What's that ambulance
doing out there?
I don't know. I'll check it out.
- Evening, sir.
- How's it going, Griff?
I can't complain and won't.
- That him?
- Yep.
Might just be some crackpot,
but I figured I should call you anyway.
- Did he ask for me by name?
- Nope.
Asked for the agent in charge
of the God's Hand case.
Said he had important info.
- Didn't say what?
- Nope.
Said he'd only talk to you.
You the agent in charge
of the God's Hand case?
That's right. Wesley Doyle.
That's a picture of
you and your mother, huh?
I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't
take things off of my desk.
I'm sorry about that.
Guess I've been in here a while.
Already had a look at all
your plaques and your citations.
Didn't really care
to have a look at those.
So, what can I do for you, Mr...?
Meiks. Name's Fenton Meiks.
Now, listen, this may sound
a little bit crazy, but...
...I know who the God's Hand killer is.
All right, I'll bite.
You haven't even heard me out yet
and already you doubt me.
Why is that?
Because in a case like this...
...nobody just walks in
and tells you who the killer is.
It just doesn't happen that way.
Sometimes truth defies reason,
Agent Doyle.
So who is it, then?
My brother.
What makes you think that?
I got a call from him.
Last night.
I wonder where he could be,
I'm getting worried.
Are you, darling? What about?
- Hello?
- Demons are taking over the world.
--To be going on a honeymoon...
I can't destroy them all.
They're everywhere.
I can't take it anymore.
Now, let's talk about this, Adam.
Look, there's nothing to talk about.
It's over.
Whatever happens, you have to take me
to the rose garden.
You promised. Remember?
- Now, sit still, listen to-- Adam.
- Remember?
Remember, you promised.
We will find him. Go on, go on.
Go find your dog. Hurry up.
That's where all this took place.
It's about 200 miles west of here,
just north of Abilene.
Now, why'd you go to Thurman?
To bury Adam in the rose garden.
Why would you do that?
I promised him I would
a long time ago.
Now, that's a pretty wild story,
Mr. Meiks.
I don't see what, if anything,
this has got to do with my case.
Adam is the God's Hand killer,
Agent Doyle.
He's the one you're looking for.
Did he tell you that before he asked you
to take him to Thurman?
- If that's the case, you left that part out.
- I haven't finished yet.
- Oh, there's more?
- A lot more.
Excuse me a minute.
Meat sheriff's office.
Can I talk to the sheriff there,
This is Agent Wesley Doyle
of the FBI.
He's not in right now. May I help you?
Well, we got a man here in my office,
name of Fenton Meiks.
Fenton Meiks? What's he doing there?
- You know him?
- Well, yeah.
He caused a bit of a ruckus
here earlier.
He stole an ambulance
and his brother's body too.
Did my story check out?
Yeah, it did.
So am I under arrest now?
You damn sure should be.
Apparently the sheriff there
is willing to forgive and forget...
...as long as you'll bring
that ambulance back.
Nobody wants to press any charges.
Well, you gotta love small towns.
Why would you go to all that trouble,
just walk in here and confess it to me?
I'm here because I can't live
with what I know anymore.
What exactly do you know?
That is your mother, isn't it?
- Yeah, it is.
- I knew it.
You got the same eyes.
Why don't we get back to your story?
What makes you think that your brother
is the God's Hand killer?
I know it was him.
How do you know?
He started back in Thurman.
It was near the summer of 1979.
I got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart
- You're supposed to say "where?"
- I don't wanna sing that dumb song.
You don't have to sing it.
Just say "where?"
All right. Where?
Not now.
I'll point to you when it's time.
I got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart
- Where?
- Down in my heart
- Where?
- Down in my heart
I got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart to stay
And if the devil doesn't like it
He can sit on a tack
Sit on a tack
Sit on a tack
And if the devil doesn't like it
He can sit on a tack to stay
So who was that chick that--?
Who threw up?
Oh, that was Katie Hagen.
She is sure pretty, though.
- That was real nasty, though.
- Oh, yeah.
All over the floor.
And when the principal fell?
I got the joy, joy...
We lived right behind
the Thurman public rose garden...
...in the house where they used to
keep the gardeners back in the '50s.
Dad had gotten a good deal on it
back when he and Mom got married.
The unexpected incident that creates
those dangerous moments.
The ropes were suddenly
off the alligator.
Adam was 3 years younger
than me.
Our mom had died giving birth to him...
...so I basically took care of him
ever since I can remember.
Our dad worked as a mechanic
over in Jupiter.
He usually got home around 5:30
and we'd all have dinner together.
--Escape behavior of gators.
- Hey, kiddos.
- Hey, Dad.
Something sure smells good.
The next job was to get a rope
over his mouth to tie up...
- How was your day?
- It was all right.
Let's eat.
Whoa, there, tiger. Save some for us.
- I sure love peas.
- You must.
You better be careful, though.
You just might turn into one.
Say, how'd you do on that math test?
Barely passed.
Well, I was never any good
at math either.
I still can't do anything
without a calculator.
Yeah, but there's gonna be
another test next week.
- That one's gonna be even harder.
- Hey, don't sound so glum.
Tell you what.
We'll sit down this weekend...
...see if we can't figure
out that junk together, okay?
All right.
Hey, Fenton, can we go see
Meatballs after school tomorrow?
We've already seen it.
I wanna see it again.
No, we're gonna go see The Warriors.
- Can't. It's rated R.
- We'll sneak in.
Teeth all brushed?
You sure about that, Adam?
All right, breath-test time.
Dad, I did brush them.
I'm just yolking with you, egghead.
Don't worry, Fenton. I know
you're too big for a good-night kiss.
- Good night, boys. Sleep tight.
- Don't let those bedbugs bite.
That's right.
- Love you guys.
- Love you too, Dad.
Night, Dad.
Good night, Curtis.
- I wanna see Meatballs again.
- Fine.
You can see Meatballs
and I'll see The Warriors.
But I don't like to watch movies
by myself.
Too bad.
Fine. Just go to bed.
And that was our family.
Just the three of us.
All of Mom and Dad's relatives
had died off...
...so there was no one left but us.
We didn't mind, though.
We didn't need anybody else.
We were happy together.
- Fenton, wake up.
- Dad?
- I've got something to tell you.
- What's wrong?
It's okay.
Adam, wake up and listen.
I need you both to listen to me
very carefully.
Something's happened.
He said he'd had a vision that night.
A vision from God.
An angel came to him
and told him the truth of this world...
...and revealed God's special purpose
for our family.
The end of the world is coming.
It's near.
The angel showed me.
There are demons among us.
The devil has released them
for the final battle.
It's being fought right now.
But nobody knows it except us
and others like us.
I'm scared, Dad.
There's nothing to be afraid of, tiger.
We've been chosen by God.
He will protect us.
He's given us special jobs to do.
We don't fear these demons.
We destroy them.
We pick them up one by one
and we pitch them out of this world.
That's God's purpose for us.
- The angel called us God's hands.
- So we're like superheroes?
That's right.
We're a family of superheroes
that are gonna help save the world.
But, Dad, that doesn't make any sense.
I know it sounds that way, son,
but it's the truth.
So, what are our superpowers?
We can see the demons
while other people can't.
And the angel told me...
...that God would be sending us
three weapons to destroy them with.
Magical weapons?
I imagine so.
When do we get them?
I don't know. The angel just said soon.
That's all I was told, except that we're not
supposed to tell anybody about any of this.
Absolutely no one.
If we do, we put them and ourselves
in danger.
...don't worry, it's okay.
It's a lot to understand.
I wanted to wait to tell you till I had
the chance to figure it out myself...
...but the angel said I had to do it now.
I didn't know what to say or how to feel.
Do you understand what I told you?
Judgment Day's here.
It was too messed up to understand
or even acknowledge.
Soon we'll all be in heaven.
You, me, Adam, with Mommy.
I didn't realize it at that moment,
at least not consciously--
She's waiting in heaven.
--But my happy and mostly secure world
had just been flipped over...
...and there were dark things there.
- Judgment Day is here.
- Very dark things.
We've been chosen by God.
And my little boy's mind
just couldn't take it.
Adam! Fenton!
Up and at them, boys!
Morning, kiddo.
Hey, come on, lazybones.
It's late. We overslept.
Well, let's go. Snap to it and get dressed.
I gotta get to work.
Drop you guys off on the way.
What's wrong with you?
Hey, let me have a bite of that.
None of us mentioned it.
It was only a dream, a nightmare.
Nothing that crazy could be real.
Everything was okay, just like before.
Well, have a good day at school, boys.
And remember not to tell anyone
what I told you.
We won't, Dad. Bye.
I want you all
to copy down this sentence.
We're gonna go through the structure.
The girl in...
...the blue dress...
I refused to believe it.
That whole next week
was just a dream too.
--Her brown dog.
Like when Dad started bringing home
the magical weapons.
He was on his way to work...
...when God called to him.
Hold this. Be careful.
I still can't understand
what these gloves are for, though.
Just a long, long dream.
I want you to all write this down
at the top of your pages in big letters.
How about that spot over there?
Boys! Boys, look at this.
--Come on, hurry up.
- Be careful.
- And stay where I can see you, dear.
- Let's go over here.
- You bring the basket.
We've got them all.
It won't be long now.
The angel came again last night
and told me...
...that God'll be sending
us a list of the first seven demons soon.
It wasn't real. It couldn't be.
I just had to wait it out.
- Come over here a minute, Fenton.
- I'm washing dishes.
They can wait.
Come here, I wanna talk to you.
Well, I know you've had some trouble...
...adjusting to everything
that's happened this week, and I'm sorry...
...but God has willed this
and we must obey God.
Maybe you just dreamed it.
I didn't dream it.
I wouldn't make up
something like that, son.
Maybe you're not right in the head.
It happened, Fenton. It's true.
You'll see that soon.
That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.
I got the first list.
The angel came to him
while he was at work.
Joe to first window.
Joe to first window.
Dad, these are people's names.
That's right, and they'll look
like people too, but they're not.
The angel said
when I lay my hands on them...
...I'll reveal them for
what they truly are.
That's what the gloves are for.
I get them and bring them back here
with the gloves on...
...and once they're back here,
I take the gloves off and reveal them.
You'll see. Then you'll believe.
Anyone know what this word means?
You remember what this word means?
The dream had finally ended.
It was all real.
And I had to stop him.
The obvious answer was
to tell someone what he was planning...
...but I couldn't do that.
I loved him, even if he had gone crazy.
Dad, look. I got a list too.
Where did you get this, Adam?
God gave it to me.
Isn't Travis Shed that boy that was
picking on you at school?
He's a demon.
Tell the truth, Adam.
You made this list up yourself,
didn't you?
- No, God did.
- Adam.
Come on. Right here.
Listen to me, son.
You can't just make stuff like that up.
We destroy demons.
If we were to use your list...
...we wouldn't be destroying demons,
we'd be killing people.
And we can never do that.
Now, destroying demons
is a good thing.
Killing people is bad. You understand?
- I'm sorry, Dad.
- That's all right.
It's okay.
You just gotta have a little patience.
Don't worry.
God will send you your own list
when you're older.
Okay, go do some homework.
The only thing left to do was to tell.
But that was easier said than done.
Dad had promised to take us
to the movies that night.
But he didn't come home from work.
- When's Dad coming home?
- I don't know.
Think he's destroying a demon?
- It's all make-believe, Adam.
- No, it's not. It's true.
Listen to me.
None of that demon junk is real.
Daddy-- He just made it up.
- No, he didn't.
- He did too.
Just like Santa Claus.
You remember last Christmas...
...when you caught Dad putting
presents under the tree, don't you?
It's just like that.
Adam, have I ever lied to you?
All right, look.
Dad made up this whole thing.
Those names on Dad's list
are real people.
- Do you understand?
- But why would he make it up?
I don't know.
I think we should leave.
You mean run away?
Will you go with me?
Only for a little while.
- I don't wanna leave Dad.
- Neither do I.
But we might have to.
Dad's gonna kill somebody.
Son, come over here.
Come on. I need your help.
Come on out here, Adam.
Shine that light over here.
Hey, Dad, who is that?
That's a demon, son.
Come on in here, boys. It's all right.
Go on. Don't be afraid.
God came to him earlier that day
and told him that the time had come.
After work, he drove down
to Jacksonville...
...about 45 minutes or so
southwest of Thurman.
He said he'd never been there before,
but he had no problem finding it.
God was leading him.
- Cynthia Harbridge?
- Yes?
Dad, don't. Please don't.
Fenton, if I could spare you this, I would.
But we are God's servants
and his will must be served.
Don't be afraid, son.
Is that true?
Why would I make it up?
Where's your father now?
Sir, I was just thinking
about heading out.
Unless you need me to stay.
That's all right. You go ahead.
Well, have a good night, sir.
So he killed that woman
right there in front of you?
Yeah, but not to his way of thinking.
You see, to him, he hadn't killed a woman,
he had destroyed a demon.
He believed that when he laid
his hands on her, it revealed her sins.
Dad, don't! Please!
No, Adam.
Do it like this.
Gotta be done a certain way.
The angel was real specific.
Why out here in the rose garden?
God chose it,
just like he chose us, I suppose.
Don't cry for her, Fenton.
She wasn't human.
Didn't you see that
when I touched her?
I saw it, Dad.
You killed her.
I didn't kill her, son.
I destroyed her. She was a demon.
You know, I wasn't so sure
I could do it myself.
I mean,
she looked like a woman to me too.
But after I touched her,
all I could see was the evil.
And I had to do it.
I'm sorry you didn't see it too.
You will next time.
You're gonna do it again?
This is our job now, son.
You've got to accept that.
I won't let you.
You can't stop it.
We are doing God's work.
I'll tell.
If you do, someone will die.
The angel was clear on that.
Do you understand?
Answer me, Fenton.
Do you understand?
So you didn't tell?
No. I should've, but I was afraid.
I mean, I loved my father,
but I was terrified of him.
So now you understand why I know
my brother is the God's Hand killer?
Have you got any physical proof?
I read in the paper...
...that only one of the bodies
of the six victims had been found.
Now, is that true?
You read it in the paper, didn't you?
- Doesn't necessarily mean it's true.
- Well, in this case it does.
See, the first victim
was found mutilated...
...with a note saying
that God's hand had taken him.
But all the rest, only notes were found.
No bodies.
- How do you know they're dead?
- Well, we don't for sure.
But the first note told us we wouldn't
find any more bodies from then on.
...he wanted to keep them.
I got a pretty good idea
where the rest of them bodies are.
The rose garden.
Now, why didn't you tell me that
in the first place?
Would you have believed me?
Come on.
What's this?
Put them on.
Or I'll put them on for you.
Let's go.
I got it.
So tell me something.
Why didn't you come see me sooner?
You wanna get on I-30 east up here.
I just can't imagine how you can keep
something like that inside for so long.
I guess I avoided it.
Because I wanted to.
You know,
you never did tell me why it is...
...you keep just that one picture
of your mother in your office.
My mother was murdered a couple
of days after that picture was taken.
Butchered by some whacked-out killer
like your dad.
Did they ever catch him?
Is that why you took this job?
You know, you're pretty good at this.
You ever think about becoming a cop?
Well, you know, when I was a kid.
Well, you got the instincts for it.
A cop's gotta have good instincts.
You know what mine
are telling me now?
You are hiding something from me.
What is it do you think I'm hiding?
Well, why don't you just keep talking?
Maybe I'll figure that out.
You okay, Dad?
I'm all right, son. Here I come.
Dad, why did God let this
happen to me?
Don't blame God, Davy.
It wasn't his fault.
God let me do it.
What God lets you do
is decide for yourself what you will do.
You're not a puppet
with strings tied to you.
So God doesn't make you
do anything.
He wants you to decide for yourself.
After that night,
nothing much happened.
Dad didn't mention it any more.
Neither did Adam.
Once a full month had gone by...
...I'd completely convinced myself
that it was over...
...and everything was gonna be all right.
- Bye.
- See y'all later.
- See you.
- You see Dukes of Hazzard last night?
Remember when Daisy Duke
bent over?
I like Boss Hogg. He's funny.
Man, I'd do anything
to really see her tits.
- Oh, you said tits--
- Shut up, Adam.
You wanna spend the night tonight?
We can wrap Corey's house.
Sure, but I'm gonna have
to ask my dad.
Well, my mom can call
and ask if you want.
- Sure.
- I'll see you in a little bit.
- Bye.
- Hey, what's "wrap" mean?
Tell you later. Come on, I'll race you.
Come on.
No, I'm gonna go around on the road.
- Dad?
- In here.
- Whose van is that out there?
- Ours.
Ain't she a beaut?
Your friend's mom just called.
I told her not tonight.
We got some work to do
in the morning.
Dad told us that there were moments
in everyone's life...
...when they could disappear...
...without anyone knowing
where they went or why.
He said those were the moments...
...when God's hands
could reach out and take you.
According to Dad, nothing,
not even a camera, could catch us.
We were invisible
when we were God's hands.
- What do we do now, Dad?
- We wait.
We'll get him when he comes out,
just like I told you, remember?
I can't do this, Dad.
-"Can't" never could do anything.
- I can do it, Dad.
You sure can, tiger.
- Well, what if someone sees us?
- They won't.
It's broad daylight.
I told you. God will blind them for us.
There he is, boys.
- Come on, Fenton.
- Dad, I can't.
Yes, you can. Now, move.
Do what I tell you.
Please, Trixie.
Trixie, come on. Come, Trixie.
- Trixie, come on.
- What are you doing, boy?
My dog. She-- She's under your car.
Well, let's see.
Help me grab his legs.
Help me grab his legs. Now!
Come on!
Edward March?
You think that's an innocent man
there, don't you?
Well, it's not.
You didn't think anyone knew
about that, did you?
But God saw you.
- Dad, don't. Please.
- Quiet.
And you can't escape God's wrath.
Can't believe you still didn't see it.
He was a murderer
of little children, Fenton.
He's the murderer.
We've gotta get out of here, Adam.
- What do you mean?
- We've gotta run away.
Told you we might have to.
I don't wanna run away.
We have to.
Listen to me, Adam.
- Dad kills people.
- No, he doesn't.
He's a demon slayer.
That's all lies, Adam.
No, it's not.
I see it when he touches them.
No, you don't. Dad's brainwashed you.
It's all a big lie.
He's a murderer and you help him.
We're just serving God's will.
I'm telling Dad on you.
Adam-- Adam! Adam!
Get up and get dressed.
And don't wake your brother.
Sit down.
Your brother told me
what you said last night.
I want you to know I've never
killed anything in my whole life.
That's a lie and you know it.
I did a lot of thinking and praying
after you went to bed.
I asked the angel to visit you.
But instead he visited me.
He told me something...
...that I don't wanna believe.
It doesn't matter.
Because together you and I
are gonna prove him wrong.
You just don't have any faith.
That's why you can't see the truth.
But we're gonna change that.
I want you to dig a hole right here.
Need to be about 10 feet deep
and 15 feet wide on both sides.
The length and the width
should form a perfect square.
- What?
- You heard me.
Because I'm your father
and you'll do what I tell you.
You understand?
Do you?
- Yes, sir.
- All right, then.
I expect half that to be dug by
the time I get home from work tonight.
- Dad, I can't do that.
- Pray.
I started digging that goddamn hole,
but I did not pray.
I would not.
I hated God. I despised him.
My hatred helped me dig,
kept me going.
Dad's or God's or the angel's
or whoever's plan it was...
...would not work on me.
Hey, Fenton.
I knew what Dad was doing
was wrong...
...and nothing was gonna change that.
I'm sorry I told on you.
You didn't tell him what I said
about running away, did you?
- No.
- Will you go with me, then?
- There's no reason to go.
- He's a killer.
No, he's not.
I've been praying for you.
- Have you been praying?
- Nope, and I'm not going to.
- But Dad said--
- I don't care what Dad said.
He might be able to make me
dig this stupid hole...
...but he can't make me pray.
Just get out of here and leave me alone.
I'll help if you promise
you won't tell Dad.
I don't want your help.
- There's another shovel in the shed.
- Get out of here.
I wanted to run away, far away...
...but I still couldn't leave Adam...
...no matter how crazy
Dad was turning him.
Besides, there was nowhere to go.
All right, this time you are not...
This time, I'll make your lane.
All right, 21, 36...
- Finally gave up, huh, kiddo?
- I didn't give up.
- I'll be out there again in the morning.
- Hey, come on.
I didn't mean it like that.
I don't wanna fight with you, son.
I'm not doing this to hurt you.
Wish you could understand that.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing.
- Let me see your hands.
- They're fine.
Let me see them.
- Didn't you wear gloves today?
- I didn't need them. I'm fine.
Help ease the pain.
I said I was fine.
I know you're mad, but that's no reason to
cause yourself pain. Now, you take those.
I got an extra pair of work gloves
in the shed.
I want you to use those from now on.
Won't do you any good
now that you've wrecked your hands...
...but a couple of days, you'll be fine.
I want you to know I'm proud of you.
And I know God's proud of you too.
Take some time off
and let those blisters callous over.
Then you can get back to it, all right?
Well, good night, then.
Come on, tiger. Bedtime.
But Fenton gets to stay up.
Please, Dad?
Come on.
Brush your teeth.
I'll be in to say good night.
I kept digging.
My hands bled, but I wouldn't stop.
I kept at it morning, noon,
and night for 5 days.
And by the sixth day,
that hole was as dark and deep...
...as my hatred for Dad's God.
Well, you finished it, all right.
Bet you didn't pray once
the whole time, did you?
We started the cellar after that.
At least, that's what Dad called it.
But I knew better.
We were building a dungeon
down there.
We basically built a big wooden box
in the ground.
Good, boys. Get it over there.
Cover it good.
- But Dad said it would hold.
- Okay, ready? All right, good.
He said God would see to it.
Adam, get back here! Help me push!
Come on, keep it going. Push it.
Go! Go, Keep it moving!
Keep it moving!
You boys did good.
- Especially you, Fenton.
- No. I just did as I was told.
Let's give this a try. What do you think?
All right.
The next night,
he brought home another demon.
Get down here.
It has to be done. It's God's will.
Come on, do it like I showed you.
The neck first.
Fenton, get back here!
I half expected angels
or even God himself...
...to come out of the night and stop me.
But I had to do it.
It had to end.
- Hello?
-10-34 to any and all units...
...in the vicinity of Garden.
We have complaints of a 501 driving
on the alternate side of the street.
Hello? Hello?
Well, take it easy, boy.
Don't break my door down.
Well, what's your problem?
Craziest thing I've heard in a long time.
- What are you doing?
- Calling your dad.
- You can't.
- Yes, I can.
Ought to be ashamed,
making up stories.
But it's true. I can show you.
Come on. Let's go.
All right.
It's around back, under the shed.
That's enough of that now, boy.
- Put an end to this. Come on.
- No, no, no.
I don't think you understand.
He's around back.
Let's see what your dad's
got to say about all this.
What's the trouble, sheriff?
Sorry to wake you, but your boy here
seems to have a problem.
Well, come on in.
I was about to lock up,
head over to Lake Thompson.
You know, get a jump on those bass.
And he comes running in
with this wild story.
Yep, it's quite a tale, all right.
It's the truth and you know it.
Makes me crazy to think that he
told everyone down at your office too.
Well, you can set your mind at ease
about that.
I was the only one there.
Of course, I don't believe a word of it.
What does get me, though, is why
would he make up such a crazy story?
I don't know why he made it up.
Probably did it to get back at me
for punishing him earlier.
- Did you tell him about that?
- He's lying.
Just check the shed.
I don't know what to do with him.
Well, they hit puberty,
seem to lose all respect for you.
Me and my boy survived it. You will too.
Just check the shed or the rose garden.
I could show you where they're buried.
Boy, why don't you just quit
all this nonsense?
Please, I can show you.
Maybe we ought to check
the shed just to quiet him down.
Well, if it has to be done,
it has to be done.
What do you think, kiddo?
Does it have to be done?
Figured we ought to have a storm cellar.
Go on down, check it out.
Just watch your step.
I'm not much of a carpenter.
I don't see a thing.
He was here.
You realize how much trouble you
could get into over a thing like this?
They must've moved him
because he was here.
Adam. Adam's got him somewhere.
I know it.
- I think I've seen enough.
- But--
I can show you where
the bodies are buried.
Please. You've gotta believe me.
May God welcome you...
...and keep you.
I never killed a man before tonight.
I've seen you kill plenty.
Those were demons.
That was a man.
Why can't you see that?
You didn't have to kill him.
- I had to protect our mission.
- There is no mission.
That man is dead because of you.
You see him? Look at him.
Dead because you have no faith.
Do you understand
what you made me do?
- You made me commit murder.
- I didn't make you do anything.
You did. You're crazy.
Dad, no! Dad, don't!
It's all right, Dad. Don't cry.
Wait a minute, Fenton.
Go on inside, son.
I'll be there in a minute to tuck you in.
Go on. It's all right.
Come into the shed.
Come in and shut the door.
Are you afraid?
- Of what?
- You.
Only demons should fear me.
And you're not a demon, are you?
The angel said you were.
But I can't believe that. I won't.
You're my son,
and I love you more than my own life.
You know what's funny
about all this, Fenton?
I'm afraid of you.
Go on.
- But, Dad--
- Go on, get down there.
I don't wanna do this, Fenton,
but I have to.
I had to kill a man tonight.
I can't let that happen again.
- But, Dad, I promise I won't tell.
- I can't trust you.
I wish I could.
Now, go on.
But, Dad, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry too, Fenton,
but this has to be done.
Now, you get on down there
or I'll put you down there myself.
- But, Dad--
- Go!
No. No.
Dad, please. Dad. Dad, no.
No. Please, Dad.
You'll stay down here
until you see the truth.
Please, Dad. No. Please.
- Pray to God, Fenton.
- Please, Dad, no.
- Pray for a vision.
- Please. No.
- Only he can help you now.
- No!
Please don't do this, Dad. No, please.
Please, it's me, Fenton.
Please don't do this!
It's me, Fenton.
I'm not a demon. Please.
Please, please.
Please, no.
Please. Please.
Please, don't do this.
No! No! No!
Please, Dad.
Fenton, you all right?
Adam, is that you?
Adam, you gotta get me out of here.
I can't.
But I'm hungry
and I gotta go to the bathroom.
Dad won't let me feed you.
I brought you some water, though.
He says you can have a cup a day.
But I'll bring you more if I can.
Look, Adam. He's gonna kill me.
You've gotta get me out of here.
I can't.
Put your mouth to the knothole
right here.
You ready? Here.
You want some more,
or do you want me to save it for later?
More. More.
You've gotta get me out of here, Adam.
Dad says you'll probably be out
by the end of the week.
You just have to accept God's will.
A week? I can't stay in here that long.
I'll pray for you.
Adam? Adam! Adam!
The days came and went.
I counted them by the cracks
of light through the hatch door...
...and Adam's visits with the water.
I only slept when I passed out
from exhaustion.
What about your dad?
Didn't he ever come back
to at least check on you?
On the seventh day.
Has God spoken to you yet?
There is no God.
I lost count of the days after that.
It felt like weeks.
I finally went beyond fear
into total insanity.
I saw God.
He had finally sent me a vision.
It was then that I understood my destiny,
just like Dad said I would.
Dad, Fenton's not answering.
Fenton? Fenton?
Fenton. Fenton.
Boy. Come on, kiddo.
Get me that water.
Easy, boy. Easy.
See? There you go, kiddo.
There you go, buddy.
Come on.
I saw God.
Just try to take a little sip.
Hey, slow down there.
Don't wanna eat too fast.
You'll make yourself sick.
So did God tell you about the demons?
Sorry I ever doubted you, Dad.
I'm sorry too, son.
What did God look like?
Kind of hard to describe.
- Was he big?
- Adam.
Let your brother eat in peace.
He can't explain something like that.
- But I wanna know.
- Then maybe you should pray for it.
It's not fair. All I have seen are demons
and he gets to see God.
That's right.
But look at the price he paid.
That's all behind us now.
It's a new day, isn't it, Fenton?
So we gonna go get us
a demon now?
After a while.
When Fenton's ready.
A week later, I was ready.
My first demon was to be Brad White
from Dallas.
- There it is.
- I see it.
You sure you're ready for this?
Yes, sir.
I bought these for you.
You'll need them now
that God has spoken to you.
- All right. Let's go.
- I wanna go too, Dad.
Not this time, Adam.
You stay here. Keep your eyes peeled.
Don't worry. Your time will come.
Let's go.
- Sorry to bother you--
- Yeah?
--But my son and I,
we got a flat on our van.
Well, I was wondering if you had a tire
iron. We went off and left ours at home.
Hey, pal, what's with the gloves?
Oh, to change the tire.
- Don't wanna get your hands dirty.
- Yeah.
Brad, who is it?
Mind your business, you fucking bitch!
Goddamn women.
Yeah, I think I got one for you.
- Out back.
- Great.
Back here.
Let's see.
Here it is.
Grab his legs.
Brad White?
You know, Fenton...
...I've been waiting for this moment
ever since all this started.
I'm ready to fulfill my destiny.
I'm proud of you, son.
Fuck you!
You fuck!
Get the fuck out of here!
Get the fuck out of--
Destroy him.
Daddy, no. No.
No, Dad, no.
We buried him in the rose garden.
We went to the sheriff's office
a week later and told them...
...that Dad just didn't come home
one day.
They filed a missing persons,
but they didn't find anything.
After a while, they sent us
to separate orphanages.
So nobody ever knew about any of this?
Not until now.
What about Adam?
He didn't tell anybody?
Do you mind if we just sit here a while?
I don't much feel like talking anymore.
Tell me more about that promise
you made to your brother.
It was later on that night.
If you ever destroy me,
promise me you'll bury me here.
I promise to God I'll bury you here.
I don't get it.
He promised you
that he'd bury you here.
If he killed you.
No, not killed. Destroyed.
Don't make any sense.
Yes, it does...
...if the man standing in front of you
is Adam Meiks.
So you killed all those people.
No. No, I told you before,
I've never killed anyone in my life.
Fenton was the killer.
Just stop the bullshit
and tell me the truth.
You'll understand soon.
So let me show you
where I buried Fenton.
Hold it.
Take it real slow.
This is it.
This is the spot.
There's too many graves here.
There's only six victims.
Fenton didn't bury his victims here.
He kept them as trophies
in his basement.
This is where I put demons.
You thought your brother was a demon?
He was.
That's why he couldn't see the truth.
Dad knew it too.
He just couldn't accept it.
You see, God asked Dad
to destroy his son...
...much like he asked Abraham
to sacrifice his son Isaac.
But Dad couldn't do it.
And God didn't take pity on Dad
like he did Abraham.
So he handed down the duty to me.
Fenton knew I'd come sooner or later.
That's why he left those notes,
to lure me in.
I guess he figured that when the killings
made the news, I'd come for him.
But I had to wait till God
put him on my list.
To come before that
would've been murder.
Jesus Christ,
you really do believe all this stuff.
I've always believed.
It's all lies, Adam.
No, it's not.
I see it when he touches them.
You're just crazy as hell...
...Fenton or Adam
or whatever your damn name is.
I don't really give a fuck.
All I need to know right now...
...is you're a murdering son of a bitch.
And I got you.
But that's not gonna bring
your mother back, is it?
She's dead...
...and her killer got away, didn't he?
Goddamn you, dirty little son of a--
How did you know?
You were on my list.
You didn't think anybody knew
about that, did you?
God knew. That's why he sent me.
I'm an FBI agent.
They'll come looking for me.
No, they won't.
They'll keep looking for Fenton.
You're gonna be his last victim.
They've seen you.
They'll know it was you.
God will protect me.
Just a couple units on the right side.
That's right. I want him found.
I want him found now.
I can't right now. I can't.
I'll get back to you.
- Here.
- Thank you.
I was here by myself.
Sure neither one of you
can remember what he looks like?
Look, I told you, it's just a blur.
I can't understand it.
I looked right at him. I shook his hand.
Hey, we've got a problem.
Gotta take a look at this.
There he is.
We got you now, buddy.
- What is this?
- Can't explain it.
All the tapes look like this.
Goddamn it.
We're running the name
he gave you now.
- It's gotta be a fake name.
- Sounds fake.
Fenton Meiks.
Fenton Meiks, this is the FBI.
We're coming in.
Go, go, go!
- Clear.
- Clear.
- Anything?
- No.
All right, let's dust it.
Oh, my God.
There's no one here, sir.
We found this in the basement.
Is he down there too?
Not him.
Excuse me.
Oh, I didn't hear you come in.
How can I help you?
I'm with the FBI.
I need to speak to the sheriff.
- Is he in?
- Sure thing.
Would you like some coffee?
No, I'm fine, thanks.
- Well, hey, Curtis.
- Afternoon, Becky.
- Sheriff?
- Yeah.
I'm Agent Griffin Hull of the FBI.
I need to ask you some questions
about your brother.
- Fenton?
- Yes, sir.
Why don't you come on around back?
I appreciate you coming by
to tell me personally.
I just wanted you to know
before we go public.
Well, listen, if there's anything
I can do, don't hesitate to call.
I think we got it covered from here.
But if you can think
of where he might have gone...
-...or if he contacts you.
- Of course.
All right.
You're a good man, Agent Hull.
Everything okay, Adam?
Everything's just fine, Becky.
God's will has been served.
Praise God.
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