

Don't shoot, I'm Polish!

I'm Polish!

- Come out with your hands up!
- Please! I beg of you!

Don't shoot, don't shoot.
I beg you, I'm a Polish.

Come down!

Please, I'm Polish.

He's Polish.

Yes, he's Polish.

Why the fucking coat?

I'm cold.

Look at them.
German fuckers!

Murderers! Murderers!

- Dirty bastards!
- Assassins!

- Bastards!
- Look at you now!

You took everything I had.
Me, a musician.

You took my violin,
you took my soul.


Are you a musician?

Do you know...

a pianist called Szpilman,
from the Polish radio station?

- Of course I know him.
- I helped him to hide himself.

Tell him I'm here.

Ask him to help me.

- What's your name?
- Hosenfeld.


It was here, I'm certain of it.

Well, it's not here now.

I shouted abuse at them. I'm not
proud of it, but that's what I did.

And I'm certain I stood where you are now.

There was a barbed wire
and this German came up to me.

- You didn't catch his name?
- No.

I'll ask at the factory.
They may know something.


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