Don't just stand there,
give me a hand with the canopy.
-Mary? Merriman? Are you ready?
Yes, Mr. Burkett.
Everything's ready, my Lady.
-I think she's knocking.
-Well, see what she wants.
I can't open this wretched thing.
I suppose we'd better stop.
I can't get this top off.
Is everything all right?
Are you okay?
-Am I what?
-We're all right, thank you.
Is that Lady Trentham?
Lady Trentham.
I'm William McCordle's
cousin, Ivor.
Ivor Novello.
Yes, of course.
May I introduce a friend of mine
-from California, Morris Weissman.
We were wondering if
we were headed in
the same direction.
I dare say we might be.
If everything seems to
be all right...
Could we get on
before I freeze to death?
-Was that really Ivor Novello?
-Yes. Could we get on?
Hello. Nice house.
I like your house.
Hello, Ivor.
Welcome back, Your Ladyship.
Constance, welcome.
Hello, dear.
If he uses my Christian name,
why not make it "Aunt Constance"?
I'm not the upstairs maid.
He's still got
-that vile little dog.
-The ones we hate last forever.
-Did you have a horrid journey?
-Yes, fairly horrid.
Take the car round back
to unload it.
Follow him. Mrs. Wilson
will look after you.
Your Ladyship.
Your Lordship.
-Lots of good shooting coming.
-That's what we're here for.
Leave everything in one pile.
Make sure it's labelled.
It'll go up in the luggage lift.
-Where's the gun room?
-Down there on the right.
The keeper'll show you what to do.
-I know what to do.
What are you doing over there?
Take that rain off the cases.
Those are Mr. Novello's bags.
-Who are you?
-I'm Mr. Weissman's man.
-The Countess of Trentham.
-Make sure they're labelled.
-Where am I?
-ln the stable block.
Her Ladyship is in
the Chinese Room.
You share with the head housemaid.
She'll show you where things are.
This is Miss Trentham.
Take care of her.
My name's Mary Maceachran.
Not here. It's Trentham.
-Lord Stockbridge. Guns.
-Down there on the right.
-The name's Robert Parks.
-Mr. Parks,
below stairs you're Mr. Stockbridge.
-ls that so?
-I knew a Mr. Parks in Norwich.
-ls he any relation?
-No. London born and bred.
-And Her Ladyship's jewels?
-lt's this way.
George is in charge of the safe.
Watch where he puts his hands.
Have you got the ones for tonight?
Always bring a separate box
for the first night.
-Freddie, do wait.
-What is it this time?
-Does my hair look all right?
-lt looks fine.
Why are we...?
We're not late.
Please stop going on.
See you in there. There's something
I've been meaning to say to you.
Have you spoken to your father?
"No"? You promised.
I said I'd do my best.
You're beautiful when you resist.
-Stop it. I'll ask him tonight.
-You bloody well better.
-Don't sneak up on people.
-Don't worry, it's nobody.
Sorry, Miss Isobel.
Will you have a chance to speak
-to him tonight?
-Stop going on about it.
That's all very well...
I think it's ridiculous.
I'm here to shoot.
It's a relief to sit next to
someone who isn't deaf in one ear.
I'm sorry?
-I have a dog.
-What's his name?
Darling, what do you mean
"leave it"?
Let it come naturally.
Don't try and steer
the conversation.
-Makes you sound desperate.
-I am fucking desperate.
My brother-in-law, Lord Stockbridge.
-Hello. I'm Morris Weissman.
-Morris Weissman.
You can go and sit down now.
Elsie, this is
Lord Stockbridge's valet.
He's new here, so show him around.
-You share with Mr. Weissman's man.
-Has His Lordship's luggage gone up?
Supposedly. He's in the
Tapestry Room.
Oh well, here we go again.
That's just it.
I've never done a house party.
Not properly.
How come you got taken on
if you've got no experience?
She wants to train me.
-She didn't care about experience.
-She didn't want to pay for it.
-lt's cold here.
-You should pack your woollies.
Here we are.
-Everything all right, Elsie?
-Fine, Miss Lewis. Thanks.
That's your bed there.
That good? Yeah, very nice.
I shall go in the library.
Here you are, Pip.
Pardon, sir. I thought I'd take
The Times up in case you wanted to
-read it while dressing.
-Thank you, Robert. Look after Pip.
-Of course, sir.
-There's a good boy.
I have to call California
and I can't find...
There's a phone on the left.
Thank you. Of course
I'll reverse the charges.
There's a new restaurant
on the Strand.
It's open 24 hours a day.
You can go in day or night.
Who's the funny little American?
Morris Weissman.
He's a friend of Ivor.
He makes films in Hollywood.
Ivor asked if he could bring him.
Didn't see why not.
He might be interested in
guns and shooting.
Never mind. He adds glamour
to the gathering.
I didn't expect anything
half as exotic. Not for me.
-You know I hate whisky.
-Drink it. Do you good.
Really, Bill.
You're such a bad influence.
Don't blame me if I misbehave.
I don't know how your husband
is impressed with Hollywood folk.
You know Raymond.
He only feels safe
with his own kind.
-Ladies' maids never wear aprons.
-Her Ladyship used to have
a French one who wore
a black one like this.
-She thinks it's got style.
-I bet she does.
I bet she took it
out of your wages, too.
She likes everything just so.
Don't they all.
-That's him.
Ivor Novello.
He passed us on his way here
and he spoke to me.
He spoke to Her Ladyship
but I answered.
I cut it out for Garbo. I prefer
American stars. More oomph.
Go on!
-ls he really Sir William's cousin?
A film star in the family.
Lady Sylvia must be thrilled.
-I don't think.
-Why wouldn't she be?
Because she's a snobbish cow.
She looks down on those who
got to the top with hard work.
She looks down on her husband,
except when it's time to pay,
then she's got her hand out.
What was her family, then?
What you'd expect really.
Toffee-nosed and useless.
Her father was the Earl of Carton.
Didn't have a pot to piss in.
What's she like to work for?
She's horrible, but he's...
he's okay. Come on,
we better get cracking.
-Hello. I'm Ivor.
-I know who you are.
-Mabel Nesbitt.
-Hello, Mabel.
-How are you?
-Very well, thank you.
I don't smoke. Thank you.
Mrs. Nesbitt's only got
one dress with her.
She says her husband rushed her
when she was packing.
-Do you look after visitors?
-Sometimes Dorothy helps.
Why Mrs. Wilson make the
still room do it beats me.
I think she only does it
to annoy Mrs. Croft.
-Which one does Dorothy answer to?
-Both. That's the problem.
She's rushed off her feet.
-Nearly done there?
-Here's Miss Bossy.
Here, this is you.
What was Greta Garbo really like?
-Did you get to know her?
-Yes, I did, actually.
She's staying with me next month.
Tell me, how much longer
are you going to make films?
Depends on how much longer
the public wants to see me in them.
It must be hard to know when
it's time to throw in the towel.
What a pity
about that last one of yours.
What was it called?
"The Dodger"?
"The Lodger".
"The Lodger".
It must be disappointing
when something
flops like that.
Yes, it is.
Rather disappointing.
Look at this.
Machine made lace.
-Hark at her.
-I hate cheap clothes.
They're twice the work
and never look as good.
I'll murder that dog one day.
Look, all over his waistcoat.
What do you expect from
a woman with her own maid?
Lady Lavinia says a woman travelling
with no maid has no self-respect.
She calls it 'giving in'.
I haven't 'given in'.
-That's different.
What's your name?
I think here I'm called Trentham.
No, I meant your real name.
Mary. Mary Maceachran.
Blimey. What does
Your Ladyship call you?
She should call me Maceachran
now I'm a lady's maid.
That's what my mother says.
But she can't pronounce it
so she calls me Mary.
I don't blame her.
There mustn't be any more nonsense.
I don't know what you mean.
Done much shooting this year?
Quite a lot.
-Does Louisa go out with you?
It's very good of her.
Don't do that. It's bad
for him. Put him down.
Bores me stiff.
All right, Pip.
William's a bad shot. I duck out,
particularly in Scotland.
I'm rather fond of Scotland.
Get on with your work.
-Mr. Weissman.
-I'm dealing with this.
What is it, Mr. Weissman?
To start with, my name
is Denton. Henry Denton.
You're valet to Mr. Weissman.
You'll be known as Mr. Weissman
below stairs.
We stick to old customs here.
It saves confusion.
It's about Mr. Weissman's diet.
He's a vegetarian.
-A what?
-A vegetarian.
He doesn't eat meat.
He eats fish, but not meat.
Well, I never.
Doesn't eat meat.
He's come for a shooting party
and he doesn't eat meat.
He doesn't intend to shoot,
but walk out for a bit of air.
A bit of air?
Thank you. We'll make arrangements.
I suggest one of the servants
takes you upstairs.
Mr. Weissman is in
the Green Bedroom. You'll share
with Lord Stockbridge's valet,
Robert Parks.
He's full of himself.
"Doesn't eat meat".
We don't want to be thought of
as unsophisticated, do we?
Mr. Weissman's an American.
They do things differently there.
Now give Louisa
a kiss from me.
Sorry, I should have
-made it clear Morris doesn't shoot.
-Don't worry.
William thinks Americans sleep
with guns under their pillows.
They do, but more for each other
than for killing birds.
Remind me. How are you
related to William exactly?
Our mothers were first cousins.
I don't believe I ever met
William's mother.
Didn't she do something original?
She was a teacher.
So was mine.
-That's marvellous, isn't it?
Sylvia is so clever.
She finds wonderful servants.
I don't know how she manages.
I'm breaking in a new maid.
I'm worn out with it.
Nothing more exhausting, is there?
I don't have a lady's maid.
Hello. I was just telling
Mabel about my new maid.
The amount of work I have to do,
she should be paying me.
-She does seem rather young.
-She is, my dear,
is wonderfully cheap.
Where are you going?
The room's this way.
Why did you have to mention
you don't have a maid?
It's easier to clean them
if you put the trees in first.
I was just about to do that.
-Are these Mr. Novello's shoes?
-Do you really live in Hollywood?
-I do.
How did you get there?
Where did you start from?
Where do you think? Scotland.
Were you always in service?
Did you ever think of
getting into films?
I wanted to be an actor,
when I was little.
I suppose old mother Trentham
will have her begging bowl out
while she's here.
She won't bother your employers.
Why not?
Because Lady Lavinia
-hasn't got a penny.
-And whose fault is that?
The commander has just been
a bit unfortunate.
-I'll say. I think he's pathetic.
-Then hand in your notice.
The other two sisters fell on
their feet. They're good-looking.
-Lady Sylvia's lovely.
-You think so?
She might have done a bit
better for herself.
Lord Carton wanted Sir William
for either of the two eldest.
-Why was Lord Carton so keen?
-Why do you think?
Who pays for him to swan around
Biarritz six months a year?
Who keeps Ma Trentham
in stockings and gin?
Old money-bags, that's who.
It's disgusting the way
they all use him.
The rest haven't the brains to make
the price of a packet of tea.
-Have you finished, Elsie?
-Yes, Mrs. Wilson.
-Just this hem to do.
-What's Lord Stockbridge like?
He thinks he's God Almighty.
They all do.
Why does this fork
go on the right?
They eat the fish
with two of them.
One in each hand.
Why is that then?
Search me.
What are you doing here?
-Just looking around.
-Mr. Jennings will be up soon.
If I were you, I'd look around
somewhere else.
-ls that what you'd do?
-Exactly what I would do.
Then that's what I'll do.
Something funny about that bloke.
His accent for a start.
What is his game?
Are you finished?
What about Lord Rupert Standish
and Mr. Blond?
Ladyship said not to lay for them.
It's ready if they turn up.
We'll stick on two extra places.
When they arrive, you'll be
dressing Mr. Blond, Arthur.
-Mr. Blond?
-Yes, Mr. Blond.
George, you'll have Lord Rupert.
If they're very late,
they can change by themselves
and you can tidy up when
they're downstairs.
Is Mr. Nesbitt settled?
I'll finish him off now, sir.
And Mr. Novello?
Mr. Weissman's man
will attend to him.
After you finish, join me in
the drawing room with the drinks.
What's the matter with you?
I thought I'd be doing
Mr. Novello.
You won't see him in
his underdrawers. Never mind.
Better luck next time.
They're rather a mixed bunch.
Mr. Weissman's very odd.
he produces motion pictures.
"The Charlie Chan Mysteries".
Or does he direct them?
I never know the difference.
Really? I enjoy those, my Lady.
It's fun having a film star here.
There's so little to talk about
after the first flush
of recognition.
Why has Nesbitt brought
that awful, common wife of his?
Isabel only asked him because
a gun dropped out.
That's no excuse to inflict her
on us all. Mary.
What's the gossip in the
servants' hall?
Nothing, my Lady.
Come on, out with it.
Is it true that Sir William
could've married Lady Stockbridge?
Is that what they're saying?
Only that Lord Carton was after
Sir William for one of them,
but he didn't care which.
What would you say if I told you
they cut cards for him?
Lewis said you wanted me.
-Who's next to me at dinner?
-Aunt Constance and Lavina.
Why do I have that bloody old
trout all the time? I want Louisa.
-Do I explain the precedence again?
-I don't give a shit about that.
You complain people look down on you
and then behave like a peasant.
Tomorrow, I'll breakfast in bed,
and then get into the tweeds.
What shirt have you brought?
-The green with the pink stripe.
-No, dear, that's quite wrong.
Something plain for country sports.
The one I had on today will do.
-But it's soiled.
-You can wash it, can't you?
I hate shooting.
Why does one have to do
these things?
Has Constance asked for money yet?
-Raymond says she's been complaining
that her allowance
isn't big enough.
Good mind to stop it completely.
I thought it was for her lifetime.
No, no.
Will that be all, sir?
I wish Anthony wasn't here.
Make sure I'm not
-left alone with him.
I'm pulling out of his scheme.
-Have you told him?
-No, and I'm not going to either.
Louisa says I should leave it till
next week. Let him sob in private.
Say hello to your mummy. Go on.
Far be it from me
to contradict Louisa.
-Anything else, sir?
-Pip. He might fall down the stairs.
Come here, you.
Thank you Elsie. Keep hold of him.
Is everything all right?
Cheap dress, wrong shoes.
I'm making bricks without straw.
-Do have any spare hairpins?
I'm trying to get back to the room
and I can't find it.
-Staircase at the end of the corridor.
-Thank you.
Pip. Thank you, Elsie.
-You've got hair on your dress.
-Thank you, sir.
There is nothing going on
between me and Isobel.
Can't you just tell me the truth?
You are a liar!
Don't call me a liar!
-I found some pins, madam.
-We're supposed to be downstairs.
-You go on.
I'll be down in a minute.
Try and make her look respectable.
Thank you.
there's no harm in trying.
Thank you very much, Mr. Jennings.
-Just Jennings, sir.
-All right, just Jennings.
By the way. I booked a call
to California
and I'd appreciate it if you'd
would get me when it comes through.
-Very good, sir.
-Thank you, Jennings.
You're providing entertainment?
That's how you got your invitation.
Don't get up. Go on, please.
You look lovely in that dress.
What is it?
I don't recognise it.
Just something I'm working on.
I can't imagine how one goes
about inventing a tune.
Where do you start?
Rather difficult to say.
You're too clever for words.
-Good evening.
-Lovely dress.
-Thank you.
How do you manage to put up with
these people?
You forget I earn my living
by impersonating them.
-Can I help you?
-You know...
I really enjoy the way
you do things, Mr. Jennings.
I beg you pardon!
-What is it, Henry?
I just wanted to be sure
you had everything you need.
Yes, I do. Thank you.
It's wonderful to find a servant
who really shows an interest.
-Come on. We've got 20 minutes.
-Did you put salt on the table?
Shuffle along. Here he comes.
-Satisfactory, Mr. Jennings?
-Yes, thank you, Dorothy.
They have their drinks. We can all
take our leisure for half an hour.
What's this?
I believe this is my place.
Since when did a baroness
outrank a countess?
Miss Trentham, would you take
the place of honour.
Miss Trentham?
I'm right here, thank you.
Go on. Don't keep him waiting.
Miss Meredith,
-would you come and sit on my left?
-I'm nothing
when there are visitors in the house.
I'm used to it.
-Good evening.
-Good evening.
For what we are about to receive
may the Lord make us
truly thankful.
Start when you get it.
No time for loitering.
I'm not serving tonight, am I?
Not tonight,
but probably tomorrow.
-Where is Mrs. Croft?
-Always eats with her own staff.
Does she take her pudding
to Mrs. Wilson? Our cook does that.
Fat chance.
They hate each other.
-Can I ask a question?
-Certainly, Mr. Weissman.
How can we help you?
I wondered how many people here
had parents in service?
And was that why they chose
to go into it?
An interesting question to which
I cannot provide the answer.
All of you whose parents were
in service raise your hand.
-My father was.
-Both. Nanny and groom.
-Not you, Dorothy?
-My father was a farmer.
A tenant of Lord Carton's.
-Mr. Meredith?
-Factory hands, both of them.
And if you ask me,
they were better off.
What about you, Mr. Stockbridge?
What's the matter? Don't you know?
Yeah, I know what they did.
But it didn't have any effect on me
or my choice of work.
-And why's that?
-Because I grew up in an orphanage.
Thank you, Mr. Weissman for
giving us something to think about.
Her Ladyship.
I'm so sorry to disturb you.
Please do sit down and
finish your supper.
A major crisis has arisen.
Mr. Weissman won't eat meat.
I can't tell Mrs. Croft.
I don't dare.
Everything under control.
Mr. Weissman's valet informed us,
so we've prepared
a special version of the soup.
He can eat fish, hors-d'oeuvres
and we'll have a Welsh rabbit
for the game course. I don't know
about the entree.
Thank you.
Ten steps ahead as usual!
Which one of you
is Mr. Weissman's valet?
I am. Your Ladyship.
Are you, indeed? Heavens.
Thank you for your...
You're all set, then.
-Yes, George?
-Nothing, sir.
I should hope not.
Very hungry.
Good boy.
I wondered if I could have a word
with you alone after dinner.
I can't leave my guests, can I?
You'll make that dog sick.
William and I are going
into business together in Sudan.
-No. I didn't know that.
-lt's quite exciting.
There are hundreds of Sudanese
native soldiers,
entire regiments,
wandering around the desert
willy-nilly without anything
on their feet, which causes
some hardship, I imagine.
No, I grew up in Leicester.
-My father had a glove factory.
-I do know how a glove should fit.
-Really, darling,
you're boring poor
Mr. Novello to death.
He's going to explain it to me
and show me how it all works.
There's going to be
a pheasant hunt in my picture.
...modernising armies in the Sudan,
providing them with boots.
Aren't you cold?
It's better than that kitchen.
I though you could do with this.
That's kind, love.
Elsie, hello.
-Good evening. Your Lordship.
-We've got bags, guns and no man.
Will you sort it out?
-Of course, Your Lordship.
-Thank you.
-We'll get your bags, sir.
-Thank you. It's very kind of you.
In the boot, is it?
Can I trouble you for a light?
-You got that bag?
-I've got the gun.
-Thank you.
You think he's losing interest
in that sort of thing?
Not just that, the whole Empire.
He said the steam's gone out of it.
you think the Empire's finished?
I've been what?
The Empire finished after the War,
because of the War.
It changed everything.
Empire, Leicester Square?
I don't care what's changed or not
as long as
our sons are spared
what you all went through.
Oh, not all.
You didn't fight, did you, William?
I did my bit.
Well, you made a lot of money,
but it's not the same as charging
into the cannon's mouth, is it?
Thanks to Raymond the family had
one representative in the front line.
Raymond, tell them how many times
you were mentioned
in the despatches.
-I forget.
-No you don't. Come on.
-ls he being modest?
What are you doing?
The others have arrived.
If they're frightened of you
then they sense your fear.
Lord Standish and Mr. Blond
-are here.
-They can have a tray
in the billiard room.
They can join us later.
Very good, my Lady.
-ls Rupert here?
Shall I go and say hello?
I don't think so.
Face it. You're a younger son
with the tastes of a marquis
and the income of a vicar.
Her mother likes you.
She does, too.
I know she's not a show-stopper...
-Her father's not keen on the idea.
-He'll come round.
"Met my daughter,
Lady Rupert Standish?"
He thinks I'm in it for the money.
Of course, but you can't
let that put you off.
He's an obstacle.
Then you must overcome that.
Her Ladyship asks if you would
join her in the drawing room
when you've finished.
All right, ladies, off you go.
Chaps, move down.
look after Pip for me, will you?
Could we have a word
or two later, William?
-Jennings, could I...?
-Certainly, sir.
-Put them in the pantry.
-There's more in here.
I need all the knives.
She's counting again.
Fred? Albert? Ready?
-There he is.
Lord Stockbridge's valet.
He grew up in an orphanage.
They made him shout it.
Makes you feel sorry for him.
Nothing to be ashamed of.
Shall I ask Lord Rupert and
Mr. Blond to join you, sir?
No. They can entertain the ladies.
-Give Mr. Novello a rest.
-Did I overhear you
saying you were going into
business with Sir William?
-I beg your pardon?
-ls it very old?
-lf you need
an expert in changing money,
especially Africa,
I'm your man.
Yes, the expert.
No, it's not here.
-Mr. Jennings doesn't have it?
-So he says.
If it's a silver carving knife,
he must have it.
It's gone in the wrong drawer
in the silver pantry.
That's what I told him.
How old would you say
Mr. Stockbridge was?
Thirty-one, thirty-two.
-No reason.
I think I'll turn in.
We've got an early start.
And tell Mr. Jennings
we haven't got that knife.
-Pleasant evening, my Lady?
-Not really, no.
Lord Stockbridge on one side,
boring for Britain,
and Freddie Nesbitt on the other,
sucking up.
I'm worn out. Any more chocolate
in that pot?
I'll go down and make some more.
-I was looking for my maid.
-She's just gone downstairs.
Can I help?
She's fetching me chocolate,
but I wonder if I prefer milk.
Would that be hot milk or cold?
You decide.
I couldn't say, my Lady.
Hot then, with something sweet.
Your hands are in your pockets.
Otherwise, I'll never sleep.
Why? Do you have
trouble sleeping, my Lady?
I have a feeling I might
have trouble tonight.
I'll be wide awake at one a.m.,
bored to sobs.
Then we must try and think of
something to amuse you.
-I'm so sorry, sir.
-lt's all right, it's fine.
I knew William would try
something like this. Fuck him.
Short arse.
And fuck this room.
You should come with me tomorrow.
I'll say I need you.
I got through to
the coast, finally.
Is that clock right?
We got turned down
by Una Merkel, so...
Sheehan's pushing for a rewrite.
He thinks the part's too small.
It's a Charlie Chan picture,
not a movie about a socialite.
will I see you later?
I don't think I should
risk it, do you?
Good night, sir.
Don't forget those.
They'll think you don't care.
-I took the wrong stairs.
-You better not be seen up here.
-I'd better go down.
-Why? There's no rush.
Since you're here now,
what about a drink?
What are you doing?
Get off me!
Get off me!
What's this?
What are you doing here?
I took the wrong staircase, I was
waiting till the coast was clear.
Go down before anyone catches you.
Just a minute.
-Do you want a drink?
What do you make of the place?
Is this a well-run house,
would you say?
-Sir William be good to work for?
-How long have you been doing this?
About seven years.
I was a footman before that.
And working for Lord Stockbridge,
-is that a promotion?
I used to be with
the Earl of Flintshire.
Then why did you move?
Because I felt like it.
Who's that?
That's my mother.
-Where's she live?
-She doesn't. I went to an orphanage.
That's right. Sorry.
What happened to her?
-What do you mean?
-Why did she die? Was she young?
Was it in childbirth?
You're not very curious, are you?
Yeah, she was young,
she worked in a factory,
she had me, and a little later,
she died. End of story.
Why didn't you say
she was a factory worker?
I didn't fancy discussing
my private life with strangers.
Sorry I spoke out of turn, mate.
Didn't mean to offend you.
I'm not offended.
And don't call me "mate".
Well, I'll see you later.
I've got a date with
a hot glass of milk.
I shouldn't worry about it.
It goes with the territory.
It's Mr. Novello.
And him sleeping downstairs.
I'm going to have to
watch you, girl.
Her Ladyship says Mr.Weissman's
a Hollywood producer.
-He does the Charlie Chan films.
-I like a fright in the cinema.
You could go with his valet.
He'd give you a fright.
Keep your eye on him.
I think he's a queer one.
He's not from Scotland
for a start.
At least not any part of it
that I know.
-What's Mrs. Nesbitt like?
-She's all right.
Feel a bit sorry for her.
-Of course, it never works.
-What never works?
When a man marries beneath him.
Hasn't the brains to carry it off.
It's romantic to marry for love.
Love? Not him.
He's a nasty piece of work.
"The Honourable Freddie Nesbitt".
That's a laugh.
He was after her father's money.
It was less than he thought.
Now it's spent, all he has
is a wife he's ashamed of.
And he's lost his job.
Wants Miss Isobel to put in
a word with Sir William.
-What's the matter?
-I never washed that shirt.
She's gonna kill me.
Do you think I could
do it now?
Do you want me to go with you?
No, I'll be all right.
What are you doing down here?
I have to wash Lady Trentham's
shirt for tomorrow.
There's a sink
in the ironing room.
Is someone in there?
What are you doing here?
I had to rinse this shirt out.
You should've knocked,
shouldn't you?
-Miss Trentham?
-I was washing a shirt
-for Her Ladyship.
-I hope you found all you required.
Does she have to have marmalade?
Dorothy made too little
and we've run out of home-made.
I don't suppose she'd care for
strawberry jam instead?
No, I thought not.
I wanted a word with Mrs. Wilson.
Tell Jennings we'll have the soup
after the fourth drive tomorrow.
And tell Mrs. Croft
to make sure it's hot.
It's been cold the last few weeks.
And more pepper to it.
Is that you?
Were you expecting someone else?
Don't coach your guns, even if
they can't hit a barn door.
-Or tell 'em unless they ask.
-Lovely day.
-I hope it hold. Enjoy the shoot.
Can a pheasant ever be dangerous?
-Do I worry about it attacking?
-Morning, sir.
-Right, draw your pegs.
-Morning, Jennings.
-Are you shooting today, sir?
I never shoot.
I'm starving.
Where have you been?
They always send up
a good breakfast here.
I'll say that for Sylvia.
She not at all mean
in that way.
Oh, dear.
Bought marmalade.
I call that very feeble.
One can't have everything.
I won't wear that shirt after all.
The other one's warmer.
Yummy, yummy.
What, you're going shooting?
Mr. Weissman wants me to
accompany him. Nothing wrong.
What for? You're not loading.
He hasn't got a gun.
-He might need something.
-What could he need?
We know the idea of service
is offensive to you, George,
but don't take it out on us.
Please forgive our ill manners,
Mr. Weissman.
He's got something to hide.
We all have something to hide,
Mr. Meredith.
Like to get changed now, miss?
-He won't do it.
-Who won't do what?
My father. He won't
give Freddie a job.
I spoke to him last night
and he said he'd think about it.
Now he says it isn't up to him.
-Why not?
-I don't know.
Something about why
Freddie was sacked,
but I can't get a straight answer
from either of them.
You've done your best.
Mr. Nesbitt can't ask for
more than that, can he?
But he can. Much more!
He says he's going to tell him.
Do you think he will?
I don't know. He says Daddy
will give him a job
to keep him quiet.
-Will you say something?
-To Mr. Nesbitt?
To Daddy.
Why do you think
I can make a difference?
Will you?
You should wear your
warm underwear today.
That's mine.
Oh God, it's on its way.
Bloody gun's no good.
I told you not to bring this.
I think I pricked that one.
I'm pretty sure...
Blast it!
-Are you all right, sir?
-No, I'm not all right.
-Where the hell did that come from?
-lt's nicked you.
God, it's nicked me.
Where did that...?
Who's the cretin that did that?
Find Strutt. Ask if he knows
who's responsible
and to send the gun
back to the bloody house.
Right you are, sir.
-Everyone knows we're desperate.
-There you are.
Did you find one?
-Don't look at me.
If I so much as open my mouth,
it'll make things worse.
I've already tried.
Jennings says the cars are ready.
Goody. I'm starving.
I can't just let him down.
What are you wearing?
Why? Don't you like it?
You bought it.
Did I? How extraordinary of me.
Come on, better get going.
-Where's that wretched Mabel?
-Has anyone checked her outfit?
She's probably in black velvet
-with a feather in her hair.
-She looks perfectly normal.
-Don't be a snob, Aunt Constance.
-Me? I haven't a snobbish bone.
Mr. Meredith,
is Mr. Stockbridge in?
Search me.
Sorry to disturb you. I was making
my routine inspection.
How are you settling in
with Lord Stockbridge?
How are you settling in
with Lord Stockbridge?
I know you haven't been
with him for long.
Not long, no.
Smoking isn't allowed up here.
I hope you have everything
to make His Lordship comfortable.
I hope we haven't
forgotten anything.
I can't believe you forget much,
Mrs. Wilson.
No, not much.
Well, I'll leave you to your book.
You should be more selective
about the people you invite.
I've got a good appetite.
Terribly muddy here. Do watch.
Do go in and have a drink.
It's a bloody awful thing
to have happened.
-Oh, I say.
Two inches to my right,
I would've been dead.
-What's happened to your ear?
-Some idiot shot me.
-I was a terrible shot.
-Did you have fun?
You don't realise
how serious this is.
Of course I do.
-Can't you get your sisters to help?
-You think I haven't tried?
-You know what they're like.
-They don't care if we go under,
as long as their dressmakers are busy
and dinner's served on time.
Wait, there's a queue here.
Shut the door, for heaven's sake!
Don't worry, it's only
Lewis and Dorothy.
If any men are found up here,
they get sacked on the spot.
Worse luck.
So you're a convent girl?
Or is that Presbyterian modesty?
-ls the water hot?
-Not really.
No. Won't be till
the guns get back.
I better get in yours.
Her Ladyship says Sir William
loves his shooting.
Yeah. Can't hit a barn door
but he does love it. It's sweet.
Last night...
No, I shouldn't say.
Yes, you should. What?
when I went down
to wash that shirt,
I think I saw him
in the ironing room.
-With one of the kitchen maids.
-That wouldn't have been him.
I think it was.
He came down the passage
a minute later and I don't see...
No, it wasn't him.
-You weren't serious last night?
-I'm afraid I was, old boy.
I was going to tell you
next week.
I don't think you grasp
what it'll do to the project.
-lt can't be as black as all that.
-Yes it bloody well is.
I'm sorry to hear that,
but business is business.
-I'm not a charity commissioner.
-I'm begging you.
Oh, dear.
-I'll clear that up.
-I'm sorry.
Meanwhile I'll get the glass
under the table.
Have you got a cloth?
A cloth... We'll clean that
at the house for you, sir.
I borrowed it from Lewis.
I've also been frightened to death.
Perfectly all right, sir.
You just leave this.
You know how you said
Sir William could have his pick
between Lady Sylvia
and Lady Stockbridge?
I asked Her Ladyship about it
and she said they
cut cards for him.
-I can't believe it either.
Do you suppose
it was a joke?
I wouldn't be too sure.
You know what I heard?
-Just listen to me.
Why do we spend our lives
living through them?
Look at poor old Lewis.
Her mother's heart attack'd mean
less to her than Lady Sylvia's farts.
You must know.
You can't fool me.
I don't look for discretion
in a maid.
-Except with my own secrets.
-I don't know much, my Lady.
but apparently he counted on
Sir William for an investment
and guaranteed his interest,
whatever that means.
Anyway, Barnes his valet
said he wanted to leave at once,
but Lady Lavinia persuaded him
to stay until tomorrow,
to make less of a thing of it.
Thank heavens. Lewis told me
-you were wearing white.
-She's mad. I never wear white.
I thought it was a little odd.
By the way,
don't rub him up tonight.
-I don't know what you mean.
-You know exactly what I mean.
He's in a filthy mood
with everyone.
He's talking about
stopping your allowance.
But it's for life!
That was settled. He can't.
Just you watch him.
He's spoiling for a fight,
so don't give him one.
Now that,
you can be discreet about.
Thank you.
Isn't it pretty here?
The house has such a
lovely position.
The best view is from
the old water tower.
You might walk up there tomorrow.
Do you really have to
go back to London?
I'm afraid so, Raymond.
When you're ruined,
there's so much to do.
Yes, there is, isn't there?
Moan, moan, moan.
Anyone care for a game
of bridge
-after dinner?
-Yes, I wouldn't mind.
Who else? Louisa, how about you?
I don't think so. I've rather
gone off cards.
I've never been lucky with them.
Me too.
Mr. Weissman.
-Tell us about your film.
It's called
"Charlie Chan in London".
-lt's a detective story.
-Set in London?
Not really.
Most of it takes place
at a shooting party in
a country house. Like this one.
A murder at night.
A lot of guests for the weekend.
Everyone's a suspect.
That sort of thing.
How horrid.
Who turns out to have done it?
I couldn't tell you.
That would spoil it for you.
But none of us will see it.
Are you making it here?
No, we'll shoot it in Hollywood.
On the back lot.
But since I was in England
I thought I'd do a little research
on country living and Ivor
was kind enough to
arrange it for me.
No, William arranged it for you.
Are you interested in films, sir?
Not likely.
Why shouldn't I be interested?
You don't know what
I'm interested in.
You're interested in money
and fiddling with your guns,
-but anything else and I'm stumped.
-That is not fair. Billy...
Elsie, what's...?
It's not as if I didn't know.
So we can all play bridge.
-All playing?
-Who's going to play bridge?
Where's Rupert?
I heard Lady Sylvia
spoke out of turn.
-What'll happen to Elsie?
-Lucky if they don't boot her out
-before morning.
-You should've seen it.
She has been here a long time.
Shall I tell you what that
means to them? Bugger all.
Please. There are ladies present.
Where exactly is
-Sir William now?
-The library. He won't come out.
Mr. Meredith,
may I ask what is going on?
George, join me in the drawing room
as soon as possible.
-Mr. Probert, take them downstairs.
Dorothy, I'm surprised at you.
Come along, ladies.
Is it true then?
Has Elsie really been sacked?
-Lady Trentham.
luck of the draw.
-I think I'd like to...
-Darling, we've just cut.
-Allow me.
-Thank you so much.
Am I awful if I ask you to play
something to cheer us up?
-No, of course not.
-Thank you.
I've booked the first passage home
and I'll be living on the phone
till I set sail
and I have to be
in London tomorrow,
so if you'd prefer to stay,
I can take a train.
-I'll give you a lift.
-Thank you.
You're providing a lot of
entertainment for nothing.
I'm used to it.
Excuse me.
Somewhere there's another land...
Darling, you're not going to
watch over my shoulder?
You'll put me off.
...that little place we know.
Do you think he'll be
as long as he usually is?
-I think he's rather wonderful.
I have only seen one.
We shall never find
that lovely land
of Might-Have-Been.
I shall never be your king,
nor you shall be my queen.
Days may pass
and years may pass
and seas may lie between...
-We shouldn't be doing this.
-Come on.
Sometimes, on the rarest nights,
comes the vision...
I don't know. It's just...
-How could she let him touch her?
-Sounds like you don't like him.
You'd be surprised.
-All right, surprise me.
-Maybe I will.
I saw him in "The Lodger",
but I've never heard him
sing in person.
Hope that plays her tune alone,
love that conquers pain
and death.
Will you excuse me a minute?
-You don't need my help?
Shall I ever be your king?
Oh, my Lord!
Days may pass or years
may pass and seas
may lie between.
Shall we ever find
our lovely land?
It seems much more than
background music somehow.
Ivor, darling, it was lovely.
Thank you.
I seem to be the victim
of a cruel jest.
It dogs my footsteps
with the girl I love the best.
It's the commander!
-Oh, excuse me.
-Good evening, sir.
-No, carry on.
-Yes, sir.
My car will meet her
and her mother comes too.
What do you want?
-Brought you some coffee.
-lf I wanted it, I'd have rung.
Leave that. Give me some whisky.
And her brother comes too.
I thought you might
need a drink.
And some company.
That's very kind of you.
Give me just a sec.
Lovely, long repertoire.
-Where's Anthony?
-Washing his hands, I suppose.
Managed to escape this, didn't he?
He hasn't gone to bother
William again, has he?
I can give you the starlight,
love unchanging and true...
We've run out of milk.
Won't be a moment.
Desperate for a fag.
...pools of shimmering blue.
All that I can be,
all you ask of me,
music in spring,
flowers for a king,
all these I bring for you.
When I was young,
my foolish fancies...
Where's Mr. Weissman's man?
He's missing the music.
What are you doing?
Dorothy, get back to work.
Excuse me...
but Dorothy's under
my jurisdiction as well,
and I say she can listen to
a spot of music if she likes.
-Excuse me, where's the telephone?
-Sorry, sir.
It's just over there.
...pools of shimmering blue.
Call and I can be
all you ask of me.
Music in spring,
flowers for a king,
all these I bring to you.
Don't encourage him.
He'll just go on and on.
In BC 33, ah me,
that's a dash long time ago,
there lived a Roman hero
who had shaken hands with Nero.
You're still here.
-I thought that...
-Appearances can be deceptive.
Good night.
So if you wonder
what a duke should be,
just you take another look at me.
When old King Canute
was buying fruit
one day, so runs the tale,
a young convicted felon
brought him a juicy melon
and was then released from jail.
This noble youth,
to tell the truth,
sailed right away to sea
and the Duke of Malta's daughter
brought up his shaving water
and the grand result was me.
So if you wonder what
a duke should be, just take
another look at me.
I'm doubty,
I'm gouty,
I'm wonderful to see.
All my people,
upon my soul it's true
look on Noah as a parvenu.
You can search your family tree
but you'll never find
a duke like me.
If you wonder what a duke
could be, take another look at me.
I'm doubty, I'm gouty,
I'm wonderful to see.
All my people,
upon my soul it's true,
look on Noah as a parvenu.
You can search your family tree,
but you'll never find...
So he gave you that
for your birthday, did he?
He gave you that for your
birthday, William did?
I've got a call booked
for California.
We're both undoubtedly sane.
We're not so horribly plain.
Something is wrong, but who
can tell us what.
-Freddie, we gave up on you.
-No, please, sit down.
We waited as long as we could.
-ls William still in the library?
-Where have you been?
-I suppose...
-Where could he be?
None of your bloody business.
-I could try and fetch him.
-Would you?
He's always preferred you to me.
Yes, I'd be delighted.
Today is not my day.
If that's what you call a moment,
I'd like to see
when you take a real break.
Here, did yours as well.
-Before the rush starts.
-Thank you.
Why isn't it you?
Why must we miss
a chance like this?
-Where have you been?
-lt's fine, it's fine.
God, Bill.
Come here, you horrid dirty thing.
You've got lips for me,
the hips for me,
the feet for me,
and the beat for me.
Dear God!
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me, madam.
Oh, dear.
-Stand back, Johnny.
-Give her some air.
Could somebody get
a glass of water?
-Keep everybody out of this room.
-Yes, certainly, sir.
Now Louisa, do sit
and be quiet.
-Just stay there.
-ls she all right?
-Everything's fine.
You can tell Mr. Warner...
-Excuse me, I need that phone.
-Excuse me, I'm on the telephone.
I'm on a call to California.
Could you connect me with
the police station, please?
I'm looking for a realistic
Charlie Chan movie.
This isn't out of the question.
We should try.
We can't do the same shit
over and over again.
Alan Mowbray. I like that.
These people look like him.
They're tall, don't say much,
and have fucking British accents.
They talk like they're
from England.
-Evening. We've been expecting you.
-This is Constable Dexter, I'm...
-You must be the police.
-Yes, I'm Inspector Thom...
I'm Lady Sylvia McCordle.
We haven't moved him.
Everyone's in the red room.
Like to come straight through?
-He's just an American staying here.
I'll tell you who we are
and we can leave you with William.
Yes, indeed. I'm Inspector...
-Lady Trentham.
-Yes, the Countess of Trentham.
I served with your husband
on a committee...
My brother-in-law Lord Stockbridge,
Lady Stockbridge.
Jennings, please would you remove
that vile animal.
Mrs. Nesbitt, Mr. Nesbitt.
Ivor Novello, but I'm sure needs
no introduction. No, wait.
Would you like to speak to
the servants tonight?
He ought to speak to Probert.
Tell him to come up.
-Where was I?
-lsobel McCordle, my daughter.
-Chan's in London, not California.
We have rewrites of
the cockney maid part
and she runs in
and says all these things.
I'm here. They don't talk.
The butlers and maids,
they stand. They serve.
What about Claudette Colbert?
She sounds British.
Is she affected or British?
Dorothy, would you take...?
Come on, spit it out.
-The police would like to see you.
No, Mrs. Croft, Mr. Probert.
I don't know what I can tell them.
George, see if anything more
is required in the red room.
I don't see the point in
the rest of you waiting up.
What about me, Mr. Jennings?
You can go as soon as the police
release you. Some time tomorrow.
Until then, you can
stay in your room.
I'm not contagious, you know.
Nobody's going anywhere.
Those with remaining duties,
see to them quickly.
good night, everyone.
Fat old oik.
-Mr. Jennings.
-Yes, Mr. Weissman.
I have a confession to make.
I think it's clear
the valet did it.
No, because the valet has
access to everybody.
No, the valet isn't the butler.
There's one butler
and lots of valets.
He takes care of people.
He's in their rooms at night.
The valet could easily
have done it.
Pull yourself together, Mr. Probert.
Be patient.
They'll be along in a minute.
Couldn't I just make him
a bit more comfortable, sir?
-Have a heart, Inspector.
-lt wouldn't be wise, sir.
We shouldn't have to wait
much longer now.
I don't think it would
do any harm. Go on.
See that's why we have
rules and regulations.
What is it, Dexter?
There doesn't seem to be
much blood, sir.
-ls that everything, my Lord?
-Yes. Thank you, Parks.
-You should try to sleep.
-lt's so unfair.
Nobody liked him.
Stop snivelling. Anyone would
think you were ltalian.
Will you let me help you?
No, I can manage.
-Then I'll say good night.
-No, wait.
Thank you, my Lady.
What is it?
Please tell me you haven't
come with condolences.
No, I was just wondering
-if you wanted some com...
I said I was just wondering
if you wanted some company.
I suppose life must go on.
Unhook me.
No, there's another one.
You'll never get it off like that.
I'm sorry, for everything.
Don't feel sorry for me.
Pity that poor Dorothy.
She's got the early morning teas
and the breakfast trays...
then get Miss Isobel down,
if there's anything in black.
She needs your sympathy.
I'm well out of it.
I would think Miss Isobel
would stay in bed tomorrow.
Unmarried girls
don't have breakfast trays.
Not in this house.
I wish I could help.
Well, you can't.
George says Mr. Novello
was in on it. And Sir William.
The point is, that Henry Denton,
he's an actor.
An actor?
He's playing a butler
in the next Charlie Chan.
I'd say the joke was on Lady Sylvia.
I hope Mr. Jennings
wasn't his model,
or he'd be too squiffy
to remember his lines.
Mrs. Croft, isn't it?
I wonder if I could
have a few words with you.
I'm Inspector Thom...
I haven't got time for this.
I'm doing the breakfasts.
It won't take much time.
Perhaps you have a room.
You better come to my room.
Bertha, I'm leaving you in charge.
Dorothy, make sure the menus
are on Her Ladyship's tray.
Get that filthy dog out of here.
these days the countryside
is more dangerous than Piccadilly.
Why a silver pantry knife?
It doesn't make sense.
He must have forgotten
to bring one.
Think of what they
have to carry about.
All those jemmies and torches
and skeleton keys.
It's a miracle anyone
ever gets burgled.
It's glacial in here.
Get my fur, will you?
Anyway, it wasn't in
the silver pantry.
It went missing yesterday.
Obviously William had it.
When the fellow surprised him,
there it was, handy as you like.
Are any of the others
getting up for breakfast?
Lady Lavinia may be.
That settles it. Come back
at 8:30. I'll get dressed.
It's the greatest bore,
of course.
But I don't want to
miss anything.
When I came back last night,
-I found this on my table.
-What is it?
"This is your final warning.
If I've not received an offer..."
Freddie". What a stupid idiot!
At least he's off your back.
No one will give him
a job to shut up.
He's quite a bonny lad.
What's he up to these days?
He's dead.
I don't know what I can tell you.
Shouldn't you be looking for
signs of a break in?
I understand that no one has
served Sir William
longer than you have.
I better be off.
Might not see you again.
I'm only staying
till the police give the nod.
But Elsie,
you're not in any difficulty?
Apart from having
no home and no job?
No, there's no worries there.
Yes, I was forgetting.
You were much cleverer than I was.
You'll be fine.
What will Lady Sylvia do?
I'd set up in London
as a glamorous widow
with all the gentlemen
chasing me for my money.
I wouldn't. I grew up in London.
-ls that where the orphanage was?
-On the edge. Isleworth.
And don't you get homesick?
Not if you never had a home.
Heard about Weissman's valet?
-What about him?
-Turns out he's a fraud.
-He isn't Scottish at all.
-I could've told you that.
-Who is he then?
-ls he the murderer?
Worse than that. He's an actor.
Yes, I want you to wake him up.
How else do I talk to him?
Yes, right. What did he say?
He's talking about
Clara Bow again? Listen.
Tell Sheehan I think
Clara Bow is a nice person,
and I don't want her
in the fucking movie.
This bastard's death
may have saved my bacon.
For God's sake, be quiet.
What the matter with you?
-Are these tomatoes?
-Yes, my Lady.
That's exactly what I want.
-Good morning.
-Morning, dear.
Have you heard? That frightful
inspector won't let anyone leave.
Another day of Weissman
shouting down the telephone.
He has some work problems
in Los Angeles.
I must say he conducts
his affairs very oddly.
Coming downstairs, I thought
I was in a Marseilles bar.
Excuse me. I'm expecting
a really important phone call.
-Would you get me when it comes?
-Very good, sir.
Thank you. And I'd like
tomato and eggs.
Of course, sir, but...
perhaps you would prefer to
choose for yourself, sir?
What do you mean,
like cafeteria style?
The Englishman is never
waited on at breakfast.
Really? That's interesting,
because an American is.
I'm gonna make a note of that.
-Good morning.
I'd like some coffee, Jennings.
There it is.
You haven't made
a lot of friends here.
Good. Good morning,
ladies, gents.
I wonder, excuse me...
-Will Lady Sylvia be down soon?
-I shouldn't think so.
She has breakfast in her room,
then usually goes for a ride.
But she won't be doing that
this morning, will she?
Oh, I see.
In that case, Lady Trentham,
I wonder if you'd be kind enough
to join us for some questions?
If you wish, Inspector.
I won't be much help.
But on a day like this
we all have to pull our weight.
Mr. Denton made a chump
out of Mr. Jennings.
Never mind that.
Did you hear about Sir William?
Apparently he wasn't stabbed.
I mean, he was,
but that's not why he died.
He was poisoned.
That's what killed him.
Inspector told Mrs. Croft.
They don't know why the killer
stabbed him but he was dead.
That's why there was no blood.
Dead bodies don't bleed.
Trust Sir William
to be murdered twice.
He wasn't murdered,
not that sort of murder.
Some ruffian broke in
thinking the library was empty.
Sir William surprised him
and paid the price for it.
-And very tragic it is too.
-I can't see that.
I mean...
ruffians don't poison people
and then stab the corpses.
Apart from anything else,
they're usually in a hurry
to get away, aren't they?
What are you suggesting?
Nothing, just...
Just what?
It looks like Sir William
was killed deliberately.
No wonder they won't let us go.
Tough luck on anyone
who's got secrets to hide.
Now they've cancelled
the shooting,
muggins here has to pull
a luncheon out of the hat.
-ls Her Ladyship back yet?
Then she'll take what she gets.
Why would anyone kill Sir William?
He wasn't exactly
Father Christmas.
Get on with your work.
And take that filthy dog out.
He made a few enemies in his time.
-"Enemies"? When?
-ls this before the war?
When you were a factory worker?
I was never a factory worker.
I was a cook in
one of his factories.
He had two in Isleworth
and two in Twickenham,
all full of girls,
so you can imagine.
Weren't factory girls risky?
Suppose they had complained?
Who to exactly?
What if they got in trouble?
-What sort of trouble?
-Take these. Whites only.
Didn't happen very often.
When it did,
he'd arrange to have it adopted.
What if you didn't want it adopted?
-Say you wanted to keep it?
-Then you lost your job.
Take my word, he was
a hard-hearted, randy old sod.
-Come in, I'm Inspector...
-This is all
too tiresome and absurd.
He's making the most dreadful fuss.
I'd like to ask the young lady
some questions.
I'm not leaving,
if that's what you think.
Does it bother you
if Lady Trentham stays?
-Why should it?
-Sir, someone's
traipsed a load of mud in here.
Not now, Dexter.
I understood there was
some difficulty between
-Sir William and your employer.
-This is too vulgar.
I wasn't aware of that.
They got on well.
-You were not conscious...?
-There's a broken coffee cup.
They have people to
clear these things up.
On with your job.
So you were not aware of
trouble over the matter of
an allowance?
An allowance, I might add,
that Sir William's death
has now made secure.
What allowance would that be, sir?
There you are.
Have you got enough light?
Black on black. We don't
want you going blind.
They've got to be done.
Outside staff
need them for the funeral.
Sorry this business with Elsie
has landed you with so much work.
That's what comes of being reliable.
Never mind me.
Mr. Jennings...
have you spoken to
the police again?
Not yet, no.
I suppose they have to
ask their questions, don't they?
Well, yes.
Will they be talking to
all of us?
I shouldn't think so.
I'll leave you to it then.
Mr. Jennings.
You know I'd say anything
you want me to.
I don't care if it'll help you.
You've only to ask.
Let me pour you a cup of tea.
Yes, thank you. Mind putting
the milk in afterwards?
I don't know what came over me.
I usually put it in afterwards,
-but on that occasion...
Not now, thank you.
So sorry.
Mrs. Thompson prefers the milk
in first, so I...
get used to pouring for her.
Some nonsense
about bacteria. You know
what women are like, well, wives.
She's a funny old... Sugar?
No, thank you.
-Mr. Parks.
Robert, then.
It's just...
last night when you said
you'd surprise me,
you didn't mean anything
by it, did you?
Why? Don't you like surprises?
Mr. Stockbridge.
I assume you're all aware
that Mr. Denton
played a trick on us by
posing as a valet.
Since Sir William was aware of it,
it's not for anyone to criticise it.
However, it leaves us with
some adjustments for this evening.
Arthur, you'll dress Mr. Weissman.
That leaves Mr. Novello.
I don't want to ask you,
Mr. Probert.
-I don't mind.
-You've got enough on your plate.
-I'll do him if you like.
-That's very generous of you.
-I could always do it myself.
-lt's no trouble for a night or two.
Splendid. That's settled then.
I think we can leave Mr. Denton
to dress himself.
"The bastard's death may have
saved my bacon".
-What did he mean by that?
-lsn't it obvious?
Is it?
Perhaps the investment
Sir William had agreed
would have to be paid now. Sir.
What about the low shot
that nearly killed him?
-What is it?
We haven't dusted those things
for fingerprints yet.
-Might the shot have been intended?
-lt nearly took his ear off.
Thank you.
You've been most helpful.
Ask Commander Meredith
to join us now.
You won't tell him
what I said, Inspector Thomas?
Thompson! Never mind.
Just go and fetch him, please.
-We've only got this.
-Mine hasn't go any black here.
We've got some new ones.
-You're a lech.
They're coming in a minute.
The dressing bell's just gone.
I'm going out of my mind.
I've read my magazines twice.
Get something from the library,
even if it's "Horse and Hound".
Well, we are honoured.
In case you've forgotten,
this is the servants' area.
Yours is at the top of the
stairs behind that door.
Barnes, I just wanted to explain.
No explanation necessary,
Mr. Denton.
If you'll excuse me,
some of us have real work to do.
-Come on, Arthur.
-The accent was a dead give away.
-I was just having fun.
-Enjoy your fun in the drawing room.
They're afraid you'll repeat things,
be indiscreet.
But I'm very discreet.
I'm known in Hollywood for it.
My discretion.
-Tell Rupert, he won't give money.
-You misunderstand me.
And mummy wouldn't pay
five pounds to save me.
Poor darling, come here.
Don't think I'm enjoying this.
All I wanted was a job.
I'll give you a cheque
after dinner.
-Have you seen my man Parks?
-No, I've been with the police.
You look as if you've had
rather a pasting.
They kept on about
the low shot yesterday
and wouldn't let it go.
Obviously I told them it was
nothing to do with me.
I'm sure, but another time
try to be less greedy.
Attend to Mr. Novello first.
I want a word with Her Ladyship.
Very well, my Lord.
-I saw you.
Of course it was an accident.
It's hard for a short man like you
to gauge the height of the birds.
Mr. Meredith.
You haven't seen Commander Meredith
anywhere, have you?
He's not downstairs or in his room.
I washed and dressed him.
Not my fault he can't find his way.
-I didn't mean to disturb you.
-No, please.
I'm just trying
some of your jam.
I must be in your way.
No, no bother.
What one is that, sir?
It's raspberry, October '31 .
You might like to try
-the strawberry one.
-Was there strawberry?
Are you all right, sir?
I've just been with the inspector
and I feel a little bruised.
Why is it, would you say,
that some people seem to get
whatever they want in life?
Everything they touch
turns to gold.
Whereas others can strive
and strive...
and have nothing?
Do you believe in luck?
Do you believe some men are lucky
and some men just aren't,
-and nothing they can do about it?
-I believe in love.
Not just getting it,
giving it.
As long as you can love somebody,
whether or not they love you,
then it's worth it.
That's a good answer.
I'd better go.
They must've finished dinner.
Thank you.
I thought the wine was
frightful tonight. Vile.
Jennings, old boy.
I'll have a bourbon.
We don't have bourbon.
Ordinary Scotch or single malt.
Ordinary for me.
I'm just an American.
This is not an ideal time,
but I'd like to
see you again.
Mabel is so clever
to travel light.
Why wear a different frock
every night?
-We're not in a fashion parade.
-No, and I wouldn't want to be.
-Excuse me.
-Difficult colour, green.
-What did she say?
-Very tricky.
-Excuse me.
This tune used to make me cry.
I promise you I can
pay you back every penny.
I must say...
your guests have more
comfortable beds than servants.
Excuse me.
What did Isobel give you?
What did Isobel give to you?
Tell me!
would you play something cheerful?
We're all quite emotional
enough as it is.
Excuse me.
Freddie, stop all your lies!
If you don't give it to me now,
I'll scream this house down.
If you don't believe me,
try me.
Where have you been?
You've missed dinner.
We can organise a tray.
Try buying yourself
a new frock with that.
-We gave up, Louisa.
I'm so sorry.
No coffee, but I'll have...
-I apologise. I can't imagine...
-Son of a bitch, it was on purpose.
Shall I fetch you a towel?
-Oh dear.
Clean this up.
They fished parts of her body
from the Thames.
-Some more tea, Constable?
-I'll take that, Bertha.
-Well, go on.
-No head, no hands.
What's the point?
Won't it all be chucked out?
I'll know I've left it in order.
That's all I can do now.
-Yeah, but he won't...
-Leave him alone.
George had his revenge on Denton.
Hot coffee in the lap.
-Poor Mr. Denton.
-I'm glad I caught you.
I assume the inspector won't
keep everyone beyond tomorrow.
-He hasn't spoken to some servants.
-Dexter. We're going home.
I was asking how long
our guests will be staying.
Mrs. Croft has meals to arrange,
and one of the maids
-is anxious to get away.
-No need to worry about that.
I've no interest in the servants,
only those connected to the dead man.
I see. Thank you.
Do you have a light, Inspector?
I think we can
let them all go home.
Got their addresses after all.
Dexter will be here tomorrow
to confirm that.
But don't worry,
it doesn't end here.
Whoever he is, I'll find him.
I always do.
Inspector. Matches.
Yes. Thank you.
-Sir, it's this way.
-Yes, yes.
There's a way out that way,
but we'll take your way.
Beg your pardon, just collecting
Mr. Nesbitt's shoes.
These stairs are
the easiest way up.
-Thank you...
-George, sir.
You naughty, naughty girl.
Poor bloke.
We were in the ironing room
and a visiting maid came in.
He must think
I did it on purpose.
-You won't tell, will you?
-I won't tell.
You're lucky you're in kitchen
and not under Mrs. Wilson.
She'd have sniffed you out
without my help.
Do you think Sir William
was in love with you?
No, I was a bit of fun,
that's all.
And you?
No, I didn't love him.
I didn't mind him, but...
I liked the way he'd talk.
He only talked to me
because he was sick of her,
but I liked it. He said...
I could be what I wanted
as long as I wanted it enough.
You're not sorry then,
-even the way things turned out?
-No, I'm not sorry.
Time for a change. Who knows?
Could be the making of me.
What did he use to day?
Carpe Diem. Seize the day.
What's up?
What did I say?
Where are you going?
Who is it?
What are you doing?
Get back to your room.
You don't want to be caught here.
You didn't really
dislike him, did you?
Not really.
At least, not enough
to kill him.
You can't have.
You didn't know him.
You'd have to hate him,
and why would you?
Can't a man hate his own father?
Sir William McCordle...
was my father.
He didn't know it,
but he was.
-You said you were an orphan.
-I said I grew up in an orphanage.
Before I left, a group of us
broke in and took our files.
I found my birth certificate:
mother's name, father unknown.
I found this photograph.
And they had my admission form.
I was two days old.
Guess who brought me to the door.
-That doesn't mean he...
-Yes, it does.
I found out she worked
in one of his factories.
She wasn't the only one.
The authorities didn't know
or want to. They took his babies
and took his money.
What happened to your mother?
She died.
Is that why you took the job
with Lord Stockbridge?
To get to Sir William?
-To poison him?
-I didn't poison him.
-I didn't poison him.
Then you didn't kill him!
Did you stab him?
Even if you did,
he was already dead.
Whoever did it must've known.
You can't stab a corpse and not know.
When was the last time
you stabbed a corpse?
Who really murdered him then?
I don't know.
I don't care.
I've wanted to do that ever since
I first set eyes on you.
Mr. Jennings.
Wilson, Mrs. Wilson...
Dorothy. I need your help.
Of course, Mrs. Wilson.
Are you all right?
No-one must see him like this.
-Mr. Jennings, come on.
-Come on, Mr. Jennings.
-All right. Bed time.
-No. This way, Mr. Jennings.
Bedtime now. Come on.
-My reference?
-You'll get your reference.
Into bed now.
Take his trousers off,
would you Dorothy?
I couldn't do that,
Mrs. Wilson.
Take his trousers off.
Come on, girl.
Is Lady Sylvia?
She's not here, is he?
-Who is it?
-I'm ever so sorry, sir.
-Sorry for what?
-I'm not meant to wake you.
Why does everyone treat me like
one of these stupid snobs?
I spent half the week
downstairs with all of you.
You can't be
on both teams at once.
It's official.
They're off after breakfast.
Thank God for that
What about him?
He's going too. As soon as
he's seen Mr. Jennings.
Are you all right?
You sound a bit funny.
Just too many fags.
They'll be the death of me.
Here, you finish it.
-Did you tell the police that stuff?
-I did not. Sorry if I shock you,
but the plain fact is he only
got what he deserved.
There, I've said it.
I can't stop thinking about
those girls.
-The ones that got, you know.
-I'm not surprised,
the way you carry on.
Just see it never happens to you.
No, and even if it did, I couldn't
part with my baby for a job.
I'm very glad to hear it.
Who is it?
Don't mind me.
-lnspector asked me to take a look.
-ls the inspector with you?
We're working from
the station. See if we can't manage
things better from there.
What about the poison?
Have you traced that at least?
This house is a poisoner's paradise.
We've found the stuff
in practically...
every room.
Unfortunately, no one's got
a police record.
Except you, of course.
Perhaps the butler did it.
I had a brother who was
a conscientious objector.
He did a bit of time, too.
Do they know upstairs you refused
to fight and were sent to prison?
I'd forget about it if I were you.
Not everyone's cut out to be
a soldier.
Did you remember the others boxes?
-Everything's in the car.
Darling. Here I come.
-I can't wait to leave this place.
-Let's go.
What are we supposed to do now?
Freddie, do try to stop being so
frightened all the time.
-Have I made a fool of myself?
-Maybe, but you're my fool.
Anthony, I just...
I wanted to remind you of the
conversation we had the other night.
Perhaps this is not the most
appropriate moment, but
when you get the Sudan you'll
need an expert,
and I'm your man.
Did you ask her?
-I think that's a good thing.
Servants' hall gossip says
-it won't be till her mother dies.
-Jeremy, you are so...
If that's the case, it's too long
for you to wait.
You can do better.
Have you checked your room?
You mustn't leave anything behind.
I'm sure mummy's going to sell
the house.
Isobel! Isobel!
Kent's taking over the studio.
He loves Charlie Chan
and he hates Winfield Sheehan.
No more rewrites
and I can cast whoever I like.
-That was painless, wasn't it?
-No it wasn't.
Not for me, anyway.
Careful. Watch yourself.
Do they know?
-Do you think they might notice?
I don't care.
Hey, you there.
Where are you going?
To the station.
You want a ride to London?
Sure, why not?
-Hop in.
-Thank you.
There you go.
Good luck.
-Don't do anything I wouldn't do.
-That gives me room for maneuver.
Keep your hands to yourself.
You Brits don't have a sense
of humor, do you?
We do if something's funny, sir.
-Mr. Jennings.
-Be quick about.
it's getting so expensive leaving
something for the housemaids,
one might as well take a suite
at the Ritz.
What about William's little maid?
I never saw her again after dinner.
-She's gone.
-lt's a pity really.
It was a good idea to have
someone whose sorry he's dead.
-Did you have a nice ride?
-I feel guilty. Everyone's gone.
Apart from you and Louisa.
Why don't you stay for luncheon?
No. Best be off.
Leave you in peace.
You will telephone about
the funeral plans?
-Don't come if it's a bore.
-Of course I'm coming.
-What will you do with this place?
-I don't know.
Will you keep it?
It's so difficult.
Does one really want
the bother nowadays?
I could shut it up
and make a decision when
my head stops spinning.
Mrs. Wilson could manage till
you're ready.
She could manage all right.
Let's not worry about that.
She'll get rid of
the wretched Mrs. Croft.
-Why are those two such enemies?
-I don't know.
They were both workers in
one of William's sweatshops.
Mrs. Croft was the senior then.
She was the cook.
And Mrs. Wilson,
a lowly factory worker.
Now that she's gone up,
poor Crofty can't abide it.
Usual rubbish.
Was there ever a Mr. Wilson?
-I can't imagine it.
-Nor could I.
Although, funnily enough,
I think there must have been.
Really? You amaze me.
She might have changed her name,
but when she worked with William
she was something different.
Parks or Parker or Parkinson,
or something like that.
Come in.
-You're busy.
-I was checking the linen rotation.
If left it to the maids,
twenty sheets would be rags.
Why did you do it?
How did you know it was him?
-The name or the photograph.
-Yes, the photograph.
It's a miracle that survived.
His mother put it into his blanket.
I suppose she wanted him to have
something of hers.
Does he know what happened to her?
They said she died just after
he was born.
She didn't die, she gave him away.
He promised the boy would be
adopted, that he knew the family.
Turns out we all
clung to that dream.
All us girls.
A better start in life
for our children.
And he was dumping them
in some God-forsaken place.
And I believed him.
I suppose it was easier that way.
My sister never forgave me.
-Your sister?
-Mrs. Croft. She's my sister.
Didn't you know?
She kept hers.
It was very hard for her.
She lost her job and the baby died.
Scarlet fever.
I made him take her back.
She never forgave me for that either.
But even if Robert is your son,
how did you know that
he meant to harm his father?
What gift separates a good servant
from the others?
It's the gift of anticipation.
I am a good servant.
I'm better. I'm the best.
I'm the perfect servant.
When they're hungry, food is ready.
When they're tired, a bed.
I know before they know it.
Are you going to tell him?
Why? What purpose
would it possibly serve?
-What if they find out what happened?
-Not much a crime
to stab a dead man, is it?
They can never touch him.
That's important. His life.
And your life?
I'm the perfect servant.
I have no life.
-Her Ladyship's leaving now, miss.
-Thank you, George.
You should go now, Miss Trentham.
-Here you are.
-Most generous. Thank you.
Let us know if there's
anything we can do to help.
-Are you going to go away at all?
-Not once the shooting's finished.
-Thank you for your help last night.
-You don't have to thank me.
I would kill for Mr. Jennings
if I had to.
Don't cry, Jane, they'll hear you.
Come on.
You did what you felt
was best for him at the time.
I see that now.
I've lost him.
I've lost him.
He'll never know me now.
-My boy.
-At least your boy's alive.
He's alive.
That's what matters.
-So, you're leaving.
Goodbye then.
Goodbye, my dear. Chin up.
Heavens, what a relief to be going.
It'll take me a month to recover.
Mary, Mary dear...
Do you think if there's
a trial I might have to testify
in court? Or you?
I can't think of anything worse.
Imagine a person being hanged
because of what one said in court.
I know. And what purpose could it
possibly serve anyway?
Somewhere there's another land
different from this world below,
far more mercifully planned
than the cruel place we know.
Innocence and peace are there
all is good that is desired,
faces there are always fair
love grows never old nor tired.
We shall never find that lovely land
of Might-Have-Been,
I can never be your king
nor you can be my queen.
Days my pass,
and years my pass
and seas may lie between.
We shall never find that
lovely land
of Might-Have-Been.
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